Time Management Techniques for Accountants and Financial Professionals


  Time Management Techniques for Accountants and Financial Professionals

As young professionals, many of us are overwhelmed with demands, and often struggle to meet all our commitments. With so many competing priorities and long hours, it is hard to separate work from personal pursuits. As a result, we have forgotten the importance of time management techniques which are the key tool for making sense of our hectic schedules. Here are some great time management strategies that will help you manage your workload and improve your productivity in order to achieve success at work.

1- Eliminate Distractions
Distractions can be anything from something as simple as social media or email alerting apps which distract us throughout the day. This is the first step to setting up a proper schedule and becoming more productive. Make it a point to disable all apps and alerts on your phone which isn't necessary for work. You can also turn off cell phone notifications and other computer alerts, such as pop-ups, which may distract you from your work.
Also, clear your desk of everything besides the things you actually need in order to focus on one task at a time. Interruptions can make us lose focus in just moments, but when it is time to return to your work, it will be difficult to revisit what you were doing before the interruption occurred.
1.1- Check your inbox twice every day
Periodically check email three to four times a day, but the first check should be early in the morning. Make it a habit to read and respond to messages as they come in when you are at your most productive time of the day. This will prevent your inbox from clogging up, and allow you to focus on the most important tasks at hand.
2- Be organized
Clients and customers will expect you, as professionals, to be organized and have all information needed regarding products or projects available easily. Keeping a journal and a calendar will help you stay organized and have essential information at your fingertips.
2.1 – Have a task list
Make it a point to have every task you need to complete written down on a list. Keep it on your desk or in your planner for easy access, so it is always in the front of your mind. This way you don't forget what needs to be done, or the time needed for each circumstance.
2.2 – Change your environment
Everyone has seen those offices which are overflowing with clutter on every surface; this creates an unprofessional image of the company as well as the employees who work there . It's important to change the atmosphere of the office, or at least clean it up. It is sometimes the small things that end up making a big difference.
3- Work smart
When you are working on projects with clients or other people, set aside a small amount of time each day to send new materials on a regular basis to keep them happy and efficient. This will lead to creating a greater larger business relationship with them.
3.1 – Be proactive
When you have a question or need information from an individual, ask them rather than wait for your supervisor to ask. By being proactive, you are working with the flow of the project, rather than against it. You can take some time to prepare a list of questions before meeting with your client or supervisor.
4- Know when to say "no"
There are always times when we are given more work than can be completed in a timely manner. Learn to say "no" and come up with solutions that may help your supervisor out without sacrificing your work load or compromising on time allotted for each task .
5- Create a new habit
Take out five minutes at the end of each day to plan out what you will be doing the following day . This will give you a chance to reflect on your day , and keep you from getting ahead of yourself in the next one.
5.1 – Manage your time
Once you have established a good work space, develop a schedule that allows you to set aside uninterrupted time for focused concentration, and then schedule it . Make it part of your routine so that it becomes natural. It is important to spread out the most difficult tasks over the course of the day, and then reward yourself for accomplishing them with something that gives pleasure. This way, when the work is done, you feel accomplished and satisfied.
8- Be consistent
Set priorities for all tasks which are assigned to you based off importance & urgency . This will keep you on track, and from losing your focus over the intensity of different tasks.
8.1 – Prioritize and complete on time
Similarly, be sure to complete tasks within the allotted time provided by your supervisor . This will help you to be consistent with your work load, will make your supervisor happy, and give a good impression of yourself to others when you are working in a work environment.
9- Learn from mistakes
Don't let mistakes become something that gets in the way of creating new habits . Don't go back to old habits in order to avoid distractions or something that makes you feel like a failure , because it is just another opportunity to learn & improve yourself as an employee .
10- Keep a journal
Find a time every few days to write in your journal. This is a great method of expressing yourself and releasing any stress that may be building up. It will also help you become more organized, because you'll find yourself writing down tasks, ideas, or desires for the future .
11- Go to bed early
This might seem counterintuitive since it goes against much of what our society teaches us , but the reality is that sleep is important . When you aren't getting enough sleep at night, your energy levels are low , which can lead to mistakes being made. A lack of sleep can also cause irritability, mood swings and other issues that can interfere with work and your relationships with others.
12- Eat a healthy breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Be sure to eat something healthy, even on an extremely busy day . This will give you energy, instead of relying solely on caffeine to get you through the day. It will also keep your mind focused and attentive throughout your work day.
13- Take breaks
You may feel like you are being lazy if you take a break when it is not "time off" or scheduled lunch break , but take frequent breaks from an intense project, and reward yourself for getting through that task. This will help keep your energy level up, and allow you to focus better on work that needs to be done.


Self-assembly is a skill that everybody should have, whether it be for home renovation, making DIY projects, building furniture or even just reorganizing your garage. I've learned a lot in the past few years through trial and error, and thought that I'd pass some of that knowledge along in hopes to save others time and frustration!
I hope this guide will help you understand how easily easy it can be to self-assembly. In addition to pieces being color coded based on their size (large, medium and small) there are also different colored screws used to create stability where the pieces are not yet connected.

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