Revealed, the simple steps to quit your job.


 Revealed, the simple steps to quit your job.

An article by Rosie McCarthy 

Do you have a job you hate? Do you long to escape it and follow your dreams? If so, the time has finally come. The world is full of jobs that one can do remotely- even in another country and never leave home! As technology continues to advance, these remote jobs are becoming more common. You won’t be stuck with a 9-5 anymore. No longer will you be tied down to a certain location. These jobs are becoming more and more popular, with higher salaries and other benefits.

So do you want to be completely free from your job, and live the life you’ve always wanted? Or maybe you just want a part-time income, while still being able to do the things you love? Either way, it is possible. You can take control of your life!

Step 1: Figure out what would make you happy. If you were totally free to do what you wanted, what would it be? Would it be traveling the world? Working at home as a writer? Finding your true calling? Whatever it may be, write down 10 goals that would make you happy. Be completely honest with yourself. After all, this is going to be your guide for the rest of your life.

Step 2: Plan how you are going to achieve them. This is where some people tend to get frustrated and lose momentum, but it's important not simply to do things on a whim- you need structure as well! Spend several hours planning how you are going to achieve these goals. Make a list of all the places you want to travel to, and all the different ways you can get paid for writing. Figure out exactly what is most important for you, and how many people do it.

Step 3: Create a schedule for yourself. Once you've figured out what would make you happy, and how you are going to achieve them, draw up a schedule for them. Make sure to include times when other responsibilities can be completed so that they do not conflict with your own goals. This schedule should look good on paper, and also look good in life; long term goals should be balanced with short term goals as well as family obligations.

Step 4: Control your lifestyle. Many people fall into the trap of only working when they’re absolutely forced to, and this is not how you want to live your life. Determine which times of the day are most productive for you, and then build your schedule around those. If you do this from the start, you will have a great life!

Step 5: Look for opportunities. It can be hard to see all of your goals at first- but there are many opportunities out there for you that you can take advantage of. Be alert for them as soon as they arrive so that you can take advantage of them! Opportunities are everywhere. Finding them is not easy, because they are always changing and evolving. But the Internet can make it a lot easier for you to find these opportunities.

Step 6: Keep an eye on your finances. You will need to make sure that you can sustain yourself financially if you’re going to follow these dreams. The best way to do this is to plan ahead, before your salary reduces. You should make as much money as possible before you leave your job, so that when you do so- you will not have any financial problems. If you can't do this straight away, then it's a good idea to start looking for part time work in the mean time to help fund your future plans.

Step 7: Believe in yourself. The biggest mistake people make is believing they can’t do something, or that they don’t deserve it. If you write down what you want, prepare yourself for it, and then go after it- you will be able to make your dreams a reality. Don’t give up on yourself unless you really have to! Take advantage of everything life has to offer and live the life you always wanted!

Step 8: Take action! As I said earlier, opportunities are everywhere around us. However, most people never take advantage of them because they simply don’t know about them in the first place. You can easily find the opportunity you want by using a service like Google alerts, or searching in forums. If you feel like you’re missing out on something- try searching for it, and you will probably be amazed when the information you seek is just a couple of clicks away! This doesn't mean your goal has to be easy. Sometimes hard work and sacrifice will lead to success. It's never too late to find your dream job!

Step 9: Learn how to make money online. Yes, it is possible to create an income using the Internet. Due to the fact that so many people are looking for ways to make money online, there are a variety of different ways in which you can do it. There is now a market for work that isn’t tied down by geography- and you can take advantage of this!

Step 10: Expect resistance. As always, there will be people who don’t want you to change your life. You may have many people in your life who are not supportive of your plans, and those close to you will most likely be at the bottom of that list. If you put yourself out there for everyone to see and expect others to react how they choose- then you will only end up disappointed.

If you want something bad enough, you will be able to overcome the resistance and succeed. Never allow the opinions of others to get in your way! There are thousands of people who live successful lives while true passions, so don’t listen to naysayers!

Step 11: Be prepared for change. Once you start down this road, your life will never be the same again. You will have to develop a new set of skills in order to succeed. You will grow as a person and learn many great life lessons along the way!

Step 12: Take pride in yourself. Regardless of what happens, at least you will know that you put yourself out there. You will have nothing to regret. The accomplishment of your goals will be blissful and exciting!

Step 13: Be patient. If you want something and you know you can’t have it- then don’t do anything about it! You might as well save yourself the trouble when an opportunity passes by, and just wait until you get the chance. It might not happen in your lifetime, so be patient!

Step 14: Be kind. When you are dedicated to fulfilling your dreams, it’s important that every person in your world knows that you’re doing great things for yourself and others.


If you work towards your goals, there is nothing stopping you from achieving them! So what are you waiting for? You've got a lot of work to do! Break down your dreams and start creating a plan that works best for you.

You've gotten this far in the article, so now it's time to take that first step! It's important that you keep in mind that this won't be easy; life is never easy. But don't let difficulties get the best of you. You can do anything if you put your mind to it! There's no reason why not to try! If at first, you don't succeed- try again! Good luck and congratulations on discovering your dream job today.

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