3 Tips For Building Traffic To Your Website


 3 Tips For Building Traffic To Your Website

If you are considering blogging, or already have one but it's been slow going lately, this post is a perfect guide to help you get your content noticed. It includes tips to optimize your website for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and then give a little more "oomph" by implementing social media in your strategy.

A great way to start this process is with something new - don't ever go back and read the posts that have already been done on the same topic. If you're starting from scratch, read through some of these pieces that will make your site stand out from the crowd.
If you're looking to learn how to build traffic to your website , here are some great resources that should help.
1. Read the Post in This Series   Traditional SEO in a New World
This is an industry blog by Barry Schwartz that analyzes how search engines are changing the game for websites everywhere .
2. Read the Post in This Series   How To Improve Search Rankings Without Bending Over
This is a great post by James Agate that explains many ways to optimize your site for SEO without having to resort to questionable tactics. Also, it includes tips on how enlisting social media and blogging can help you get your site noticed even more. 3.  Read the Post in This Series   Why You Need to Think Social Media
Whether you like the idea or not, social media is here to stay . In this post , Bryan Heifetz looks at how your website should be a part of this. If you're looking to see how his company does it, you can check out their digital marketing blog for examples. 4.   Read the Post in This Series   How To Create A Successful Blog - Part 1: SEO
This is part one of a series by Sheryl Canter that provides tips on both building a blog and optimizing your site for search engines. 5. Read the Post in This Series   How To Create A Successful Blog - Part 2: Content Marketing
Part two of the series from Sheryl Canter, this time looking at how to build an audience to spread your message. 6.  Read the Post in This Series   Finding Your Voice: How to Start a Blog and Build Your Brand
This is a great blog post by Brian Clark that illustrates how blogging can help you create a brand that other companies in your industry recognize. In this post , he looks at some of the ways your site can become more prominent with an online presence 7. Read the Post in This Series   How to Get Traffic to Your Website - Part 1: Top 5 Tips
This is a blog post by Dave Kerpen that looks at how you can create traffic to your site by placing yourself "on the map". You can actually download this blog post as an eBook for a free 90 day trial.
8. See More Of The Blog Posts from This Series   How To Get Traffic To Your Website - Part 2: Becoming a Thought Leader
This is part two of the series with Dave Kerpen where he looks at how you can become known as an authority in your niche. He gives 5 tips that will help get you there. 9. Read the Post in This Series   How to Get Traffic to Your Website - Part 3: Build Your Own Broadcast Station
In this post , Dave Kerpen looks at how you can take advantage of the camera phone that almost everyone has now and help people recognize you as a leader. 10. Read the Post in This Series   How to Get Traffic To Your Website - Part 4: Get People Talking About You
In this post , Dave Kerpen looks at various tactics companies have used to get people talking about their products, which is similar to what bloggers do when they want other people to write about them. 11. Read the Post in This Series   How to Get Traffic To Your Website - Part 5: The Power of Niche Arbitrage
With this post , Dave Kerpen looks at how you can use tactics like conferences and banner advertising to build traffic to your website. 12. Read the Post in This Series   Bloggers Guide to Getting Traffic, Leads and Business From Twitter
In this post , Andy Smith gives tips that bloggers can use for using Twitter effectively. 13.  Read the Post in This Series   5 Traffic-Generating Blogging Tactics That Anyone Can Use
This is an article by Fred Gleeck that provides many different tips on how you can generate traffic from your blog by making it easy for others to read. 14.  See More Of The Blog Posts from This Series   How Will Blogging Affect My Business?
This is a great post by Douglas Karr that looks at how blogging can help you improve your brand and business image. 15.  Read the Post in This Series   Blogging Can Better Your Brand Image
This is an article from Fred Gleeck that gives tips on how blogging can help your overall image. 16. Read the Post in This Series   7 Reasons Your Website Needs to Be Optimized for Search Engines
This is part two of an article by Barry Schwartz on how search engines are changing the game for websites everywhere . 17.  Read the Post in This Series   SEO and Social Media: The Convergence of Online Marketing Strategies
Justin Cutroni looks at how blogging can be used to help you improve your site's social media status, and gives some examples . 18.  See More Of The Blog Posts from This Series   How to Build an Email List
Butler Consulting Group offers 7 different strategies for building an email list . There is also a free ebook that outlines them all. They also offer an infographic to go with it if you'd like . 19.  Read the Post in This Series   5 Crucial Steps to Becoming a Thought Leader
This is a great blog post by Mario Pesenti that looks at how you can become known as an authority in your niche. He gives 5 tips that will help get you there . 20.  See More Of The Blog Posts from This Series   How to Become an Impressive Blogger
With this post , James Agate looks at how you can communicate effectively with your blog readers. 21.

There are a lot of great posts out there that could be added to this list. If you know of others, please leave them in the comments section below so we can build a master list for other people to use. Also, please share this post with your friends and colleagues so they can benefit from it as well. It is always great when websites like this can get together and work on improving all aspects of the online world. What are your favorite blog post sources? Tell us below! This article was written by Jesse Lindquist for Business 2 Community
To learn more about how Blogging can help you become more visible within your industry , check out  http://www.bloggingdirectory.

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