Whoever is happy will make others happy too.

Whoever is happy will make others happy too.

Whoever is happy will make others happy too. 

The only way to make yourself happy is by making others happy.

Consider this simple theory, the first sentence of the blog post's title. It's a statement that could hold true for many things, but it looks especially true when it comes to happiness.

There are numerous ways to be happy in life, which can come clearly into view when you watch an episode of your favorite TV show or read a page-turning novel. However, there is a way to make yourself happy even before you try to reach your goal. It is by spreading happiness to others.

A person who makes others happy could be friends with anyone because the company of such a person would always be enjoyable. You can attract people near you just by making them smile without forcing them to smile, and they will always remember the time they spent with you.

You will never want to leave such a person, nor do they want to leave you alone. It is because they are happy when they are with you.

Only someone happy with themselves readily makes others happy. The harsh reality, however, is that many people are not satisfied with themselves. They are sad, worried, or dissatisfied in some way. Their state of mind automatically makes them think negatively of others too. When they see someone doing something good, they do not offer kind words to their friend in admiration but ask for criticism or make sarcastic comments about the other person's way of life in their head instead.

It is easy to make others happy because their response will always be positive. If you are the type who is more of a positive person, happiness won't come easily once you lose it or if you make others sad. You must try to be happy with yourself even if it's not always easy.

One of the most effective ways to make people around you happy is by making them smile. Let's take an example of a good mood. If you only make others around you happy, you will be able to improve your own mood by smiling at other people. It's not difficult to do because it only takes five seconds to maintain a smile after seeing something that will make you happy.

Happiness is attained by smiling naturally when someone makes you happy or when you see something that makes you smile. Once happiness comes into your life, it naturally spreads out to other people in the surrounding environment. All that is needed is a smile.

Smiling makes others happier than you may imagine.

BAD NEWS, THE WORST NEWS IN THE WORLD, THE DEATH OF YOUR BEST FRIEND. There's nothing better than good news. On the other hand, bad news can send shivers down your spine and make you feel sad and awful at the same time. However, the unfortunate truth is that not all bad news is bad for you.

Bad news can be used to your advantage. It could be if you are having a hard time in life; bad news may help you realize that things may not always be so bad after all. Such a light-hearted attitude could change your life overnight enough to bring about a huge change.

It can even affect others around you, too, because being sad gives others the impression of sadness and disappointment of themselves too. This makes them feel sad and makes them feel bad about themselves at the same time.

Everything comes in its own time, and bad news can be used to your advantage if you believe that there's always a bright side to any situation. Bad news does not have to be a destructive force in your life because it can be turned into a positive receipt.

Consider the following examples where bad news turned out to be good for everyone involved:

* The death of a loved one.

* A loved one being released from jail.

* A dog being hit by a car.

* A loved one's addiction breaking down.

Bad news can be used to make others smile too. If they are crying, you could try to cheer them up by making them smile with your smile. They may not initially know what to do, but once you appear in front of them, they will find joy in the simplest things like staring at clouds or smelling the aroma of food. You could also share embarrassing stories of your childhood to make them laugh.

Any time you can make others smile, it is a good day. It doesn't matter if the smile comes from making someone laugh or having someone smile at your smile because either way, you made them happy, if only for that moment.

Since happiness is attained by making others happy and making yourself happy, spreading smiles to others and yourself will always be a good thing to do no matter what happens in life.

Everyone is a good person. Even those who may not be as fortunate as others can still give out happiness to those around them. Some have been through many hardships but still manage to hold strong and stand tall even when nobody else does. It is because the only way they know to make other people happy into by standing up against all odds and be a ray of hope for those who can't help but depend on them.

It is because, despite being mistreated or being subjected to hardships, they can still see the good in themselves and others. They can see the best in people even if they do not understand them or have only met them once.

When good people are made fun of or judged too harshly by others, possibly just because they are different, they need to stay strong and maintain their patience.

It is not easy to stay positive when everyone around you is always negative about their attitude. It is even harder for them to be on their own when everyone around them turns their back on them. There are no limits to what they can do in life so long as they have the determination and willpower to do so.

No matter how good or bad their lives are, they have decided to live it for themselves, not for anyone else. If they decide to be happier and better than anyone else, they will automatically begin to see the good in their lives and around them.

When it comes to being happy, you can't help but realize that everyone has a different definition of happiness. You may think that the perfect life is the one where you live comfortably, drive expensive cars and live in a big house. Others may think that living in a house with its own patio is the perfect life for them.

The truth is, there is no such thing as the perfect happy life. The only thing you can do is find what makes you happy and do everything to make yourself happy. It may not be easy, and it might not match the expectations and desires of others, but it will always be pure happiness if you can just smell it.

Happiness is based on gaining knowledge and things that give you joy in life, but it does not necessarily mean that each person will love what they gain. Some may love it while others may hate it, but all in all, you will know that at least you have gained something from your experience.

Everyone can gain knowledge and be happy, even if they do not realize that they are. You don't have to be stubborn or ruthless to get what you want; all you have to do is shake a hand with a stranger and take a look at them.

You will see that each person has something that they are happy about, whether it is about how they look or how rich they are. The only thing you have to do is be observant enough to realize what it is, then take an interest in it because these are things that you can also enjoy in life.

When it comes to being happy, there are no rules in the universe. You can be happy if you are born into wealth or happy if you are born into poverty. You can be happy even if you suffer from depression or pain. Even if, for some reason, your life is filled with hardships, it does not mean that you will not know what happiness is because it will still exist. Happiness is the only thing worth living for in all cases.

