Why You Should Have A Merchant Account


 Why You Should Have A Merchant Account

This article is written by a merchant account provider to help merchants find an online business model that suits them. With many different types of businesses to choose from, it is important for you to have a profitable business before getting started. There are many benefits for merchants who sign up with a merchant account provider, such as the ability to accept credit cards and get paid faster from your sales. The article will outline what it takes on your part in order to make more money and why merchant accounts are the best option for you if you want success.

A merchant account makes things easier for retailers who want consumers using their own credit or debit cards because they don't have to worry about fraud or dealing with tax agencies. Without a merchant account you are dealing with the risks of fraud by having to pay a percentage of your sale to the card companies. With a merchant account, this is no longer necessary because you are using your own credit or debit card and paying only for what is taken.

If someone tries to pay for their purchase using a stolen credit card, then the merchant account will have to send money back to that card company who will then notify the credit agencies. This could get very messy if you have multiple amounts that were paid from multiple cards and processors. When merchants use Merchant Accounts they do not have to process any payments manually which speeds up the process immensely.

The best way to make money is through deals that fit your business type. Selling special offers to other merchants who are on the same page as you can help you make money and get your business noticed by customers. There are thousands of websites out there that offer money for people who promote their services on their site. You can also advertise your business on affiliate sites that will pay you for sending a lead or customer to their site.

Merchant Accounts are the best way to make money if you have an online business model because they can help you sell your product on cheaper sites and still get paid from your sales. When buyers come to your website and go through a payment gateway it is disguised where the payment is coming from, so there no chance of losing customers if they don't know what type of business you are, which is important for all online businesses.

If someone is not accepting credit cards then they aren't making money because not everyone carries cash with them all the time and credit cards are necessary if people want to shop online. Consider the benefits and risks of having a merchant account because it can help your online business make money.

Author:  Annette Ritt @ Merchant Account Provider - Original Article Source
Posted in: Credit Card Processing , Web Development , Merchant Accounts Post Date:  22 August 2012 10:54 AM (UTC-7)
Posted by :  Ucan student from Malaysia. All Rights Reserved , Copying Content is Illegal . <script type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><! [CDATA [//><!-- var _gaq = _gaq || [];_gaq . push ([ '_setAccount' , 'UA-18158834-1' ]);_gaq . push ([ '_trackPageview' , 'UA-18158834-1' ]); _gaq . push ([ '_setAccount' , 'UA-18158834-1' ]);_gaq . push ([ '_trackPageview' , 'UA-18158834-1' ]); /* --><!]]> </script>
Posted in: Credit Card Processing Post Date:  30 October 2012 03:12 PM (UTC) Reply
Thanks for the blog. : The fact that an offer with no credit terms will trump a merchant account is just stupid. -- Reply Reply by :  Amer @ Merchant Account Provider -- Original Article Source
Posted in: Credit Card Processing Post Date:  03 November 2012 07:18 AM (UTC) Reply
Good post. I have to agree with you on this. I am sick of the ads that say, "Get a credit card processing account for as low as $50!" and these types of offers only trick the unsuspecting customer into thinking they will save money with accepting credit cards...but that's just not the case. A merchant account is still going to cost at least $200-$400 per month whether you pay for it or not. Reply Reply by :  Amer @ Merchant Account Provider -- Original Article Source
Posted in: Credit Card Processing Post Date:  03 November 2012 09:45 AM (UTC) Reply
Missing a few things, but thanks for the read. I feel the same way you do about this. Reply Reply by :  Merchant Account Provider @ Merchant Account Provider -- Original Article Source
Posted in: Credit Card Processing Post Date:  04 November 2012 11:07 AM (UTC) Reply
Merchant Accounts are the best way to make money if you have an online business model because they can help you sell your product on cheaper Sites and still get paid from your sales. When buyers come to your website and go through a payment gateway it is disguised where the payment is coming from, so there no chance of losing customers if they don't know what type of business you are, which is important for all online businesses. Reply Reply by :  Merchant Account Provider @ Merchant Account Provider -- Original Article Source
Posted in: Credit Card Processing Post Date:  05 November 2012 05:59 AM (UTC) Reply
<script type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><! [CDATA [//><!-- var _gaq = _gaq || [];_gaq . push ([ '_setAccount' , 'UA-18158834-1' ]);_gaq . push ([ '_trackPageview' , 'UA-18158834-1' ]); _gaq . push ([ '_setAccount' , 'UA-18158834-1' ]);_gaq . push ([ '_trackPageview' , 'UA-18158834-1' ]); /* --><!]]> </script> Reply Reply by :  Merchant Account Provider @ Merchant Account Provider -- Original Article Source
Posted in: Credit Card Processing Post Date:  06 November 2012 09:50 PM (UTC) Reply
Thanks for the blog. The fact that an offer with no credit terms will trump a merchant account is just stupid.


There are many companies that offer merchant accounts to online merchants. I recommend a merchant account provider that has great customer service, low fees, and 24/7 availability. You should also choose an online merchant services company with strong security features and fraud protection.

Merchant Account Provider provides you with the best merchant accounts for small businesses at low rates, so if you are in need of an affordable credit card processing service for your business give them a call today! There is no sign up fee and your first month is on them! (Limited time offer, so call today) Now all you have to do is get traffic from Google using our article writing services! 🙂 .

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