Taking Advantage of the Reverse Funnel System


 Taking Advantage of the Reverse Funnel System

When you're looking at a webpage and it's full of ads and disturbing pop-ups, you might be tempted to close the tab. However, this is an inattentional blindness example because people generally don't know where to look for quality content on a website. This leads to reverse funnel systems that entice users by making them feel like they've arrived somewhere safe with information that's being monetized in a way that makes sense for the user.

In order for us to make money off of your clicks or shares, we need you to stay on our page long enough so we can get the data we need from you. While Facebook has started the "disruptive" shift from advertising to your newsfeed, an older and even more successful tool for making money off of clicks is the good old reverse funnel system. That's not to say that this is one of the oldest monetization systems ever made; it's just that no one really uses it anymore.

While most sites use a floodgate or lead magnet strategy to get people's emails, they don't realize just how effective a reverse funnel strategy can be. For example, once you obtain someone's email in a lead magnet system, you have to follow up with them in order to provide them with additional value (like an eBook). That's fine. These people are obviously willing to give you their email in order to get more information or to get additional advice, but they might not be that interested in your product.

In a reverse funnel system, however, you can offer them a piece of content for free and then ask for permission to send them an email every once in a while. Since this is something they're going to want anyway, it'll be a small investment of their time and effort on your part. Your job as the marketer is just to ensure that you're doing everything you can do to make sure that leads are converted into customers without even asking for their email contact details. This is the second part of a reverse funnel strategy, and to set one up, you don't even need to be a marketer.

There's also a third part of this strategy that can go on your website as well:

The Viral Loop

The reason why some people do not convert into customers is because they're not being presented with the right offer. It might seem like your product or service is perfect for them, but they might not want it so much once they learn more about it. That's why it's important that you use all three parts of the reverse funnel strategy: The floodgate, the lead magnet, and then the viral loop.

A viral loop is a way of getting users to share your website or content with their friends. There are many ways to do this, but it starts with getting them interested in a piece of content. You can present it as "a 3-step guide that will help you sell more on Facebook." That's a good start, but from there, you want to ask people to share it with everyone they know.

However, do not ask them to do so by simply pressing a button or two; this will not encourage sharing at all. You need to ask them an open-ended question that demands that they get personal and explain why the article was useful for them or their friends. This way, it's more personal for them, and the likelihood of them actually sharing it is much higher.

What you need to do is create a list of all the people who went through your viral loop and then offer them additional tips that are not available anywhere else on your website. These are "Advanced Facebook Marketing Tips", but they're only advanced if your users don't know about them yet. Using this system allows you to create an exclusive community that's more likely to engage with you, resulting in a higher conversion rate than an old-fashioned direct response marketing system would allow.

Of course, there's another reason why you should use the reverse funnel strategy and that's to create a community that follows your lead generation system. In most cases, email lists are accumulated by offering free articles or even by just asking for an email address. This is great if you want to promote a product or service, but as soon as you start making money from it, your list becomes more valuable. This is where people will engage with you in order to get value in the form of value-added tips and techniques.

In order to utilize this powerful system properly, you simply need to copy the above process so that everyone who views your content knows what they're getting into before they join it. If you're doing this right, then you should have a big enough list after a while so that it's still possible to directly market to those people.

Of course, there's no guarantee that you'll be successful with this system the first time around. That's why it's important that you do some testing to figure out what works and what doesn't. For example, if some of your content goes viral overnight, then try replicating this process as much as possible until you master the art of virality.

Title: Creating Buzz for Your New Product Launch

Description: How Crowdfunding can Help You Fund your New Product Launch

Article link: http://www.business2community.com/entrepreneurs/article/how-crowdfunding-can-help-you-fund-your-new-5509485

Author: Matt Johnson

Categories: How to market your business, crowdfunding, Small to medium business, Entrepreneurship & Business News, Business Strategy & Tactics

Date: February 24th, 2017

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Media Response (24 Feb) by Matt Johnson from https://twitter.


It's clear that with the right strategies and techniques, you can use Facebook to respond to leads in a much more effective way. This is especially true when you're planning your business launch. What's even more important is to understand what has worked in the past and then apply it in your new business, otherwise you'll end up losing money on lack of results.

Good luck! I hope this post helped. If you have any questions whatsoever, please comment below so we can continue the conversation. Don't forget to share this post with your friends and family so they, too, can benefit from our content on Facebook! And don't forget to "like" us at http://www.facebook.

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