Law of Attraction and Dreams, Premonitions or Predictions


 Law of Attraction and Dreams, Premonitions or Predictions

Everyone is familiar with the Law of Attraction and how it features in movies and popular books such as The Secret. You will have heard of people using it to manifest their desires and dreams - doing this by sending out a 'positive vibration'.

The Law of Attraction advocates a specific technique for 'manifesting' your desires. This technique involves visualizing what you want, thinking about it positively, believing in yourself, feeling happy, grateful and appreciative when you do get what you want. This technique has been used to manifest goals ranging from meeting one's soulmate to getting a new job. It's all too tempting not to try this powerful mind-set tool and see how far it can take us...

The law of attraction has a fascinating connection with dreams, premonitions or predictions. I remember as a child, having a strange experience. I was lying in bed and asked myself, 'What will I be when I grow up?' As soon as the words left my mouth, I had the strangest feeling - like someone had flicked a switch inside my head. The answer came to me instantly - 'a psychologist'.

I wasn't particularly interested in psychology at that age and had certainly never considered it as a possible profession. And yet there it was, planted into my mind.

It was something I had expected to happen, yet it still came as a surprise. 

In retrospect, I think it's possible that the answer to my question had been planted earlier in my life. I think that perhaps there was a time when it had not yet occurred to me to become a psychologist, but it had been decided for me. The strangest thing about this experience was that I could hardly remember anything of it twenty years later - except for the word 'psychologist'. Yet when this answer came, the words were so clear and precise and exact - and so absolutely right - that they seemed to have just popped out of my own mind...

In the past I have also had experiences where in my dreams, I began to experience a strong feeling that something was going to happen. I would often dream that I was in a situation where some event was about to happen, but at the last minute, something would occur that changed things.

Sometimes the unexpected event would be a sign of forewarning. Sometimes it would come at just the right moment. Sometimes it wouldn't do any good at all - and sometimes it was good enough! Once, many years ago, when I lived in London and had just started working as a dancer (which is what I studied for), I dreamed that my ballet teacher said to me: "You are out of shape. You must come to class."

I got up the next day and caught the bus to class feeling quite confident and happy. When I arrived, I found that there was a different teacher from the usual one. It turned out that this teacher had been 'given' our normal teacher to teach for the day...

The new teacher looked at me rather intently and asked me how long it had been since my last class. I replied that it had been about two months since my last class! She then proceeded to make me sit in a corner for the whole of the lesson - and wouldn't let me join in any of the exercises with everyone else because I was 'out of shape'. She was mortified about this and kept saying that she had never seen anyone as out of shape before - and also kept asking me how I could let myself go like this!

The truth is that I had put on a bit of weight and then went off to work as a dancer. So I was a little bit out of shape - but not much. But the point is that in my dream, when the teacher made her comment about me being out of shape, I did not say 'no'. Instead, I just accepted it. And as a result of this, I got stuck in the corner for the whole lesson.

The weird thing about it is that at the time, I couldn't understand why my usual teacher wasn't coming. And if I had thought more about it, perhaps I would have checked up on her and discovered that she wasn't ill after all...

And then sometimes there are those premonitions or predictions where you feel absolutely convinced that something is going to happen - for example, you dream about a situation where something bad is going to happen - but then nothing happens. Or you see a future situation where something bad is going to happen, but it doesn't!

Yet at the time, you feel absolutely sure that it's going to happen. Maybe a friend of yours dies and in your dream, you dream about them dying - but they don't. Maybe an accident or incident that could have been dangerous didn't take place...

So what does all this mean? Is there really such a thing as a 'psychic dream' - and if so, what does it mean?

One way of looking at this is that dreams are similar to thoughts. Thoughts can be directed by the same laws and principles as dreams. So dreams can also be directed...and then fulfilled...

And if this is true, it means that the amazing power of the mind can be used to 'manifest' your dreams - even dreams and premonitions...

But in order to do this, you must first understand how your own mind thinks. And then you must learn how to use this incredible power for your own benefit....


Imagery is a powerful way to access our subconscious mind and it will allow us to find answers to our problems in ways that are not possible otherwise. It can be used in the past, present and future. Our unconscious wants to respond to the images we have in our minds. The "other side" hears and sees everything that we think or do. There is no energy barrier between this side of reality and ours so all we need do is ask for help, put into words what we want and let it go for the help that we want from this source.

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