Anything is Possible


 Anything is Possible

Anything is possible. That might not be the most eye-catching of blog titles, but it's actually probably one of the most important ones you'll ever come across.

This post will explore what anything really means, why that is important to consider when you're facing a challenge, and how to turn "anything" into an opportunity for growth.

1) Anything can mean anything. It doesn't necessarily have to be something good or pleasant for you. It doesn't always have to mean success or happiness either. But in any case, within those three contextualized meanings there are opportunities for growth and development that await your consideration just as much as they do with more traditional interpretations of the word "anything.

2) As I was discussing with a friend the other night, "anything" is a word that has many shades of meaning. It can be your worst fear or it could be something that you want more than anything else.

3) Not only are there several different meanings within that word, but it can also have several different uses depending on the context in which you choose to use it.

To illustrate this point, let's say you're in the mood to have a conversation and you decide to use this particular word. Do you understand what I'm saying? If so, great! The next part might be new to some of you out there who don't read blogs. If you decide that we're going to have a conversation and that I'm going to be the only person who says anything, then no matter what I ask you it's impossible for you to answer me, because all I'll ever hear is me. What good is a conversation like that?

Of course, in the real world we'd use different words ("Let's talk," "I want to talk with you," etc) and there would be way more than just one person contributing in some way, but what I'm trying to illustrate here is how this wrong-use of "anything" can actually prevent communication flow between two or more people. It holds things up. It gets in the way. And, while I don't know many people who hold on to that kind of thinking, it's an example of how this word can be used in a wrong way.

4) So when you're considering what to say in any given conversation, don't be concerned with just throwing out the word "anything." It has many other connotations and affects far more than just one thing.

5) Not only that, but this word doesn't always have to mean something good either. It could be your worst fear. It could be something you don't believe to be possible or feasible. But the fact is, it's out there somewhere in your life, and if you stay focused on what's possible you are more likely to find ways through it and around it.

6) And that's really the point of being able to call anything "anything." It can mean so many different things with so many different interpretations that it gives us all a lot more flexibility when we're considering what we want vs what we don't want in our lives and how we want to move forward in any given situation.

7) When you change the perspective from "it's impossible" to "anything is possible" you open yourself up to all kinds of possibilities.

8) There's an old video on YouTube that I share with clients and prospects who want to learn more about my coaching services. The first question I ask them is "What inspired you to come and talk with me today?" The majority of people tell me something along the lines of, "I'm overwhelmed by life." They're sick and tired of feeling stressed out and they want to find a better way.

My response is always the same: "Anything is possible." Most people give me a confused look because they don't understand how that relates to their problem. But that's not what I'm getting at here. Sometimes, just my saying that one thing can change someone's entire perspective. In their minds they've already turned over all their options (i.e., nothing is possible). Once I say anything is possible, they start to open themselves up to possibility again and then they're able to see deeper into what could really be going on in their lives and why they feel so overwhelmed by it.

We have to be willing to turn nothing into something, something into anything, and anything into everything. It's about flexibility of thinking and keeping yourself open to possibilities as you move forward in life, or can we call it "anything"?

9) Have you ever tried to help someone or give them advice only to have them say something like, "You don't understand. It's impossible." What do you do? Do you continue giving helpful suggestions and advice? Or do you just throw your hands up in the air and say "Oh well" ?

That's what happens when people use the word anything in an incorrect context. They say it and then make themselves immune to any other possibilities. Allow yourself to use "anything" in the right way, however, and you'll discover that you're able to open up more doors than you could have ever imagined.

10) Don't get caught up in the word itself. It's a tool that can be used incorrectly just as easily as it can be used correctly. The key is to understand who or what is interpreting this word at any given time, and then match it up with whatever context they are taking it from. You may look at it one way and think of all the things that are impossible for you, while others see these same things (i.e., anything) as possible for them.

11) Perhaps you're thinking of a goal or a vision that you have for your life. If you believe that it's impossible to get it, then chances are it will never happen. However, if you change your perspective and think of life as "anything," then all of the possibilities become obvious and you can see the steps that need to be taken in order to reach your goal or vision.

12) When I was in college one of my favorite teachers gave us this advice: "Think about what you want on day one of having what it is that you want." That was simple enough for me to do as I was walking out the door at the end of his class. What do you want on day one of having it? What's the first step you could take to get there?

13) If you think about what it is that you want on day one and then make your steps, do whatever needs to be done, and keep moving forward, any "impossible" things that come in your way will start looking more and more possible to you. And if they stay impossible in your mind, that's when you need to re-evaluate what's possible for you or them. Remember: "Anything is possible." All it takes is a change in perspective.

14) You'll notice that none of the examples I've given are negative.

Conclusion : So "anything" doesn't always have to mean a good thing, but it can be a very powerful tool when you're trying to decide what is possible and what isn't. And I haven't even mentioned all of the other ways you could use this word. So go ahead and experiment with it. Say it out loud today and see what ideas come up for you. Then use them. Anything is possible, after all! Got questions? Let me know and I'll do my best to answer them in a follow up post.

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