The postcard printing industry is an ever-changing landscape with new technologies, trends and strategies constantly emerging. But what does the future hold for postcard printing?

We’ve collected a list of the top 20 things you need to know about postcards in 2019 to get ahead of your competitors and stay at the forefront of this sector. From finding a printer to understanding the competition and market trends, if you want to be a success in this business we’ve got all your bases covered.

1. It's 2018: Postcard Printer Market Report

The postcard printer market is constant; as a consumer you can feel postcards hitting shelves every month. When you think about the long-term future of the print industry, it’s hard to ignore that there’s an ever-growing demand for printed postcards. With a rapidly expanding industry of consumers just waiting to purchase, this demand shows no signs of slowing down in the near future.

2. The Second Edition of The Postcard Book is out now!

With postcard printing becoming more popular and useful, artists and businesses alike are producing more memorable pieces for their customers. Our postcard book is a compendium of the most beautiful designs for you to take advantage of.

3. The 5 Best Postcards You Can Print Today!

After researching this postcard report, we’ve come across some of the top-selling postcards in the world today. These are some of our faves and what they offer to your customers. Take a look at these top five and boost your sales with a quality card!

4. Designers Buy Posters: Why it's so Popular in the UK?

Of all the markets on earth, it’s hard to find one that has a higher demand for poster printing than that of Great Britain. The UK has a large population and a great deal of disposable income. There are over 15 million people living in the UK and they are constantly searching for new products to spend their money on.

5. The Hidden Postcard & Posting Card Tricks

When we think of postcards, we often think about greeting cards and souvenirs that are presented upon receiving a gift or mail. However, there is more to these items than just a personal message or advertisement. To be successful in this industry, it is important to have some tricks up your sleeve when it comes to marketing your services and products as well as making sales online.

6. How to Get the Most from Your Postcard

One of the most important factors in running a successful postcard business is getting more out of your advertising dollars than you put into it. This is where creative thinking and smart marketing come together. It’s possible to get more from your postcards and here are a few tips that will help.

7. A Guide to Buying Posters for Your Business or Artwork?

With a huge market for posters, it’s important that you find the best pieces for your purpose. Here’s how to buy high-quality posters for your business or artwork.

8. Most Posters Placed in Homes & Offices: What Does It Mean?

Posters can be very effective tools for communication and marketing. When you first use posters for advertising, you may be surprised by how much they get people talking. Stick one on the local coffee shop wall and you’ll see people talking about it all day at work or school!

9. The Best Postcard Printing Process Explained

The printing process of postcards involves several steps. Before you can get your postcards printed, you’ll need to have an artwork design ready. This requires knowledge of design and the ability to create something unique. If you are a beginner when it comes to postcard printing, we recommend that you read this article for more information.

10. How to Make a Postcard Fast: 5 Steps

It’s common sense that taking the time and effort required to create a quality piece of artwork will play a huge role in whether or not your postcards sell. To save yourself some time and money, consider following the five steps provided below.

11. How to Save Money on Your Postcard Printing Job

Ever wonder how you can get the best prices for postcard printing? The answer is simple: know your competition and work with a printer that can give you the best price. There are three factors that affect the price of any printed job, and you don’t want to skimp on any of them.

12. How to Get Top-Quality Postcards from Your Printer

You have most likely heard the commonly held belief that top-quality postcards cannot be produced cheaply, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Though it’s true that the more postcards you have printed, the more it costs, you can choose a lower-quality paper and still get a high-quality product at a fraction of the cost.

13. Postcard Printing: Pricing Guide & Tips

Pricing is an essential part of marketing and selling with postcards. Whether you are working with a professional design or making your own, you need to consider how these factors affect price when coming up with an estimate. Once you know how much your postcards will cost to print, you can decide whether or not they’re worth producing.

14. The Small Business Postcard Marketing Plan

When you’re on a small budget, your marketing plan has to be tailored to your needs. But what should be included and how much to spend on each part of the plan? Here’s our small business postcard marketing plan to get your customers excited!

15. How to Boost Sales by Using Postcards with a Creative Message

If you want more ideas for selling postcards, read through this guide and you are sure to find some ideas that work well with your business or brand. This guide will help you come up with the right message for the right audience at the right time.

16. How to Get a Postcard Printing Job Off the Ground

If you want to start your own postcard printing business, it’s important to know how to get a printing job off the ground. The strategies listed in this article will help you approach jobs in a confident manner and get more leads than ever before.

17. How to Sell Postcards Online: 5 Easy Steps

Selling postcards online can be daunting because there are so many options and places you can sell from, but this article gives you the tools that will ensure success! Don’t forget—when you sell via your own website, don’t forget about online e-commerce!



Postcards are the perfect tool for businesses to use when they want to get their products and services in front of as many people as possible with a relatively small investment. Whether you’re promoting postcard printing or another business opportunity, the techniques listed above will help you get a good return on your investment.

A fantastic aspect of postcard printing is that it can be used for so many different kinds of businesses and purposes.

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