3 Elements to a Deal-Sealing Classified ad


 3 Elements to a Deal-Sealing Classified ad

Closing a deal on classified ads is easier than you think. Every sale has three basic stages; the inquiry, the negotiation, and the final sale. This article will provide you with three steps to take when writing Classifieds Ads to make sure that your offer generates interest and results in a closing deal.

1)  In the inquiry stage, it’s important to present a thorough description of what you are selling and why someone would want it. Make sure your Ads have answers to all the questions (and there are many) that potential customers will have. In the "What you'll get" section make sure there is a clear reason why someone should buy from you rather than someone else.
Mention things about the product or service that make it unique and desirable to the customer. If you can, provide a question and answer section of with possible scenarios and questions about how your offer would work for them. Be prepared for an onslaught of follow-up calls from potential customers wanting more information on your product or service.
2)  In the negotiation stage, it’s important to actually negotiate. This is where it pays off to be thorough but also persistent in your approach. Once a lead calls, you want to get as many followup details as possible. Ask questions like:
• a) What is your timeline for a purchase?
• b) What are your budget constraints?
• c) Why are you interested in this? (This is important because it gives you an idea of which features of your offer will be most appealing.)
You want to be able to counter back with convincing reasons why they should take action now rather than later. And remember, persistence pays off. You want to work towards getting the price down and negotiating the terms that you can best work into your favor.
3)  In the final sale stage, make sure that everything is handled properly. Record everything, whether it’s in a written contract or not. Make sure you have the correct contact information for your customer; name, address and phone number to start. In addition to that, make sure you have the following:
• The date and time of purchase
• The price of your offer
• A copy of the item/service being sold (if applicable)
It might seem like a hassle but recording this information will allow you to keep records of all your transactions and it will give you a means of tracking who you sold your product or service to in case there is ever any question about it.
At the end of the day, you’re not selling anything that isn’t worth some money. You want to be sure that you’re pricing your product or service accordingly. Make sure you have a good idea on how much to ask for it based on your fields of expertise and what comparable products are being sold for within your industry.
You can find more information here: http://www.howtodocurrentsales.com/classifiedadsonline/closing-deals-in-classifieds-online/
For more information, visit: http://www.springfieldforsale.com/closing-deals-in-classifieds-online.html
B A S I C T H E M E T R O D E D I C A R D S - S H O P P I N G C L O S U R E D
1)  Set the stage by providing the facts about the product or service that you want to sell. In your header, include a clear description of what you are selling and why someone should buy it. You want to make it as easy as possible for a potential customer to request more information about your offer.
2)  Provide a lot of content in the "What you'll get" section. Details about your products or services that will make it valuable and desirable to potential customers. Mention things about the product or service that make it unique and desirable to the customer. If you can, provide a question and answer section of with possible scenarios and questions about how your offer would work for them. Be prepared for an onslaught of follow-up calls from potential customers wanting more information on your product or service.
3)   Answer all questions and concerns in an upfront manner by answering every single possible question that a potential customer might have regarding your product or service. It's important to be consistent and clear in your answers so that you can counter back with convincing reasons why they should take action now rather than later.
4)  Present cost effective pricing for your product or service. This is an important step in ensuring a sale because it will motivate customers to make the decision to buy now rather than later. You don't want to be too high or too low with your price; neither will generate interest and potential buyers. However, you don't want it to be too low either; because then you may be losing money on the deal, which could undermine everything else that you are doing to ensure a sale.
5)  Find all missing information and fill in all the information that is missing. Once a potential customer requests more information, they may have a lot of different questions about your product or services. Make sure that you are able to answer all of those questions.
6)  Ask for your buyer's contact information after the call because it is important to make sure that you have easy access to them throughout the buying process.
7)  Create an online file for each and every call made that has all the necessary information. This will allow you to track all of your buyers and won't waste time looking for information.
S T O R E S H O P S : F L A G G I N G H E A D R U S T H I S D A Y !
In today's day and age, building a strong online presence is the key to success; be it in business or personal life. Whether you are a small business looking to expand or are looking into self-employment, having a strong online presence will go a long way in helping you achieve your goals. The internet has opened up many opportunities for people all over the world to go about their daily lives without being held back by geographical restrictions.
Online shopping has long been a part of people's lives. And with online shopping comes the need for store fronts. There are many ways to find these stores but if we're going to be honest, the most common is through a search engine query. You type in a keyword and the search engines pull up all of the relevant results that you want. However, these results are not always up-to-date or accurate; which is why you often see disclaimers at the top of search engine sites saying that "We've excluded some results because they aren't relevant.

I hope that this post has given you a better idea as to what it takes to keep your sales moving forward. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below and I will respond as soon as I can. Make sure to check out my other post on traffic generation: http://www.springfieldforsale.com/traffic-generation-for-beginners/
For more information, visit: http://www.springfieldforsale.com/index.

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