RSS Feeds - The Basics For Everyday People


 RSS Feeds - The Basics For Everyday People

This article is about the basics of what RSS feeds are and how to read them. The concept of RSS feeds is quite simple: the site you are writing for has an RSS feed that allows you to receive a regularly updated list of new stories, links, images, or other content posted on their site. You can then use any number of desktop or mobile software applications to subscribe to this feed so that they are automatically notified when new content is posted.

Some sites offer many levels of subscriptions which make it even easier for you to stay up-to-date with all the latest news from your favorite sites.

I want to introduce you to the basics of RSS feeds. This will be a very short article and will cover what RSS feeds are, how they work and how you can use them. I will also provide some links so you can go and get more information on this if you need it. Without further ado:
What Is RSS? So let's first start at the beginning: what exactly is an RSS feed? The term "RSS" stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It is a type of machine readable format used to publish small bits of data that are delivered to your computer, mobile phone or tablet via a web browser on your computer or phone. These pieces of data are called "articles" and they contain the information that you see when you open a web page on your computer or phone. Here are some pictures which will help you understand this better:
RSS feed in action RSS feeds are common to all kinds of sites on the internet. On most sites, if you click the headline of an article, it will bring up a new web page for that article. However, if the website has an RSS feed, the article headline will instead pull up a list of headlines for similar articles on the site. The list will sometimes have a short description about what is being covered in each article along with a date and time when it was posted. This list could also contain images or even videos. Sometimes the list of headlines is chronological (newest on top) and other times it is sorted by category.
RSS feeds in action with a video RSS sites are able to provide you with these automatic updates through the use of RSS feed software on their site. There are lots of companies that provide this service, one good example is FeedBurner by Google. This service allows the developers to manage content and keep their users up-to-date with all new articles on their website. A popular site like CNN would use something like this to update you as soon as they posted anything new on their website. With RSS feeds, they are able to send you an alert right away without having to constantly be checking the site for updates yourself.
So What Can I Do With An RSS Feed? When you use an RSS feed, you are using software on your computer, phone or tablet that can read the information in the feed and display it for you. There are many different kinds of software for this purpose:
Desktop Software Web Browser Extensions Mobile Applications
Any of them will work and will show you pretty much the same thing. You can use these applications to view your feeds in a list form or in a browser window. Depending on how many feeds you want to follow, it could take up quite a bit of space on your computer, phone or tablet. Here is an example of the type of information you see when reading an article in a feed:
Type of information in a feed This example is what we call a "web-based feed" because it appears on your web browser as if it were a normal website. There are also "stand alone feeds" which will show you the same information but will open in their own application. These are much better for keeping on your phone or tablet as they do not take up any space.
In order to use an RSS feed, you need to first subscribe to the site. This can be done by clicking the orange "Subscribe" button (or similar) directly from the article readout window. You can also find the link to subscribe to the feed from the "Blog topics" tab of the website. This will bring up a link like this:
Subscribe to RSS Feeds Now when you click that link, it will pull up a list of other articles for that site. This list may just be one or two items but if it is bigger, there should be a link at the top that says "See All Articles". If there is more than one, simply select whichever one you want and copy paste that URL into your RSS reader software. You should now see this new article on your home page.
How Do I Find Out If a Site Has an RSS Feed? The first thing you'll want to do is search Google for the site name with the word RSS right after it. For example, if you were going to find out if this site had an RSS feed, you would just add the word "RSS" to our URL in and search. The results will pull up any sites that have "blogspot" as a word in their title and then have the word "RSS" in the URL.
Here is what it would look like:
As you can see, there are quite a few sites out there that have an RSS feed. Now you need to find out if the site you want to subscribe to has one… and also, if they offer more than one type of feed. In order to do this, simply search Google for "site name" "RSS" and whatever else you are looking for. For example:
For each of the sites that appear in your search results, look at the URL on the website and see if they have any references to XML or rss. If so, then it is likely that you will be able to subscribe them by just copying and pasting that link into your RSS reader software. If you have a hard time finding any reference to RSS feeds on the site, then you can subscribe to the site by clicking on their email link in the footer of each page. Usually this will bring up a window that asks you if you want to get updates from their email or from RSS feeds. I hope that helps clarify RSS feeds a little better for you,
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I hope that helps clarify RSS feeds a little better for you,
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