A Marketing Conundrum


 A Marketing Conundrum

A Marketing Conundrum

Recently, I felt a little bit of dread creep into my thoughts. It turned out that new businesses are not really succeeding in the way that they used to be. Many companies feel as though there are too many competitors in their industry and that it is only getting worse with time. The ever-growing market competition is forcing them to slowly turn into things that they never wanted to become. Companies such as Starbucks, Subway, and even McDonald’s have had to restructure themselves in order to survive all of this change.
The marketing sector is starting to be filled with more competition than ever before. Through the internet, it has been made easier for smaller businesses to get their name out there. That small firm might have a much smaller budget than the larger firms, but they can still compete with one another on an even playing field. If a small firm has strong marketing strategies in place, they can find ways to promote their products and achieve similar sales numbers to that of the larger companies. If nothing else, it gives them a fighting chance at competing in the market.
Another reason why businesses are having trouble succeeding is because they are growing too fast for themselves. They grow exponentially over night and then wind up getting buried by their own success. It is clear that growing too fast in some cases is a big mistake. There are stories of companies that have experienced something similar to this, yet they were able to shrink back down and pull back their expansion efforts. What seems to happen is that these companies get into the habit of building a bigger and bigger structure when they have not quite figured out how to work with it. They build more space for themselves, but then they have nowhere left for people to go. This is not even taking into account the extra workers that need places to live as well. Things can quickly spiral out of control from there if you are not careful.
The ideas those businesses had outlined before going out and trying to expand themselves were good ones in the first place. It is just the fact that they went overboard with their expansion efforts that ultimately cost them. It is very important to remember that there are other strategies in play as well. If you begin to feel as though you have grown too much, consider scaling back on your efforts a bit. This means that you will have less workers handling things at any given time, but it can be done without any problem whatsoever. Think about it for a moment and you will see the power of scaling back your efforts in order to not overwhelm yourself and your staff members.
The other possibility is that those who started those expansion plans were not able to foresee how things would work out when they finally go through with their expansion plans. It is very easy to get overamped about the possibilities and not think about what things will look like when you start to get closer to your deadlines. Sometimes, even the best of plans can go awry when you try to bring them into action. This is why it is a lot easier to sit back and let things take their natural course instead of trying to do everything on your own. You are going to find that it can save you a lot of time and energy in the long run.
The main thing that people who ran these expansion plans are not taking into account is how they will be able to handle all of this new business at once. They think that they have the power to pull it off, but all they end up doing is becoming overwhelmed and stressed out over what is going on. The only real solution is to step back and let those who are supposed to be conducting the growth take over. Most of the time, a business will have already arranged for someone to fill in for them when they go out on their expension project. It is through them that you can learn from the past mistakes and keep your business alive. It does not matter if you started out as a new business or an old school one; we all know how easy it is to get caught up in something like this.

The above article was written by Kristen Renwick Monroe for About.com. If you would like to see a list of other articles, you will find them in the About Marketing category.
Source : http://blog.searchmarketingclearance.com/2014/04/a-marketing-conundrum.html#copyright
By: Kristen Renwick Monroe Date: Tue May 11 2014 Rating: (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) comments Tweet Share on Tumblr ↓
Read more at About Marketing Tips and Advice: http://blog.searchmarketingclearance.com/2014/04/blogs.html#ixzz3QKB8bFDB
Title: Google Changes The Search Engine Results Page
Google Changes The Search-Engine Results Page
Google has announced that they changed the way how you get your search engine results on their site. As Yahoo and Bing already did, they put in a nice little ad in the right side of the page for you to see if you are using their site. It is no longer your organic (free) results, but instead it is a paid set of links that are placed above your free search engine results. If you click on the ad, you will be immediately taken to a search engine results page (SERP). Some people are going to be happy about this change. Others are not going to like it at all. The way how you get your results in the SERP is probably more important than the amount of money they charge for placing the ad on your page. There are some good products and services that should definitely not be included in the Google SERP if it is because someone paid them a lot of money so they could rank their product above yours. How are they getting their links? They have promoted VeriSign products, VeriSign's Shaperspace service and Cisco's Linksys Instant Connect service. The first 3 products look like they are of an equal quality for you to use. Linksys Instant Connect is a product that you can buy from the store right now and use it the same day. How would you know if Linksys paid Google to get their product up there? You wouldn't, but Linksys probably did pay google to be in the SERP. Google has been changing things with their search results for a long time now, but this change might become more popular as they have put in some money for the placement of these links (ads) themselves. Now, if I were to get a Linksys product and advertise it on my web site as being a great product to use, before I get the product from the store, they would be denying me my free results because I am not using their ad services. This is more about being Google active than actually what Linksys is doing. The first 3 links are very important to have on your SERP, but if you want something that is in your best possible interest to have in there, then go somewhere else with your money. http://www.googleblog.com/2010/10/search-results-whats-different-now-and-how.


If this is a trend that will continue, then I guess we will see how it plays out with their results. Google has done a really good job at showing you what you want to see when searching for things in the past. The only real change in the future is going to be the amount of ads in their results and how they dole them out as you scroll down the page vs the old method of just having them at the top of your SERP. If you have any questions or concerns on this subject, please feel free to leave me a comment below! Source : http://blog.searchmarketingclearance.com/2010/10/google-changes-the-searchengine-results.

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