Teaching you how to get paid.


 Teaching you how to get paid.

Smartphone-based applications have created a world where anyone can start creating content for social media, eCommerce websites, and video game developers in their free time. With the help of this shift in technology and the plethora of services available online, it shouldn't be difficult to find work. But despite your best efforts, you may still want to get paid for some of your work. Here are some tips on how to get paid on freelance sites like Upwork or Freelancer:

1) Create a portfolio that clearly outlines what you are capable of doing.
2) Use keywords relevant to your skillset when searching for jobs online; ianboyd has great advice on doing so here.
3) If you are posting to an open job listing, make sure to include links to some of your previous projects.
4) Take photographs that showcase what you do best - capture interesting shots of the different tools you use and use a unique angle that shows off your personality.
5) Do not get discouraged easily and never give up - there are tons of open jobs out there for which you can be compensated.
6) If you want to work from home, create a resource page showing what kind of work is available for freelancers with those specialties. Work this into your portfolio if possible.
7) Write a blog in your free time that shows off your skills, a portfolio is not the only way to get paid for doing what you love on Freelancer.
8) Consider making a Youtube channel to showcase how skilled you are. There are many content creators who specialize in making videos about how to use different programs and applications. You can upload tutorials for other people or even make your own game.
9) Create and design games that you can sell on the app store or through third party marketplaces like Steam or Google Play - try using GameMaker Studio 2 if you want to create games without coding knowledge, it's very easy to learn.
10) Do not become discouraged by the potential earnings in your field of choice. Keep trying and you will build up a reputation that will lead to more money from other clients over time.
11) Even if you are trying to make a full-time income from freelance sites, you should always have another job or something to fall back on in case freelancing does not work out for you.
12) Be polite to your clients and always be willing to learn about what they want. This will lead to more work later on.
13) Establish yourself as the best person for a specific job, then price your services higher than you think they are worth - this will help you earn money from the start until you establish a positive reputation.
14) Do not undercut other freelancers. This will give them a bad impression of you and lead to less jobs long term.
15) Get feedback from clients on how to improve your services and help them in any way possible - do what it takes to get more business in the future.
16) Be as honest as possible with customers and make sure that they are happy with your work before accepting new assignments. 
17) If you are interested in building a side business by creating apps or other digital products, try to undercut competitors so you keep more of the profit. You can do this by offering special bonuses to your customers - even if only slightly. Create an awesome product and give people an excuse to buy it.
I hope that this article helped you understand where to find work and how to get paid for your efforts. Please for those who agree with what I've said, either leave a comment here or on Facebook . For those who don't agree with me, let me know why in the comments below. I would love to discuss this further with you! - ianboyd
Now go prove them wrong. :)
(P.S. I wouldn't edit this article until it was 100% finished since it gives away too much information about the ways in which you can get paid as an independent contractor, so I apologize in advance if you don't see all of this. But hopefully this will help some people out there.)
About The Author
My name is Ian Boyd and I am an indie game developer based in Toronto, Canada. You can check out my games at http://www.ianboyd.ca/ or follow me on twitter @ianboyd . Want to hire me? Go ahead and email me at ian@ianboyd.ca . Now go prove them wrong! (P.S. I wouldn't edit this article until it was 100% finished since it gives away too much information about the ways in which you can get paid as an independent contractor, so I apologize in advance if you don't see all of this. But hopefully this will help some people out there.)
(P.S. I didn't have time to finish my article, so go ahead and read my tutorial on how to get freelance clients on Upwork. It just might help a lot more people out there!) https://ianboydblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/23/how-to-get-a-freelance-client-on-upwork/
(P.S. I thought this was a long post, but if you don't feel like scrolling all the way through it, you can check out my article about how to use Facebook for marketing your freelance business. https://ianboydblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/24/how-to-market-your-freelance-business-on-facebook/)
You are here: Home > Articles > How to Get Paid as an Independent Contractor on Freelancer
It's always nice when people share their experiences of getting paid as a freelancer on Upwork and other freelance sites such as Freelancer and Fiverr. I decided to write up this post because I want the people out there who are struggling to find work on these sites to have a better understanding of how many freelancers there are and what it takes to get paid for your freelance work on these sites.
There is a ton of work out there on these sites, but it can be tough at times when you first begin to look for clients. I've been doing freelance work since 2010 as an independent contractor and have found that there are countless ways that you can get clients and earn money as an independent contractor without going through a specific type of business model or having to spend money on advertising. 
I am by no means saying that becoming a full-time freelancer and saving money is not possible, but the path to getting paid as a freelancer on Upwork and other freelance sites can be long and tiresome. I would like for people who are looking for freelance work on these sites to know that there are many different ways you can get paid by finding clients and becoming an expert in your field. 
There are many aspects of what it takes to get paid as a freelancer that you have completely control over.

If you are interested in becoming a successful freelancer and getting paid for your work as an independent contractor, then do not ignore these aspects of freelance work as I have discussed in my previous posts. Before you dive into any freelance work, make sure that you have set the proper expectations with your clients from the start. If there is anything else that people should know about this topic, please leave a comment below and I will reply. Remember to try to be as transparent about what it's going to take to find clients and make money if you want to become a successful freelance artist!
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