Why be a rich jerk when you can Become Hated But Rich?
It’s not just the rich that get a bad rap. It seems the poor are viewed as scamming the system, while they’re fighting a battle to survive. The wealthy, on the other hand, are often seen as arrogant and unpleasant to be around. But there is hope for those who want to become rich but don't like it when people glare at them on their way in Starbucks! You can find more about why this is happening by going down one of these paths:
1) Follow your passion and build a product that fulfills your challenges or desires that others will love.
2) Become a successful blogger or online entrepreneur through a combination of your passion, willingness to “learn”, and desire to share your knowledge.
3) Gain reputation and build an online brand that others trust. You might have to build a few products along the way or offer much value for free in the beginning. But that is the cost of building an audience that trusts you enough that they will purchase your offerings; many who will do so soon after you launch, when it would be much riskier (and expensive) if you did not have this trust built up.
No matter which path you take, be sure to get good at sales. It's an important skill. These three paths are the most common ways to become rich, but there are other ways too. Let's take a look at a couple more paths that many people choose:
4) Be an entrepreneur who goes it alone and doesn't care about how much money you make, only about how much you make!
5) Become a successful investor. Not in stocks, but rather in real estate or even in privately held companies in which other people have given you equity. If you did well as an investor, then wealthy investors would be willing to make you partners or even buy out your part of the company (if it's privately held).
This list could go on and on. As you might guess, you can't all become millionaires playing the stock market. Some of you might even want to leave your job behind and become a full-time entrepreneur who sells your products on Amazon or eBay. The point is, there are many different ways to make money without being rich!
It's no secret that being rich is hard to achieve, which makes the path of becoming rich seem like more of an uphill battle than it really is. There are obstacles along the way that can cost you months, if not years, of your life if you're not careful. That's why it's important that you read all of these books on the topic.
One word of caution: this isn't a competition! Don't let it be a race. This will only lead to more stress than needed and dangerous shortcuts that could lead to failure if you find yourself running out of money but still want to continue pushing forward. There is no reward for finishing first!
Are you ready to become rich? I hope so, because reading this book is the only way you'll know what it takes to get started on your journey. So let's get started with a little history lesson on why becoming rich is so hard to achieve.
The Road to Wealth Part 1: How Rich People Got Their Money But Were Unhappy With It
The history of being rich goes all the way back to the beginning of time. When you think about it, the idea of being rich first made its appearance when man started making money (or at least more than he could use). We didn't have it so easy when we first began working for money; we had to wait for a new crop of berries or plants to grow before we could eat. It also wasn't long before we began to hunt, and then of course we discovered that when they were dead, they still had food on their bodies.
The early stages of the idea of money could be found in ancient religions and traditions, but it is not known for certain who the first person who was rich was. The earliest historical documents give us a general idea of how the rich have been perceived over time because those documents have been passed down for generations, but being rich has changed just as much if not more than what you think it did in the past.
In the beginning, there were two main concepts of money. One was the idea of exchanging things or services for other things and services; the barter system. The other form of wealth was in gold, silver and precious stones. This is known as commodity money because it's considered to be valuable just because of how it looks, which means that you can't really use it to buy anything else!
Money was first used in the form of physical coins around 600 BC in Phoenicia (modern day Lebanon). Before that, people would trade gold and silver for other types of valuables so that they could own them, but these coins had pictures on them representing kings and gods who were rich already.
When the Lydian Empire came into power around 700 BC, coinage was improved, as they were now minting coins while they were still in circulation. Then in 64 BC, Julius Caesar made his first proposal to create a currency based on gold and silver to replace the impoverished Lydian coins. One of the things that he wanted done with this new system was to make it impossible for the government to double or triple its money supply by using a practice called inflation. The first currency that had that done was called the denarius.
The Romans used this concept of money until 476 AD when they were invaded by tribes from Germany and parts of Central Europe who didn't use coins and preferred to use bronze bars. Because of the lack of gold and silver in their own country, they decided to trade with Rome instead.
The Middle Ages made their way into the story of money by way of what's known as the medieval period. It was known for its use of gold. The Islamic world created a system where there was no interest on loans and also built up a system around bartering that lasted from 600 AD to 1500 AD. This also served as a way for them to develop trading systems that were based around capitalism, which means that private ownership was allowed.
Over time, some people began to use banks for trading and money laundering. It was also during this period that we first started using paper money and again, it was the Chinese who were doing it first! The notes were considered to be a promise of gold or silver so that this type of currency could be circulated.
The governments in Europe began to use paper money in the form of the "tallies" around 1600 AD. This was used when two parties agreed about something and would write down how much one party would give and receive for the transaction. These tallies were then cut into two halves so that each of them could have a copy as proof that they had settled a deal.
Conclusion: From the invention of money, we have seen many inventions of different types of coins and paper money, as well as checks that could be drawn against gold; but today, all forms of payment are electronic. Money has always changed and evolved with the benefit of each generation that gets to use it!
The Road to Wealth Part 2: How Rich People Became So Rich That They Can't Even Tell You How To Become One
Okay, so you're still reading this book and you have a good understanding of how rich people got their money. Now it's time to take your knowledge about this topic and apply it for yourself.