Sometimes, it is easy to think that everyone has the same thoughts and feelings. It may be true for some people, but not everyone is the same. People around you may be experiencing happiness because they gained something that was meant for them.

Happiness and problems do indeed fit into the same world, but it doesn't necessarily mean that happiness will always follow problems too. Happiness is a different feeling that will only be brought about if you can just manage to smile and be happy.

When we say that happiness is the only thing worth living for, we do not mean that it will always go hand in hand with problems already present in life. Happiness is something created by us, but problems are already existing in the world.

In conditions where there are no more problems, happiness will forever exist along with us even if many of us never realize it. The only thing you have to do is learn to be happy with what you have.

Sometimes, it is hard to figure out if someone else truly understands what you are going through or just saying what they think will make the situation better.

If it is true that happiness can be found in anything that makes us happy, then you should just go for it and do whatever it takes to attain that happiness. Just like real success comes with real efforts, happiness will only come with real effort.

Losing an important game is not the end of the world. You can always play one more game. You can always try harder if you can win that next game. People might be quick to judge you for your mistakes, but it doesn't mean that you cannot turn things around and make them happy again.

If you are not able to get what you want, don't be too hard on yourself. There is no such thing as one perfect answer or perfect solution to your problems. You might find that there is always an answer that can make things better, even if it takes a while to be found.

Embrace the situations around you and learn to be happy in them. If you can't, then simply do everything in your power to make them happy. You might not like the fact that you are not perfect, but you can always try to fix the things that could potentially put you in happiness.

If your friends are happy because of something that makes them happy, then try to see your own happiness in it too. You will be surprised what things can make you happy if you keep an open mind about it. You might not find the same happiness that they are experiencing, but at least you are trying to be happy.

There are times when you are faced with problems that seem impossible to solve. It may not seem right at first, but there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. You will never feel so down in life that you cannot see anything good or beautiful around you because there is always something.

Even if you are down in the dumps, make the best of what you have. Bad things are made to be good for a reason. It might have been better if something happened, but at least you can see where things can be fixed.

The truth is that even if many things don't work out as planned, there will always be some good that can still come out of it. There is always a silver lining in every cloud, and if you know how to look for it, there will always be some good that can come out of your bad situation.

Just like some people love to be doubted, they will never admit when they are wrong. There is no such thing as perfection, so if you're not perfect, then it is no one's fault but your own.

Many things can make us happy, but we often do not realize them until they become a problem. Happiness is a feeling that we all want to experience, and it does not mean that we have to be perfect; it just means that we need to know what happiness is.

Happiness is a feeling that has been created by society, and if you want happiness, you will have to learn what makes people happy. Happiness cannot be found in any situation, but there are ways of making your surroundings seem happier.

Sometimes, it takes time for happiness to come along. It is not something that you can get at any moment in life. It can always take a while to find the right situation or circumstance that will make you happy, but it's all worth the wait in the end.

Happiness means having good things around us. We need to have money in our pockets, loyal friends, and family who loves each other. Life is simply beautiful when we are surrounded by things that make us happy.

You might feel down in the dumps sometimes, but there are always good things that can make you happy. There is always a silver lining to everything. Even if things don't go the way you planned, find something good about it and be happy even with it.

Keeping yourself occupied when you're feeling low in life is also possible because feeling sorry for yourself will only make you sadder with time. You may not be able to feel better right away, but it's going to come eventually.

Sometimes, it is hard to get out of a bad situation. You might have to spend some time being sad and alone before you can start feeling better. You might not be able to see anything good in a bad situation, but you will eventually get a new perspective on what it means to be happy. Just start small and work your way up from there.

Nothing worth having comes free, so when something makes us happy, we're going to have to work for it. Happiness is something you have to work at over time and not something that can be found easily.

Life is simply a series of challenges and difficulties that we face every day. It takes a lot of work to make sure that we can overcome those various problems we face every day. If you want to be happy, you have to learn how to solve your problems and find happiness in those situations.

You may be having a bad day or week, but there are still things that you can do to make yourself happier. If you have the know-how, you will be able to find happiness where ever you go. It is always up to you if you want to be happy or not.

You should never doubt yourself too much because life needs you, not the other way around. You are not perfect, but sometimes it's okay for us to feel down in the dumps, and we should never let it get too much for us.

Every day is a new day, and if you want to be happy, it should start with you. Start with your thoughts, your words, and even your actions. Happiness is not something that you can get from the outside world, but it's something that you create within yourself. It all starts with your life choices that can affect how happy or sad you are in life.

It may seem like every person out there is happier than you, but happiness is an inside job. You have to start with yourself, and you have to find out what makes you happy. Start with your thoughts and start changing those negative thoughts into positive ones. It is a process that does not happen overnight, but it can be done.

Being unhappy with our lives is just one of the many problems that we face every day. None of us are perfect, so it's not surprising that we experience different amounts of happiness at different times during our lives.


What it means to be happy is something that everyone needs to learn. We have all been taught that being unhappy is bad, but that isn't always true. You can still be happy in life even if things aren't going the way you wanted them to. It takes time for us to figure out what happiness means, but you can start making your surroundings seem happier right away with these secrets.

Being happy is not the easiest thing to do because it takes us away from reality and everything that happens in life. We all need to be happy, even if we're not always around happy people.

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