Life Insurance - Top Tips for buying online


 Life Insurance - Top Tips for buying online

Buying online is not a new concept and it is widely accepted as the safest, cheapest and most convenient way to buy Life Insurance.

You’d be surprised how many people shun buying Life Insurance online because they don’t understand how it all works. But today we are trying to break this cycle of fear by highlighting top tips you should know, before making that first purchase!
The post will help you with such things as selecting the right plan for your needs, choosing among various providers and plans, calculating premiums and coverage amounts and we even throw in some answers to frequently asked questions for good measure.
So if you’re ready to take the plunge, and live the life you want with Life Insurance…
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Posted by: Lifeinsuranceaid at 04:35 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Life Insurance - Top Tips for buying online This is from a popular page on Facebook. Some of these points have been discussed in detail on this blog, but I think it's worthwhile posting them again as there is much info and confusion about this controversial topic. I myself haven't bought yet, but I just wanted to post this because it could be very helpful for people who are considering to buy life insurance. Here's the post:
Posted by: Lifeinsuranceaid at 02:43 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Life Insurance - Top Tips for buying online  Posted by: Lifeinsuranceaid at 07:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
About me I'm an expat living in Turkey. Like many expats working from home, I have been using social media (Facebook and Twitter) since 2007 and blogging since 2010. My blog "Flavour of Expat" has been up since 2011 and is about sharing information about expat life in Turkey. Since I've been a blogger and a writer with experience, I hope that my blog will be of help to you. You can choose to follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Blogspot or not, it's all up to you! :) However, in return I would ask you for your kind feedback and comments. If you have any questions about me, my blog or Turkey then please feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you. Hope you enjoy my blog and find it useful! :)
Posted by: expatflavour at 03:15 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
How to Become a Blogger? Becoming a blogger has never been easier, especially if you have a knack for writing. What's holding you back then? I am not sure if I would be able to answer that question because I started blogging almost four years ago. In fact, looking back it feels like the time has flown by in a blink of an eye. I never really thought I could make a career out of blogging, but it seems to be working out...
Posted by: expatflavour at 05:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
You have probably just arrived in Turkey as a tourist. Whether you have applied for the Blue Card or not, you will probably need to extend your tourist visa to be able to stay in Turkey and look for work. The good news is that there are no problems if you stay up to 90 days while on tourist visa, and having work experience in one of the countries that form part of the Schengen Area (Germany, Netherlands, Italy etc.) will help you getting your Blue Card faster.
Posted by: expatflavour at 06:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
I would like to thank you for visiting my blog. I will try to write about any interesting things I find in Turkey and abroad.
Posted by: expatflavour at 11:50 AM | 1 Comment | Add Comment
It really depends on your lifestyle expectations. For example, I have a house in Izmir and I rent it out to people, but I live with my wife and two kids in Istanbul because we don't have the space. We both work full time and have a variety of hobbies (I like trekking, she likes flying). But we still don't live with our children because our old nanny lives in the same building. We don't travel much (because of having kids) and we need to be close to each other. For me, this is a pretty normal European lifestyle, and it suits us well.
Posted by: expatflavour at 11:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
I think the article sounds really good.. i have read a lot about expat life in Istanbul; but.. if you talk about buying property in Istanbul on your local bank account.. isn't that done using a mortgage loan? I don't know how this works at all... and i know nothing about buying property in Turkey... so.. any suggestions? thank you
Posted by: expatflavour at 12:27 PM | 1 Comment | Add Comment
I have been suggested to read your article from my friend, I am going to have 3 months time to spend in Turkey, I need to find a place where I can stay. Please recommend me some places which are cosy for budget travellers like me.
Posted by: expatflavour at 10:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Saadet Ayaz Bayrı has been a leading Turkish journalist for many years and her work has appeared in the New York Times, The Guardian and the Daily Star (Lebanese). She was one of the first journalists to investigate and write about the Turkish nuclear program in publications outside of Turkey. As a result she was imprisoned for one year on charges of revealing state secrets. Saadet has an MA in International Relations and is currently studying for an MA in European Studies at SOAS, University of London. She can be found tweeting about foreign policy issues under the name @SaadetAB . You can read her blog here .
Posted by: expatflavour at 11:06 AM | 1 Comment | Add Comment
It can be hard to find a job in Turkey if you are from an English speaking country. For example, many companies prefer hiring people who have knowledge of German or French (because more people in Turkey speak one of these two languages). However, it is possible to find some jobs, especially in the tourist sector (bars, restaurants etc.). The best way to find a job is via word of mouth; ask your friends and colleagues for tips on where you could look. Next you should visit the Turkish version of Yahoo Answers: .

Conclusion I hope that I have explained what is the best way to live in Istanbul and Turkey. The most important thing is to have a good support network of friends and family who you can count on whenever you need them. Also, it is important that you plan your move carefully and don't move too fast. If you are living on your own in Istanbul, then having friends around will make life easier and more enjoyable!
Posted by: expatflavour at 12:38 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Thanks ladies! I'll do my best to pay attention to what's happening in Turkey; I'm not very good at reading the news.

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