Will the Democrats be able to Reverse the Online Gambling Ban


 Will the Democrats be able to Reverse the Online Gambling Ban

In 2005, the congress did pass a law to prohibit online gambling within the United States. This was in an effort to keep underage citizens from participating in online gambling which was seen as a form of social degradation. The Democrats are now looking at ways they can reverse this ban and start making an impact on the American economy by updating our outdated tax laws that have allowed companies like those located outside of US border to dominate the gaming market. Will they be successful?

The Democrats are looking for a way to bring back online gambling which was banned nearly 12 years ago, but this time it would be controlled by taxes rather than federal law. Some believe that reversing the ban could make billions of dollars for state governments and other organizations. In 2004, there was an estimated 14 billion dollars in gambling being conducted online, of that amount 3.2 billion was generated in taxes.

Although the idea of legalizing online gambling once again may seem far-fetched to some, it is not a new idea. In 2011 and 2013, two bill proposals were submitted by New Jersey lawmakers, but they didn't made it past the House Ways and Means Committee. In 2015, the Houser Commerce Committee passed a bill that would block all states from banning their own online gambling operations; however this time around it died on the Senate floor.

The Democratic congressional leader, Nancy Pelosi, is now supporting this effort to legalize online gambling. She looks at online gambling as something that could not only increase tax revenues, but also provide a boost to the economy as well. The American Gaming Association has recently hired a lobbyist in an attempt to overrule the ban on online gambling and reverse it.

The Democrats hope they will be able to create a framework that would make it possible for states that want to do online gambling to do so while regulating sites located outside of their boarders. They believe that if state-run sites are taxed heavily then revenue will go up for the federal government and for other organizations as well. They also think this would help out with many states' budget deficits.

The bill has been called the "Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Gambling Act of 2015", this is a title that would be similar to the 2001 bill that was presented by Al Gore called the "Federal Internet Gambling Prohibition Act". This time around, some think it could actually pass. Pelosi has said that she hopes to bring this issue up for a vote during the next few months, and she hopes for it to reach an agreement with other committee members in order to pass into law.

The Democrats are also hoping they will be able to gain support from conservative Republicans who have blocked previous efforts on the issue. They believe that if they can gain support from hard-core conservatives they can get support from moderate Republicans as well.

How does this effect you, the player? Not much, it's only a matter of time before online gambling is legalized. There are many sites that have been operating in the U.S for years and it will eventually be made legal again. With the current economic climate, many states will benefit greatly if they legalize online gambling to help pay off their budget deficit. The announcement could come at any time so you should be paying attention to these upcoming news stories. It is most likely that this bill will take place in 2016 at a later time than during the 2015/2016 election cycle, but we could see it as early as January 2016. If you don't want to wait that long, check out the other sites using a VPN to access U.S. based gambling sites.


"Jeff is the founder and owner of Twisted Gaming News where he covers all things gaming online, from betting and playing now on all forms of gaming across the globe and everything in between. Jeff also writes reviews for numerous sites in the industry including many video game specific websites." --Web Site: http://twistedgamingnews.com/author/jeff-etterman-jr/ CONTACT: jeff@twistedgamingnews.com

TWITTER: @jeffetterman Email: jeff@twistedgamingnews.com About the author Jeff Etterman Jr holds a degree from California State University, Northridge in Criminal Justice, and also has a AA in Business Management.

In April of 2012 he started Twisted Gaming News as a way to reach out to the online gaming community with current gaming and news information all in one place for his fellow gamers, and Twisted Gaming News has been climbing in popularity ever since. Jeff is now one of the leading sources for news relating to online gambling on the internet today with frequent updates on both Twitter and Facebook. His goal is to inform the online gaming community and to also break up the censorship of gaming news by providing an alternative news source for gamers.

Today, Jeff is a featured news writer for 2 of the largest gambling sites on the internet today. He works as a Division Director at Bet365 Casino, and has officially joined Pinnacle Network as Lead News Writer and is now writing his own articles on his personal blog over at http://twistedgamingnews.com/blog/?author=jeff-etterman-jr . In November of 2015, Jeff was promoted to Senior Divisional Director at Bet365 Casino overseeing all Italian gaming content on Bet365's site www.bet365casino.com .

For more information about Jeff E. Titerman Jr:


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I hope that this has provided you with a better understanding of the current status of online gambling in the U.S. and what you can do to access these sites. If you have any additional questions or comments feel free to leave them on this blog, or reach out to me on Twitter @jeffettermanjr and I will respond as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!

–Jeff E. Titerman Jr – Gaming Division Director at Bet365 Casino, Senior Divisional Director at Bet365 Casino overseeing all Italian gaming content on Bet365's site www.bet365casino.com – Video game writer for Pinnacle Sports – Video game reviewer for multiple websites https://twitter.

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