The Secret


 The Secret

What secret is that? It's the best-kept secret in the world. It's a program that helps you make your dreams come true.

So, if you're struggling with anything from weight loss to financial insecurity to failed relationships, The Secret can help you change all of it for the better.
It's been called "one of the most important books of our time." That book was titled The Secret, and it was published 10 years ago by Rhonda Byrne. It's sold millions of copies and been translated into dozens of languages. It's the #1 bestselling non-fiction book of all time in Australia, where it stayed on the bestsellers list for 5 years. In America, it spent 36 weeks on the New York Times Bestsellers List and has sold over 19 million copies to date.
It's not just a book either. The Secret has sparked a movement around the world and it made history as the highest grossing documentary movie of all time. Millions upon millions of people want to know "The Secret."
But if you're like most people, you're confused about what it is… You might even be skeptical about whether or not it really works…. And you probably haven't even heard of it before this article.
Question: Why is this book called "The Secret?"
Answer: The greatest secret in the universe is that we are all here to learn and achieve our dreams. It's true for everyone, not just celebrities and politicians. It's true for 10 year old kids who want to be president, 20 year old guys who want to get rich, and 50 year old women who want to lose weight.
We've all had dreams of some sort – whether it's a career change or a trip around the world or becoming a movie star - that we just can't seem to make happen no matter what we do. But there's a hidden secret we haven't discovered yet. It's the Eureka moment that unlocks the key to your dreams.
That moment is called "The Secret." You just have to know what it is.
Question: What's The Secret?
Answer: The Secret is an opportunity to make your dreams happen. My name is Rhonda Byrne and I wrote The Secret, so I'm going to share it with you now…
The Program: Your dreams are real and inevitable – but they can take time to realize.
If you think of yourself as a piece of paper and your dreams are like a pen, then The Secret is the opportunity to "write" your dreams down in ink.
The Secret isn't going to happen overnight. It works gradually over time. That's why The Secret is all about the small, little steps you take each day that eventually add up to big change, big success and big accomplishment.
The Science: The universe will give you whatever you want if you're specific about what it is that you want.
Success begins with your thoughts – not with the world around you. The universe will respond to your thoughts and you can change the world. That's powerful stuff.
How to apply The Secret:
You may have heard that The Secret is just visualization, or positive thinking – but that's not really it at all. There are three steps and you have to master each of them before you can make your dreams come true.
Sweet spot: The Secret works best when you're in a positive mood and feeling good about life.
1) Ask: What do I want? Be clear about what it is that you want inside of your heart. What's your dream?
2) Believe: The universe is working behind the scenes to give you what you want. The Secret will work for you… but it's up to you to make that happen.
3) Attract: Close your eyes and visualize how great your life will be if only you had what you want. Visualize yourself in every part of your life, as successful and powerful as you're capable of being. Imagine it over and over again until it becomes a reality in your mind – because if it doesn't exist in your mind, then it can't become reality for you.
After you master The Secret – and you can master it in just 10 days – you'll be living the life of your dreams. All the success, wealth, love and happiness that you have always desired is right there for the taking.
In today's world, success is one of the most sought-after goals. It's not easy to find, but this book will show you how to find it and how to keep it.
The Secret tells us that dreams are a reality; we just have to want them enough .
Nobody ever becomes something without doing something.
You can't earn a dream, you have to buy one. People who don't think they're worthy of it, they're the ones who actually deserve it.
If you want to get something, you have to give up something else. If you want security, then you have to be prepared to lose your freedom in order to get it.
Dreams are very personal things – everyone has their own version of what they want and they translate that into thoughts and images regarding themselves and others around them. There's nothing wrong with that per se – dreams are a very vital part of being alive and experiencing life as opposed to merely taking in life from a biological standpoint as do most animals.
The problem is that it's very difficult to distinguish between being alive and living life . It's even more difficult to discern between the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of life.
That's why so many people have a difficult time extracting meaning from their dreams. Some people are so involved with their everyday lives that they don't give dreams much attention; others never pay them much mind. A few people take a great interest in their dreams – but only from a very superficial point of view and in a way that fails to bring about any real changes in their lives or any actualization of those dreams.
Most people don't know about "The Secret" and the procedure for making your dreams come true.

Conclusion: The Secret is a way of awakening our power to dream. It's not intended to be a substitute for real work and effort, but it is intended to show you that there is much more to our world and our lives than we previously imagined. There are many ways to look at and enjoy the world, but this book is about adding even more beauty and wonder to your life if you're willing and able to accept that it's possible.
One reason the book has been so successful is the fact that people invented "The Secret" long before Rhonda Byrne revealed it in her book. They might not have known what it was called or how to apply it, but people have always possessed "the secret.

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