Overcoming Comparison and Fostering Self-Motivation


  Overcoming Comparison and Fostering Self-Motivation

Everyone's journey in life is unique and individual. It can be difficult to accept that fact, but once you do, it will become easier to find your own way and take the next steps towards a better future. Accepting your own individuality can help you overcome comparison and foster self-motivation. Here are four steps to help you do just that.
1) Make a list of your life goals and values
This step can be difficult for many people because they are not sure what their values and goals in life are, but it is crucial for the success of the next three steps. Try to make a list of your true values and goals, and not just "things you want." What things make you feel good or bad? What things in life would you like to achieve? For example, family may be a very important goal of yours, while careers are not, and saving money is also a goal but buying luxury items is not. Once you have a list completed try to rank them in order of importance.
2) Understand and accept that your values and goals are individualistic
Trying to be someone other than who you are is a futile effort. You can try to emulate others who have succeeded in life, but it will never work for you. Your life values might be similar to someone else's, but they will never be the same. Accepting this fact will help you overcome comparison and foster self-motivation.
3) Find your purpose in life
This one is tough as well because we are bombarded by messages every day telling us what our purpose in life should be. The only way to find out what your real purpose is, is by finding out what makes you happy. A lot of people seem to think that the purpose of our lives is money, success, or fame. That's not true and if you think those things are your purpose in life then you are missing out on the richness of what life has to offer. Also, once you can find your true purpose in life, it will be easier to achieve your goals and values.
4) Manage your life so that you follow the path to happiness
This step is hard as well because we are all bombarded by messages telling us how we should live our lives and where we need to go. We have jobs that tell us what tasks to do and when. We are told what to wear, who to talk to, and how we should act. We have self-help books telling us what we should focus on. We have TV shows showing us how to feel good about ourselves and what life is all about.
The bottom line is that it's not easy to manage our lives the way we should, and you might even find it difficult at times as well. You must understand that there is only one person in control of your life: you. Therefore, you must take responsibility for your own life by managing it so it fits with the path of happiness that makes you happy.
Remember that one man's bliss is another man's boredom, but the only way to find out is to go for it.
Wishing you success and happiness in achieving your goals in life.
For more information: http://abraham-hicks.com/self-motivation-overcoming-comparison/ [/ARTICLEEND]
About the Author:
Have you ever felt like you are "different" from everyone else? You might have a feeling of not fitting into society or that people think of you as different because of your goals or thoughts in life. You might be different because your values are different from others.
"Different" is not a bad thing, and in fact it can be a good thing if you can accept your individuality and understand that everyone else's opinion of you doesn't really matter.
You have to start by understanding that everyone's journey in life is unique and individual. It can be difficult to accept that fact, but once you do, it will become easier to find your own way and take the next steps towards a better future. Manage your life so that you follow the path to happiness!
About the Author:
Have you ever felt like you are "different" from everyone else? You might have a feeling of not fitting into society or that people think of you as different because of your goals or thoughts in life. You might be different because your values are different from others.
"Different" is not a bad thing, and in fact it can be a good thing if you can accept your individuality and understand that everyone else's opinion of you doesn't really matter. You have to start by understanding that everyone's journey in life is unique and individual. It can be difficult to accept that fact, but once you do, it will become easier to find your own way and take the next steps towards a better future. Manage your life so that you follow the path to happiness!
Maintaining Your Personal Growth
Many people find the idea of personal growth very scary because they are not sure about how this process will affect them in the long run. They don't know where it will take them, and they're unsure of how to begin. It is important to consider that you are always changing as a person, so it is always best to look at yourself from a different perspective in order to see the benefits of following your own growth path.
You might be thinking that this sounds impossible because you don't think you can change. You might be right about that, which is why you need to learn how to make the change. Change can be scary, but once you get the hang of it you will wonder why you never tried it before. This is because change will bring new possibilities for living into your life and seeing those possibilities will get very discouraging if you allow it to control your emotions.
One of the greatest benefits of personal growth is that it encourages you to get out of your comfort zone. You might find this difficult at first, but once you learn how to experience a sense of discomfort that doesn't overwhelm you, then you will be able to overcome any personal growth challenge and see a vast improvement in your life.
One way to help yourself move forward with personal growth is by finding ways to motivate yourself. This can be difficult because most people are used to being motivated by external things, such as authority figures or other people's opinions. It is important for you to use this process as an opportunity to find the motivation inside and learn how to use it rather than relying on outside forces.

This will be difficult, but it will get easier with practice. You might have to make yourself uncomfortable on purpose just to convince yourself that you can still get through it and find some kind of inner motivation. You could even try some meditation techniques to help you clear your head and find a sense of relaxation in order to discover the real you within.
There is no reason for you to wait any longer; start taking control of your life today so that you can enjoy the rewards tomorrow!
About the Author:
Have you ever felt like you are "different" from everyone else? You might have a feeling of not fitting into society or that people think of you as different because of your goals or thoughts in life.

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