Better Information Retention


 Better Information Retention

Why is it important to keep your information retention high?

Keep your information retention high because by doing so, you are more likely to be able to recall and easily access specific pieces of knowledge at a later point in time. A good way to increase your information retention is by exercising more of your brain. Not only does this make you feel more alive, but it's also beneficial for future academic potential. For example, if you were a student that needed extra help on a test or need something from a book that was read years ago, being able to remember exactly what the author said will help save you time and frustration when looking for answers.
The brain is the most important organ in the body. It has receivred a lot of advances in technology that have made it our strongest tool at helping us survive and thrive. With all the advancements, one of the least talked about advancements is information retention. When a person first becomes aware that he has a problem with his memory but there is no treatment for it yet, one of his first questions will be "why do I forget things?" You may know that you have a problem with your memory but how do you actually make sure you fix it? With most things, there's really two types of stressors at play. The first is a physical stressor, things that actually happen to your body. The second is a mental stressor. Stressors like anxiety can mess with your memory.
Society has always known that physical activity is good for the heart, but what they didn't know was just how much it helps all other areas of the body as well, including the brain. Exercise has been shown to help out in improving brain function and allowing people to focus more while doing their everyday tasks easier. Scientists have been researching how exercise can help with preventing the decline of cognitive function. One big step in helping with the decline of cognitive function is trying new things, learning new skills, and exercising your brain. Activities like crossword puzzles, brain games, and even regular physical activity are important for keeping your mind healthy and sharp.
When you exercise more physically it can help out by increasing the oxygen in your brain which helps make sure there is no lack for it during times of exercise or mental tasks. Exercise has also been shown to increase not only body's ability to handle glucose but also helps with thinking skills that deal with memory and information retention.

Articles on the same topic:

Title: Brain Power and Mental Health Issues
Subtitle: How you can watch out for mental health issues better.
Topic Notes:
Brain Power and Mental Health Issues

Article reviewed by Dr. Adrian Dingle, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of Australian College of Physicians. 

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Subtitle: Writing your thoughts down in a journal will help clear your mind and provide you with a valuable record of your life. Topic Notes: 5 Reasons To Keep A Journal – Even If You Draft Instead Of Write

Article reviewed by Dr. Adrian Dingle, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of Australian College of Physicians. 

Title: College Student Academic Success
Subtitle: Keeping a regular academic schedule will have a positive effect on your mental health, even if you have to skip some days here and there. Topic Notes: College Student Academic Success

Article reviewed by Dr. Adrian Dingle, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of Australian College of Physicians. 

Title: Cell Phone Use And Memory Improvement
Topic Notes: Note that this article is about the effects cell phone use has on the brain; it is not an article about cell phones themselves. This study did not look at just any cell phones (e.g. regular or smartphone); it looked at the effects of the radiation emitted by specific phones that is similar to what we would experience with normal, everyday use. 

The following websites have been cited within Wikipedia (as of 1/17/2015):

Books & Articles:
Magazines:"Mental Health" -
Video Links:

Magazine Links: 

Other Links:

To read more about keeping your brain healthy refer to this Wikipedia article . 




 Dr. Adrian Dingle, Doctor of Medicine, Fellow of Australian College of Physicians # QUT Small Business of the Year Awards Small Business of the Year Awards'_Association http://www3dartsiteexplorer.

Conclusion: When one thinks about the mental health of a student, it might be very important to know that studies show that students who study hard and try their hardest will not have as high of a chance to become depressed and there are many other benefits as well. Also, adults should pay attention to how much stress they're under. The less stress you have, the more likely you are going to be successful in everything you do. http://www3dartsiteexplorer.

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