Achieve Success: Three Top Tips


 Achieve Success: Three Top Tips

We're all aware that achieving success on your own is tough. But tackling a new goal can bring with it new possibilities and exciting realizations, as well as opportunities for happiness and fulfillment. One of the most important things to do in order to achieve success is to find your passion. Once you've found what you enjoy doing, the world becomes your oyster! However, one thing many people struggle with when they're starting at something new is finding motivation — which may be why so many people don't start their dreams.

But just because they stopped dreaming doesn't mean you should! If a goal doesn't make sense or feels too daunting at first, break it down into smaller more manageable pieces. This can be a great way to motivate yourself into doing something. But how do you break down a goal? And what if it's not something that can be broken down into pieces?

Here are three top tips for achieving success:

1. Ask yourself what you enjoy doing, and then go out and do it!

Sometimes the best way to motivate yourself is by making things fun. For instance, if you want to lose weight then start signing up for boxing classes or try your hand at another sport you're interested in. Go hiking or camping with friends. And remember, you don't have to become an extreme athlete right away. Even if you just stick to a morning walk you'll feel great about yourself for doing something for your health.

2. Focus on things that make you happy.

Happiness is an important part of success as well, so try to find as many ways to bring happiness into your life as possible. For instance, if you know that seeing your grandma every Sunday makes you happy and helps you sleep better on Mondays, then start carving out weekends in order to visit her more often and make her birthday special. If a little sunshine brings out the best in you, then take a walk outside every day at lunch and soak up some Vitamin D.

3. Try something new.

You never know what might happen when you try something new. For example, you may learn that you enjoy teaching people how to dance or music appreciation. You may discover a hidden talent! Or, at the very least, you'll spend an hour doing something fun and different (and get exercise at the same time!). If you really need a push to help motivate yourself into trying new things, then go online and watch some YouTube videos on the subject — that should get your brain tingling with excitement! And remember: "you either have it or you don't" is a myth; but if it's important enough to us we can learn anything if we put our mind and heart into it.

I hope these tips help you once you start working on your own success. Remember, the more you put into your goals, the more you'll get out of them.


Done properly, outlining can be a valuable tool in helping writers to develop and shape their story ideas into a coherent novel or screenplay format. By laying out the story in its entirety, often via index cards or sticky notes, it can be easier to determine holes in plot logic, character development or even basic scene structure. In addition, it can help writers decide if their plot is too complex for the current format.

One of the more common forms of outlining involves creating chapter summaries (often called beats) for each chapter in a story. Beat outlines can serve several purposes, including providing an overall vision for the story at a glance and serving as checklists for subplots and other important information that may not be explicitly mentioned within a particular chapter.

An outline can also be used to determine if a story idea is strong. Story outlines are often used in the creative-writing classes of high schools and colleges as an introduction to the benefits of outlining as a preliminary step before writing a story. Outlines can also be an effective way for students to demonstrate their understanding of how stories work as a basis for more detailed criticism of other works.

Story outlines may even help non-writers understand the depth and complexity of storytelling, especially when contrasted with other literary forms such as poetry, plays or nonfiction prose. Story outlines can be presented in prose, as with a novel or short story, or in graphical form, often on the basis of a grid.

An outline may also be used to determine when to stop writing a story. Outlines are often used by professionals who have too many ideas and need some means of prioritizing what should be included in the final work. The outline is useful for this purpose because it allows for the inclusion of new information without having to rewrite sections of a story that are already finished.

The outline can also be useful for people who have difficulty finishing anything because it forces new information to take precedence over finished sections. Some people may find that outlining a story helps them feel more organized and in control as they move forward, allowing them to look ahead in time rather than looking back into the past.

For many writers, however, an outline can be a difficult tool to use effectively and efficiently. Outlines are usually a very succinct means of notating information, making them less effective for writing material that is meant to reflect real life situations and emotions. Outlines can also be the first step on a long path towards developing the specific story ideas needed by particular readers or viewers who request the work.


Life is a funny thing. Sometimes the things that seem to be holding you back turn out to be the very reasons you’re able to achieve the goals you want. This is true for both personal and professional life experiences.

Why am I sharing this? Because it applies to me, and it relates to my success as a fitness coach, writer, and speaker too; my book will be released in 2016 (YAY!).

I have never been an athlete. I’ve never really been able to play any sport due to health limitations. My first memory of sports was watching my sister cheerlead on the sidelines when I was a young kid. At the time, I remember seeing a group of girls jumping up and down and laughing, but my mom was explaining that they were doing something for the team, not for themselves. It didn't make sense to me at the time (and frankly, I still don't completely understand it).

When I graduated high school, my friends went away to college and started their lives in different directions than me.

Conclusion: I Wasn't a Big Fish

I didn't get into scholarships at the schools of my choice. In fact, I had taken all of my college entrance exams and scored so poorly that it was impossible for me to go to the schools that I wanted. When it came down to it, my choices were limited to going to an in-state school where I didn’t have any friends, or a school outside of the country where the language barrier would have made me feel out of place.

So, what did I do? You guessed it; I went to an in-state school and became a “big fish in a little pond” (as they say).

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