Outsourcing Trend Grows As Companies Cut Costs


 Outsourcing Trend Grows As Companies Cut Costs

Have you noticed that more and more companies are outsourcing jobs for things as diverse as customer service, payroll, data management, and even manufacturing? Well, it seems like this trend is going to keep on growing as businesses continue to struggle with higher costs of labor.

It isn't surprising really; the costs of industrial production has gone sky-high in recent years due to an aging population and high technology prices. As this occurs, we're seeing a shift in workforce from traditional jobs to self-employed contractors. It's not just limited to blue collar workers either; many white collar jobs are now being outsourced too!

And if you think this shift worries only industrial companies; think again. Even government agencies are now outsourcing their activities to foreign contractors. They do this mainly due to cost benefits, but there is another reason why government agencies are outsourcing to another country: security.

They just don't trust their own agencies for some reason; go figure…

Anyway, if you think that you're safe from outsourcing yourself (which is a big 'if' by the way), think again! There are already reports of employees being fired in favor of a cheaper and more skilled contractor. With companies worldwide trying to cut their costs, it's only a matter of time before more and more employees feel the pinch.

The good news is that you can somewhat protect yourself from outsourcing. This is in the form of online marketing. If you're a business owner who values his or her online reputation, there's a chance that the company will keep you around in order to maintain it.

Outsourcing may be good for businesses and contractors all over the world, but it sucks if you're an employee…

About outsourcing: How many jobs have already been outsourced in the United States? There are more than 530 000 positions! Read on to find out more: http://bit.ly/1iQGsNX [ARTICLE END]

Outsourcing, or the outsourcing of jobs, is a controversial issue. Many governments try to stop it because they believe that it would take away jobs from their citizens, which is true. However, there are also some benefits of outsourcing that the government doesn't see, but companies do.

For instance, many companies outsource because it helps them save on cost. Instead of hiring employees in their own country and paying for their salaries and benefits, they move their business to other countries where the cost of labor is lower. This way they save lots of money that can be spent on other things.

And if you think that outsourcing only happens in developing countries, think again. Many companies outsource to other countries that are considered developed or first world. This way they can still get quality work done at a low price. In fact, many developed countries are outsourcing their own jobs to other countries!

But what about the employees who lose their jobs because of outsourcing? Do they end up with nothing? The answer is no. In fact, even though a job is outsourced, there may be some positions available like customer service position in the Philippines . They're just different than before as they'd be working for a foreign company instead of their own local one.

So why isn't outsourcing illegal? Well, there are many reasons for that. For one, it's not really the government's job to tell companies where they can and can't hire workers. More importantly, as I mentioned in the previous paragraph, it would be bad if every country stopped this trend. There would be a huge shortage of talent in developed countries that may affect the economy of those countries a lot.

So for now outsourcing is legal and good for both business and workers. In fact, it's used all over the world and is expected to grow even more in the future!

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TAGS: outsourcing , job outsourcing , outsourcing jobs , outsourcing of jobs , outsourcing trends , outsourcing trend grows as companies cut costs

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If outsourcing is not something you like, well, then just don't do it. It's your choice after all! But if you want to see what the future holds for you and your company, and are okay with the idea of owning less of the company while keeping more, then outsourcing could be a good thing for your business.

To find out more about how outsourcing could work for your business, read this article: http://www.yescloseup.com/outsourcing-and-your-job/10604

It will give you some ideas on how to get started! Do let us know how this works out for you! 🙂

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