Telephone Number Fraud
Telephone Number Fraud
When you are being asked for personal or private information, be sure to ask if the request is for your phone number.
If you receive a call or text from someone asking for this type of information, it’s best to hang up before giving out any personal data—unless you know the person on the phone well and they have your permission to access that type of information.
If you have your phone number listed publically, do not give it out in response to a request that you read it aloud.
When asked to read your phone number aloud and given the impression that the information is being verified by a third party, such as your bank or credit card company, confirm with them ahead of time and ask if they will be asking for this type of information before you provide it.
For more information on how to protect yourself from telephone fraud, visit .
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© 2014 Fraud Aid .
Newsletters from (NFB) National Fraud Information Center (NFIC), include information about identity theft, credit card fraud, bank fraud and other types of consumer fraud. The newsletter was made available through the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
The NFB was founded by the Attorney General of the United States in 1984. The website maintains a free, centralized source of information relating to fraud issues, including scams and fraud prevention. Since its inception, the site has served as an informational tool for consumers and law enforcement; over 30 million Americans have used it to file over 3 million online complaints. National Fraud Information Center (NFIC) is sponsored by TAG AID Inc., a non-profit organization that provides products and services from victim assistance through recovery for victims of all types of fraud, including fraudulent charges on their credit cards. The NFB's content is provided by TAG AID Inc. (a non-profit organization) and IC3 (federal, state and local law enforcement agencies).
The site's content consists primarily of information about frauds and ways to protect oneself from them. It offers resources for victims of fraud; as well, it provides information on how to report scams. Laws regarding fraud, scams and victim protection are available through links within the site's pages. Information is provided in Spanish as well as in English; the site also provides online fraud translations into French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
For more information visit .
All Rights Reserved.
© 2014 Fraud Aid .
The website provides free and useful information related to fraud, scams, identity theft and other crimes that an individual should be familiar with. The site provides tools such as interactive tools to view nationwide scams by county, by state and city; it also has information on how an individual can protect himself.
For more information on how to protect yourself from telephone fraud, visit .
All Rights Reserved © 2014 Fraud Aid.
This site has been designed and maintained by TAG AID Inc., an international non-profit organization providing products and services from Victim Assistance through Recovery for victims of all types of fraud including fraudulent charges on their credit cards. TAG AID Inc. is not affiliated with any government agency. The site content is provided by Federated Department Stores, National Bank Card Services, U.S Secret Service; the National Fraud Information Center (NFIC) is sponsored by TAG AID Inc..
The site provides information on how an individual can protect himself during telephone scams. Information is provided in English as well as in French, Spanish and Italian.
For more information visit .
All Rights Reserved © 2014 Fraud Aid .
This site has been designed and maintained by TAG AID Inc. (a non-profit organization) and IC3 (federal, state and local law enforcement agencies). The site content is provided by TAG AID Inc. (a non-profit organization) and IC3 (federal, state and local law enforcement agencies). The site provides information on how an individual can protect himself during telephone scams. Information is provided in Spanish as well as in English.
All Rights Reserved © 2014 Fraud Aid .
This site has been designed and maintained by TAG AID Inc. (a non-profit organization) and IC3 (federal, state and local law enforcement agencies). The site content is provided by TAG AID Inc. (a non-profit organization) and IC3 (federal, state and local law enforcement agencies). The site provides information on how an individual can protect himself during telephone scams. Information is provided in Spanish as well as in English.
All Rights Reserved © 2014 Fraud Aid .
This site has been designed and maintained by TAG AID Inc.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides information on identity theft and how to prevent it.
Telephone Number Fraud