A Solid Decision - Right-Brain Decision-Making Or Left-Brain Decision-Making


 A Solid Decision - Right-Brain Decision-Making Or Left-Brain Decision-Making

Although we celebrate the idea that people make decisions based on logic, data, and reason, many of our decisions are made on an emotional basis. This is an important way that we make sense of the world around us - through our emotions. However these emotions often lead us to make less than ideal decisions which can leave us feeling regretful or angry.

A solid decision is something you want to focus on when thinking about your personal life as well as your professional life. It doesn't mean you can't be creative in your thought processes and take risks when they are needed but it does mean that one decision should not win out over the other without thorough consideration.

Those who make effective decisions, which are in the best interests of their companies and careers, are the people who possess what is referred to as right-brain thinking. In this theory, people's decisions are made using an emotional or feeling-based approach. They trust their intuition and act on instinct. An excellent example of this is a salesperson who has been working with a client for a year, building up loyalty and trust over time.

After careful consideration about the issues facing his customer, he makes an impactful decision by building rapport with his client and coming up with a plan to help them resolve their issues from within rather than by bringing in outside consultants to do the work.

Those whose thinking is more analytical and rational are thought to be left-brain thinkers. In this theory, people's decisions are made using a data-driven approach. They consider only the facts and favor intellectual analysis of the information presented.

An excellent example of this is someone who has been involved with a project for several months and has collected reams of data on issues facing her company, its competitors, and current market trends. After careful analysis of all factors presenting themselves to her in the form of hard evidence, she makes an impactful decision by laying off key personnel due to a projected decline in productivity during the coming year.

Research has found that while both left-brain and right-brain decisions take place in your brain, they make use of different parts of the brain. The right side of the brain is associated with the processing of emotion and intuition while the left side is associated with intellectual thought processes.

Whether you are making a decision on an emotional basis or using logic to come to a conclusion, if you can approach it from a common sense standpoint, you will find yourself having better results. In this way, "good" decisions may not be good for your company as well as your personal life but at least you will feel good about what you have decided upon.

By: Qvisten J


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Source: http://www.ehow.com/info_8514362_important-consideration-decision.html

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Source: http://www.redcross.org/index.cfm/aContent/66_virtual/25838_article.html

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Description: This article discusses the importance of making the right decision in your life as well as how to make these decisions. There are many times in your life when you will be faced with tough choices which will require you to think about all aspects of a situation before making a decision that could affect your life for years to come. To make the right decision, you should gather all the information possible and consider all aspects of the problem before making a choice which you can live with for a long time.

Source: http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/the-right-decision?page=2

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Description: This article discusses the importance of making the right decision in your life as well as how to make these decisions. There are many times in your life when you will be faced with tough choices which will require you to think about all aspects of a situation before making a decision that could affect your life for years to come. To make the right decision, you should gather all the information possible and consider all aspects of the problem before making a choice which you can live with for a long time.

Source: http://www.raddington.co.uk/articles/making-the-right-decision

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Description: This article discusses the importance of making the right decision in your life as well as how to make these decisions. There are many times in your life when you will be faced with tough choices which will require you to think about all aspects of a situation before making a decision that could affect your life for years to come. To make the right decision, you should gather all the information possible and consider all aspects of the problem before making a choice which you can live with for a long time.

Source: http://www.topcareermagazine.com/pages/article-1-1463346451417403725.html

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Description: This article discusses how you can stay cool when faced with a tough decision in your life. We often are confronted with difficult situations during our lives because they present us with choices we have to make that will affect us in many ways. One of these choices is how we will react to difficult situations and make decisions that can affect the outcome of our lives.

Source: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB100014240527023044363045791366983243380822

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In this research paper, we have seen that there are many reasons why you should make the right decision. One of these reasons is that if you make a decision which turns out to be wrong, it can cause harm to yourself and to others. Imagine if you made a decision about a problem during your life, named for example "Brian" and later he told you that he was not the guy who has been troubling your life! This would be terrible because it would mean that the problems you have been facing were not his fault at all.

Sources: Roundabout-Business Insider / http://roundaboutbusinessinsider.

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