Becoming financially literate


  Becoming financially literate

Although it will help you in countless ways, one of the most important things that you can do to better your financial literacy is keep up with trends. Here's some insight into how to do just that:

Where are the opportunities? New ideas and innovations crop up on a regular basis. There are always new developments in taxes, banking regulations, economic policy changes, and industry trends that need attention from consumers who want to ensure they're not missing out on something big. By staying informed and looking for ways to profit from these opportunities, you can get ahead of the curve so your hard work doesn't go wasted.

A proven path for success is through education and skills training. Industry experts are always eager to share best practices, and there's no shortage of online resources. Rather than keep yourself in the dark, take advantage of the tools available to fuel your journey toward financial literacy.

For example, you can learn a lot by using financial calculators that show the effects of changing one factor so you can accurately compare different options before making a decision. Financial calculators can help you determine what impact an extra $50 a month will have on your retirement savings over time, how much interest you'll pay on your loan if you refinance, or what effect investing in a more aggressive portfolio will have on your returns.

Prioritize where you spend your money. Are you putting more of your paycheck toward lifestyle expenses such as eating out, entertainment, and clothing? Or are you using a certain percentage to cover debt payments? Probably both.

By all means, live the life that you desire. But know that if you do have debt payments, these could be in jeopardy if something unexpected happens such as losing a job or being impacted by economic downturns. Proper financial planning will help you stretch your dollars further when necessary so you can take care of yourself in difficult times too. [ARTICLE END]

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Article Title: Free Financial Advice For Your 20s and 30s – How To Attract Big Opportunities And Find Amazing Deals

Author: Sarah Stanley Fallaw, CFP® | CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Practitioner, Founder & CEO Of Sterling Money Management, LLC and Author of The New Rules Of Money And The 10 Commandments Of Cash Flow. She Has Been Featured In Forbes Magazine, CNBC TV & Is A Contributing Editor For

Article Description: Making Money In Your 20s And 30s Requires Planning, Discipline, Patience And A Couple Of Other Skills You Probably Don't Have Yet. Here's How To Get Them!

Date: August 21, 2015

Publication: Forbes Magazine [ARTICLE BEGIN]

Sarah Stanley Fallaw

Few people in the United States, let alone the world, can claim to have adequate personal finance knowledge at the age of 30. Your twenties are a time of massive financial stress where you feel like you're struggling just to make expenses and a few debts pay. Plus you lack credit, so any form of debt is off limits.

Your thirties are only slightly better. At least you've begun to pay down some of your debts and build credit. But you're still lacking in the knowledge area. And as you transition into your 40s, 50s and beyond, you'll find that it's difficult to keep up with financial planning changes—and it's even more challenging to stick to the plan.

Very few people reach their golden years in a state of financial independence when passive income can help support them. There's just too much risk (and too many opportunities for self-sabotage).

Fortunately, contrary to popular opinion, the 40-year-old bachelor isn't necessarily a tragic figure. But he's not likely to go on to attain financial independence either. Fortunately, there are ways you can prepare for your golden years as a single man or woman with limited means or income.

Making money in your 20s and 30s requires planning, discipline, patience and a couple of other skills you probably don't have yet. These are the skills that will allow you to maximize your time and expend your efforts wisely throughout this significant period of life. By embracing these new skills now, you'll be able to take advantage of new opportunities later on in life when they come along! [ARTICLE END]

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Article Title: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Credit… But Should To Make The Most Of It

Author: Angie Herbers, CLU, ChFC | Founder & CEO of APEX Life Advisors. Angie is a nationally recognized expert in the areas of tax planning, Social Security and Medicare, long term care, investment planning and insurance. She is a product of The Ohio State University and is an author, speaker and coach for business owners.

Article Description: Credit management is an important aspect of life. Whether you are just learning the ropes or trying to get your financial life in order, this article provides some handy tips to make the most of credit and avoid a potential crisis!



Having to pay thousands of dollars for an emergency does not sound like fun. And paying these costs over time can destroy your finances. So get some good insurance and get to know yourself and your money. You'll be glad you did! [ARTICLE END]

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