Learning to negotiate and advocate for yourself


  Learning to negotiate and advocate for yourself

Many people think that negotiating and advocating for themselves is something they don't need to learn or do. But in reality, knowing how to do this will not only make you more successful in the workplace, but can sometimes also save your life.

So what are some things you can do? Practicing assertiveness skills is one way to practice and improve your negotiating skills. You might want to talk with a counselor or therapist at school or another institution if you need help improving these skills. And remember, there is no shame in asking for what you need — this includes money, time off from work, promotions, higher pay rates for your work with clients. You will find that people respect you for taking responsibility for your own needs.

Stick up for yourself! Don't be a dope! That is the most important tip I can give you. You are more than your education, job, career, or company — but your education and job are important to you, so if you don't know how to go about advocating for yourself and fighting injustice then you will get taken advantage of. Speak up!

And remember: Don't be a doormat! It's okay to say no sometimes — the world won't end because you said no. Some people just want to take advantage of other people, and the only way they can do that is if people allow them to. So stay strong, and say no!

http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/how-make-it-happen/201104/learn-to-negotiate .

Article: http://www.starkblu.com/?p=818 (pdf link)


http://my.barrettlawfirm.com/joseph_a_barrett_2/node/ .

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Most of the people know that there is a conflict between man and woman, not everyone is aware about his/her own position. There are many opinions and views on both sides, therefore it is very difficult for the person to cope up with all this. The research work shows about teenagers that they have to do with their parents due to some reasons and later they create inter-housewives' conflict which has a negative effect on their studies. Many teenage students feel that they will have many problems if they will go further than one year from their school life, because many of them cannot cope up with their studies due to this problem because of their housewife's conflicts.

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