Working Green


 Working Green

The best way to reduce your carbon footprint is to stay home and not go outside.
But if you need some fresh air and don't want to pass up the opportunity for a job, then look here! We've rounded up the greenest jobs on Earth that will allow you to make a difference in the environment and help mankind as we confront climate change.
Every job has it's perks--whether it's flexible hours, collaborative coworkers, or even free lunches--and these jobs pay pretty well too (who doesn't love making money?). Take a look at our list of amazing careers that are good for your health and good for Mother Earth.
1. Green Architect
Imagine being able to play with Legos but for adults! As a green architect, you get to design and build state-of-the-art buildings that are energy efficient and use renewable materials. If you're interested in architecture, green architecture just might be the right career choice for you.
With the global demand for energy solutions growing each year, there will be a steady increase in the need for green architects--a great thing since more training is needed to ensure high quality standards are met when constructing sustainable buildings.
This job is perfect for those who love chemistry and math! You also have to have superior attention to detail since building codes come into play once you start construction on your masterpiece.
2. Green IT Specialist
Many people out there are trying to go green, but few have the technical know-how to actually get it done. As one of the greenest jobs in America, a green IT specialist is a high demand position.
A green IT specialist uses renewable energy sources to power computers and other technology devices. They also look for ways to reduce the environmental impact of information technology. These guys are at the forefront of sustainability and if you're interested, become one today!
3. Sustainability Manager
Sustainability managers ensure that businesses or organizations maintain a positive relationship with their communities and the environment. They also make sure that both environmental and social concerns are properly addressed by the company. If you're interested in making a difference for future generations, then become a sustainability manager today!
Sustainability managers must be very organized and creative. They need to know how to deal with people from all walks of life, from the top decision makers down to the custodians who work the night shift. This job is perfect if you're concerned about climate change and are passionate about making changes at your local level.
4. Clean Energy Technician
A clean energy technician works with renewable energy engineers to research, plan, build and maintain solar panels, wind turbines and other clean energy systems.
With the growth of renewable energy, there has been a need for more clean energy technicians and engineers. These guys are great problem solvers who make sure their installations meet their goals and do what they're intended to do. If you're looking for a job that can actually save money in the long run, then consider this job as your dream career!
5. Green Project Manager
A green project manager will work with many contractors to design and implement environmentally friendly buildings for both public and private entities. They also work to ensure that all facilities comply with industry standards when it comes to Energy Star and LEED certification requirements.
You'll need a master's degree in environmental science or a related field, along with experience in building design as well as project management to be successful in this job.
6. Green Energy Engineer
These folks have advanced degrees in things like natural resources, engineering and climate science--which is perfect because they conduct complex climate studies. They're also skilled at using computers and other technical tools to analyze energy efficiency and possible solutions for public buildings, utilities and private residences.
To be a great green energy engineer, you'll need to know how the federal government manages various pieces of technology into one solution that has been cost effective for the building/facility owner.
7. Green Entrepreneur
This type of job is perfect if you want to work where you're most comfortable such as your own home. You can easily run a business as a consultant or opening up your own shop selling green products and practices. Becoming a green entrepreneur will allow you to help other businesses make the transition.
As one of the fastest growing industries in America, it's easy to see why becoming a green entrepreneur would be great career move for someone passionate about saving our planet from global warming. If you're creative, outgoing and have knowledge about green technology, then this job may be right up your alley!
8. Green Health Care Provider
Green health care providers help make healthy choices available to patients. They're the most important people in healthcare since they are the ones who have to interact with patients on a daily basis. As a green health care provider, you may work in any field of medicine including nursing, psychology and more.
If you want to work at home, this is the job for you. A great part about this job is that you can customize your hours since you can set your own schedule, and there's no travel involved! This is great if you have family obligations or other commitments to fulfill in your day-to-day life.
9. Environmental Power Laborer
Environmental power laborers work in factories, refineries, construction sites and anywhere that hazardous materials are used. These guys do the dirty work so that we can have a clean environment.
You'll need to be physically fit and have a positive attitude since this job consists of cleaning up toxic waste sites and other nasty places that most people would shun. If you're up for the challenge, though, then becoming an environmental power laborer can lead to many great career opportunities in green energy.
10. Food Systems Specialist
Food systems specialists have a lot on their plate. They're tasked with ensuring that our food supply is safe from both environmental contaminants and deadly bacteria. Their goal is to identify potential hazards, then determine the best way to solve them.
Food systems specialists work for the government or private organizations within agriculture and food processing. They'll need to know how to research foods and test for any possible risks.
If you want environmental science, biology or engineering background along with management skills, then becoming a food systems specialist is the job for you!
11. Green Teacher
A green teacher understands the environment and how education can play a big part in creating a sustainable future for America by teaching young people how their actions can make positive changes now as well as in the future.
If you're a teacher interested in educating young people about environmental science, then being a green teacher can be a great career choice. If you know how to motivate students, create programs and get them involved in learning, then this job could be right up your alley!
12. Environmental Planning Manager
Environmental planning managers are essential to the movement toward a green society. They plan and implement long-term plans that help us turn America's oil dependence into an environmentally safe energy future.
Environmental planning managers work for state agencies or private companies that offer consulting services within the environmental field. Being an environmental planning manager requires several years of experience in the field as well as proven skill at getting things done in government offices.

These are just a few of the many green jobs out there today. If you're interested in working for the betterment of America through helping to reduce our dependence on non-renewable, polluting forms of energy, then all you need is an education and a positive attitude to get started!
If you're looking for other ways to reduce your carbon footprint then check out my articles about eco-friendly clothing and renewable energy sources .  
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