The E-mail You Save May Be Held Against You


 The E-mail You Save May Be Held Against You

You’ve likely received these types of e-mails in the past, or you’ve heard friends complain about the same thing. The basic idea is that the sender is asking you to forward a message to other contacts in your address book, typically with some sort of promise for a return favor. 

Don't be duped! These solicitations are not only annoying and intrusive, but also illegal. They can also land you squarely on various spam watch lists if they continue to come from your account.

The Federal Trade Commission has a helpful page on spam and scams, and the FTC's website provides warning about these types of solicitations.

If you've received an e-mail solicitation like this one, forward it to the FTC at The FTC's complaint process can help you stop the sender from contacting you again. You can also call Telebooth at 888-382-1222 to report unwanted solicitation attempts or visit the FTC's website and click on Unsolicited Commercial Email for more information on how to avoid becoming a victim of commercial e-mail harassment. 

Do not respond. 

Do not try to even trick the scammers. 

If you have been sending these types of messages to others, STOP! 

In addition, in regard to various "lotto" and other prize solicitations: 

[[Category:United States law]] [[Category:Consumer protection by country]] [[Category:Unsolicited bulk email]] [[Category:United States federal law]] [[Category:Computers and society]] [[Category:Email terminology]] [[Category:Electronic privacy in the United States]] #REDIRECT[[Consumer protection by country (U.S.)]][] #REDIRECT[[Consumer protection by country (U.S.)]][]
[[Category:United States law]] [[Category:United States Federal Law]] [[Category:Computers and society]] [[Category:Email terminology]] [[Category:Electronic privacy in the United States]]
[[Category:Unsolicited bulk email]]
[[ja:スパム防止措置の法律 ]]
[[ja:英語版 ]]
[[ru:Закон о почтовых рассылках ]]

https://www.ftc. gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/unsolicited-commercial-email
http://www.ftc .gov/tips-advice/business-center
http://www.ftc .gov/tips-advice/business-center
https://www.ftc .gov/tips-advice/business-center
http://www.ftc .gov/accessibility/contactus
https://www.ftc .gov/tips-advice/business-center

[[Category:United States law]] [[Category:Consumer protection by country]] [[Category:Unsolicited bulk email]] [[Category:United States federal law]] [[Category:Computers and society]] [[Category:Email terminology]]

[[fr:] [RÉFÉRENCES] ]]

[[Category:United States law]] [[Category:United States Federal Law]] [[Category:Computers and society]] [[Category:Email terminology]] [[Category:Electronic privacy in the United States]]

[[en:Federal Trade Commission legislation]] [[fr:] Règlement américain sur le spam et les phishing ]]
[[ja:アメリカ合衆国連邦政府のコントロールプログラム ]] http://archives.ftc .gov/archive/ enforcementactions /enforcementactions /20090124040026-c02.

I. The Use of Unsolicited E-mail in Violation of the Act Against Unsolicited E-mail.
In order to comply with the requirements imposed by the Act, it is necessary to determine whether the sender's or receiver's actions constitute a use of an e-mail address or electronic mail address for purposes other than those for which such address was provided, in violation of the prohibition against unauthorized use of a computer system...

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