Time Management Techniques for Effective Networking and Relationship Building


  Time Management Techniques for Effective Networking and Relationship Building

Being a 21st century entrepreneur is not an easy task. You need to be able to network with people from all over the world, and there's so much information out there that it's tough to find what you're looking for. Networking can often be a tedious process, but it also holds many opportunities for you, and if done correctly, can help advance your business or career.
So how do you network effectively? Here are 5 networking techniques that will help you to find new business and make valuable contacts to help you grow.
1. Go Out of Your Way to Help the 'Average Joe'
Networking isn't just for CEOs and executives. It's also a great way to help those who are not in an organization or in the industry that you're involved with, but who are looking for a helping hand. This will make you not only more valuable as a potential client, but will also create more opportunities for yourself in the future.
2. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
One of the biggest obstacles that can come up during networking is not taking new people seriously. Many people are intimidated by others who are more successful or more established, and this can stop them from meeting people with whom they can do business in the future.
Another major mistake that many networkers make is neglecting to have a conversation with those who seem to be better than them. This can reflect badly on you as a person, and may even cause you to lose business or miss out on opportunities because you weren't willing to take a chance.
3. Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Referrals
One of the best pieces of advice that was given to me in the past few years was 'be able to give people a reason to refer you'. Give them something that they'll want to recommend you, and if you don't have this, then trust me, when you do meet someone who is looking for a contact or an introduction, they will find someone else. Don't be afraid to ask for referrals from others that you have talked with... even if it's just an email address. This will help build your network from the get go!
4. Be Yourself
Get out there and approach people - but don't overdo it. When you meet new people, treat them the same way that you would if they were your friends. Be yourself! Think of it this way - 'if I want to meet someone who makes a great latte, then I'm going to need to make a latte from time to time'. This is what you need to do when you network. Don't overdo it and don't be afraid - but also don't be too shy either... it has been known that trust is built through experience and actions.
5. Do It Yourself
Many people assume that the best way for them to have luck at networking is to simply get up in front of a group of people and talk about their business or industry. This can be a great way to make a connection, but it can also make you feel uneasy and self-conscious. Why not do something that you enjoy? Go out there and network yourself!
So what are you waiting for? Are you trying to get new business or are looking to make new contacts? Get out there and network.... it's the 21st century, and if you don't want to get left behind, then do what the pros are doing!
Posted by  Mr. Lifestyle at 10:29 PM
Great article Justin. Thank You for sharing your story with us. I myself feel like I'm doing a lot of the things mentioned in your article, but I do agree with you on the whole "being myself" part. That is something that most of us can take for granted. Great read! Reply Delete
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