The 4 Secrets To Success & Wealth
We've all been told that we're special and destined for greatness, and while this might be true, it doesn't mean that anyone is guaranteed to live the dream. In fact, studies show that 80% of people who are born into poverty stay entrenched in the cycle of poverty for their entire lives. The only way out is a lot of hard work, determination, and persistence. And those who do manage to escape from poverty often find themselves in more enviable positions within society.
So, how do you become part of that 20% of the population who reaches the elusive goal of financial success and wealth?
The first step is to understand that there are no secrets. In fact, getting wealthy is all about learning how to take control of your finances and make smart decisions with your money. This means understanding the basics of money management and developing a budget plan that will help you achieve your goals and dreams. And if you're already in a position where it's easy to simply live paycheck to paycheck, this can be one of the most challenging pieces to the puzzle - but it's also one of the most important. If you've never really looked closely at what finances mean to your life, it's important to realize that they can have a huge impact on how you view the world.
If you want to become financially free and lead the life of your dreams, there are four basic principles that will help you achieve those goals. Learning about these four secrets will give you the confidence and knowledge you need to take control of your financial future, whatever path you choose for yourself.
4 Secrets To Success & Wealth:
#1 Develop a Money Management Plan - This is one of the biggest keys to success and wealth, because it all begins with knowing how much money you need on a daily basis in order to lead the lifestyle of your choosing. You may want to start with a small amount and slowly work your way up to the level of comfort that you need. You can also use this information to create an emergency fund so that you'll always be prepared in case of an unexpected expense.
#2 Don't Go On A Spending Spree - There are times in life when it's necessary to splurge a little on something that you really want or need. But, if done carelessly, these types of purchases can derail your financial success for the rest of your life. Instead of letting one extravagant purchase throw you off course, it's best to be disciplined about making your money work for you.
#3 Find Your Financial "Why" - You may want a new car, or a big house, or a fancy vacation. But if you're not sure why you want these things in life then it's easy to get carried away with the wrong types of things and end up losing sight of what's truly important to you. This is where the power of money management comes into play. By understanding how your finances fit into the bigger picture and developing a hard-to-beat financial plan for yourself, you'll have the power to make wise decisions that will help lead you toward financial freedom.
#4 Eliminate Your Bad Habits - Even though you may have been conditioned to think that credit card debt is acceptable, the truth is that carrying a balance on your credit cards is not a good habit to pursue. Making small sacrifices like taking public transportation or saving your lunch money for an entire month will help put you in a better position to make greater financial strides over time. By eliminating bad habits and creating new ones, you'll be able to create the kind of lifestyle you've always dreamed about.
When it comes down to it, financial success is one of the most important aspects of living a successful and fulfilling life. So, before you embark on your financial journey, make sure you understand the four basic money management principles that will help you get there.
Steve Cunningham is a writer, entrepreneur and author of the best-selling book "How to Get Rich Selling Things On eBay." Much of his work is devoted to helping people discover how everything you need for success can be found on things once considered trash. Visit his website at or follow him on Twitter @getrichsellingthings. For more information on "The 4 Secrets To Success & Wealth," visit
(NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The 4 Secrets To Success & Wealth.)
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A TRUE STORY | I was raised by a single mom who did her best to raise kids on her own. She gave many of us a sense of moral support that enabled us to make it through difficult times with our feelings intact. So, when I became an adult, I learned what it felt like to struggle financially ... I had no idea how tough our lives back then really were until I started researching my family history about 20 years ago.
I was born in 1968, the middle child of seven, during a time when our family was living without a substantial income. My father had died in an auto accident when I was only two years old and my mom had to work very hard to support her children.
We were living with the legacy of neglect and abuse that came from the generational curse of alcoholism, drug addiction and poverty that plagued our family for many years. While there were some positive attributes that we inherited from our parents and previous generations, there were also some very negative ones as well. And it was these negative traits that affected how we grew up and saw the world around us.
Through my research efforts, I began to understand why my mother felt the way she did. She was poor and also had a very low self-esteem about herself as a woman. I started getting a clearer picture of why she did what she did and how she felt about life. She could have been doing so much more than what she was doing in life, but her own personal issues were holding her back from achieving her potential and success.
I believe that many of us are held back by our own childhoods ... many of us carry around a lifetime of inherited burdens that have been passed down through generations like some kind of chain letter scam or bad luck curse or something. But this is not the case ...
Conclusion | See, we all make mistakes as children ... We often ask ourselves: "Why did my mother do this?" or "Why did my father do that?"
The secret is to not let those actions and experiences negatively shape your future. Take charge of your life and the direction you are going ... think about how you want to live and how you want to be remembered when the time comes for your own death.
"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme." - Mark Twain
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