Server Stats – Analyzing Traffic To Your Site


 Server Stats – Analyzing Traffic To Your Site

Oftentimes, people will use web statistics or server statistics to analyze how their site is doing. But there are a lot of different metrics you can use to analyze your traffic and make sure that your site is performing at its best.

In this article, we’ll tell you about some of the most commonly used metrics for analyzing websites, what they mean, and how they can be interpreted. We'll also discuss some common misconceptions about web analytics and server stats so you know what to watch out for!

#2: The Assignment

You've been tasked with writing a 2-page article on "How To Recognize Your Passion".

#3: Brainstorming Tips & Tricks

You'll want to sit down and brainstorm all the topics you can think of that will fit into your article. You don't have to use them all, but you should have a nice list of topics. I'd also recommend jotting down the questions that you'll be answering with each point.

Brainstorming Tips:

1) Get a piece of paper and write "How To Recognize Your Passion" at the top. Starting writing 3 things below it.

2) Then, at one end of the paper, write down all your topics ( keeping in mind that they should each be 2-3 sentences long).

3) Now, start at the top and work your way to the bottom. Write down a couple of ideas for each topic. Don't worry if you run out of ideas. Just keep going down the list until you've covered everything.

"How To Recognize Your Passion" in 3 Sentences:

1) You need to recognize what (well researched) steps you can take to figure out what it is that feeds your passion and makes you beam with happiness when you're doing it.

2) You need to recognize what (well researched) steps you can take to figure out what it is that will make your passion bring you financial profit.

3) You need to recognize what (well researched) steps you can take to figure out how to make your passion a reality.

#4: The Outline

Go ahead and create an outline based on the 3 topics above. If you're going to have a couple of points per topic, then you'll need to do this in sections. It's not necessarily helpful to use bullet points, if the outline isn't too long. Use some headings as needed, but don't use a lot of them. I'd recommend sticking to the 3-4 headings per topic though.

#5: The Research

You need to do some research on what (well researched) steps will result in your passion being recognized and recognized as profitable by others. This is where you'll get the information on what makes someone passionate about their work, and how they make it profitable (if that's something that is important to them).

#6: The Draft

You've read through all the topics and have identified all the possible points that you can make within each one. You'll want to jot down the 3-4 sentences that you'll be able to include per point, as well as a paragraph explaining your opinion on what makes passion successful. You can jot down these in advance. Just make sure that you keep them concise and don't ramble on too much.

#7: Proofreading & Edits

Now, take all the points and phrases that you had jotted down in the brainstorming section, and go through them one at a time (again, don't worry if some are not applicable – just throw them out). If you find a point that doesn't apply or is not as good as it could be, throw that one out. Just add new points to the original outline. If you have any points that are better than what you had before, just keep them, and make sure they are at least 2-3 sentences long. You don't want to ramble on if they're not relevant enough.

You should also look for typos as you go through, which will make your article more professional looking (and less likely to be disliked by the editors). You can use a small dictionary or a site like Grammarly to check for typos.

If you need to add anything that wasn't in the original outline, do that now (but don't overdo it). For example, if you realize that you forgot to explain the importance of a point or to give an example, you can add that in here. You might want to jot down a couple of notes on what sort of examples or stories would be best for your paragraphs as well.

Next, read through your article with your eyes – not just with your brain. Does it make sense? Does it flow? Are there any sentences that could be structured better? If so (and if they aren't too long) rewrite them now. Remember, you're writing for your readers. Their interpretation of what you say will be more important than just the words that you use. See if there are any questions they might have (which will help with search engine optimization!) and answer them.

Then read through a second time. Look for any place where you've repeated yourself or said something that didn't really need to be said or could have been worded differently. This time, be sure to pay attention to grammar and punctuation as well.

Finally, read through a third time to make sure it flows well and is understandable. You should also check again for any spelling errors, grammar issues, and redundancy in your writing.

#8: Grammar & Punctuation Tips

Make sure that you don't confuse "your" and "you're". "You're" is a contraction, and though it's often used instead of "you are", it's important that you use the appropriate one. Or, you could avoid using contractions altogether.

One of these uses is fine:

"You're writing ideas are great, just make sure to proofread them before submitting."

However, the other use is incorrect. You wouldn't say: "Your writing ideas are great just make sure to proofread them before submitting.


Lastly, make sure to save your article. If you're using Google Docs, just click File > Download as > Microsoft Word Document. Save it to the desktop, and you'll be able to edit it in Word. (You may want to add a couple of extra spaces between sentences as well).

Now that you have a rough draft, you can either send it off to an editor or just submit it right away if you're confident that it's good enough. Just remember that if you do decide to send it off for editing, make sure there is no bias present in the article.

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