Baby Boomers Sports And Gym Injury Risks|avoid Over 40s Exercise Injuries


 Baby Boomers Sports And Gym Injury Risks|avoid Over 40s Exercise Injuries

The Baby Boomer generation, also known as the "silent generation" or "sandwich generation," has brought on a wave of new problems in the modern world. One of these problems is a surge in sports related injuries. These injuries have led to a proliferation of lawsuits for negligence on behalf of corporations and individuals, resulting in an estimated cost to society close to $200 billion. While there are some expected risks that come with an older age, there are still ways for Baby Boomers to balance their risk against their numerous benefits. Healthy living itself can be achieved by taking precautions and implementing preventative measures. The most important precaution Baby Boomers should take is physical activity. They should encourage their friends to go to the gym and participate in sports.

One of the major problems for Baby Boomers is their physical activity. Due to a decrease in regular exercise, physical disorders have become prevalent, most notably the prevalence of osteoarthritis and low back pain. The main contributory factors for these disorders are obesity, lack of fitness levels, and muscle atrophy. Among Baby Boomers who suffer these conditions, there is a 50% chance that they will be under continuous treatment or have used pain medication at least once per week within the last 6 months. Due to the rise of obesity among Baby Boomers, they are more susceptible to musculoskeletal injuries. These injuries first develop due to age-related changes in joint lubrication and flexibility. Because of this, Baby Boomers are more prone to injuries that involve sever strain and tearing on tendons and ligaments.

Arthritis has become one of the top disorders commonly expected among older adults due to its prevalence within the Baby Boomer generation... (see full article)

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Title: Health Risks Of Baby Boomer Women

Health Risks of Baby Boomer Women | Avoid Over 40's Exercise Injuries | The Healthy Handshake
Baby boomers are at a higher risk of developing diseases and other health problems because they were born during the time when there was an increase in maternal age, birth weight and an increase in neonatal issues.

There are five major risks that are predominant among baby boomers - psychological conditions, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, cancer and HIV infection.

Psychological Conditions
Baby boomer women are more susceptible to experiencing psychological problems than their younger peers. A study was conducted by an organization known as the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The results showed that baby boomer women had a higher rate of depression than younger women did. Those who were categorized in the boomer generation had a 47% higher rate of suffering from depression than those in Generation X (who were 35 years old and younger). These numbers speak for themselves when it comes to the potential health risks baby boomers face.

Cardiovascular Disease
The risk of developing cardiovascular disease has also increased among baby boomers. Heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure are all found more frequently among older adults. The reason for this rise is due to the fact that baby boomers are not exercising as much as they once did during their younger years. Although there are many different theories about the reasons why this is occurring, it is generally accepted that baby boomers spend more time sitting at work and less time exercising than they did when they were younger.

Baby boomers have a greater chance of developing osteoporosis than any other age group. This condition can lead to bone fractures and pain in the bones if left untreated. This is because of the fact that a decrease in estrogen production may occur after menopause. This drop in estrogen production may cause bones to become thinner and more fragile than they were before.

Breast Cancer
The chances of developing breast cancer are also greater among baby boomers because they are at a higher risk of getting mammograms than any other age group. This is because mammograms will detect tumors that have developed over the years, which can lead to breast cancer if left untreated.
Baby boomer women are at a higher risk of developing this disease than any other age group, and it is important for them to receive regular examinations by their doctors to ensure that they do not develop this serious health condition.

HIV Infection
Baby boomers are at a higher risk of infection with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases because they are getting married more than before and having children later in their life. This is because the demand for sperm donors has been steadily increasing over time, and women that are closer to menopause or who have not yet started to get regular checkups by their doctors may be at a greater risk of contracting an STD... (see full article)
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Title: Health Risks Of Baby Boomer Women
Baby Boomers have a higher risk of getting HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases because they are getting married more than before and having children later in their life. This is because the demand for sperm donors has been steadily increasing over time, and women that are closer to menopause or who have not yet started to get regular checkups by their doctors may be at a greater risk of contracting an STD.
Baby boomers are at a higher risk of getting HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases because they are getting married more than before and having children later in their life. This is because the demand for sperm donors has been steadily increasing over time, and women that are closer to menopause or who have not yet started to get regular checkups by their doctors may be at a greater risk of contracting an STD... (see full article)
Source: http://www.thehealthyhandshake.

Conclusion: The onset of chronic diseases at a higher rate among baby boomers than any other age group is largely due to the fact that they have a sedentary lifestyle as they age. If you are looking to prevent the onset of chronic diseases, it is important that you spend 30 minutes each day doing moderate exercise and eating healthy meals that will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fight off disease.

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