Becoming self-sufficient in basic home repairs


  Becoming self-sufficient in basic home repairs

If you are looking to become self-sufficient in your home, then the best place to start is with your plumbing system. Here's a list of ten things you can do around the house without breaking the bank:

- Fixing broken pipes
- Replacing worn or broken faucets
- Ensuring leaks don't leak too much by installing a spout aerator
- Fixing dripping taps
- Installing an under sink filter for your kitchen sink
- Installing low flow showerheads and aerators in bathrooms to save water usage and prevent potential leaks from occurring        ...etc. That's just a selection of some tasks that may help save you money on repairs fees.

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Title:  The Top 10 Things to Consider Before You Purchase a Home Homesteading Site
Subtitle: Homesteading can be an exciting adventure! But before you buy, make sure you consider these ten things first…
Include as much detail as possible when searching for your homesteading site. Look at property maps, zoning laws, school districts and any other details that might affect your decision to purchase the property or not.
The following is a list of the top ten things you should consider before you purchase any home homesteading site.
Any potential home homestead purchase should be done with caution, but it's especially so when it comes to purchasing a piece of land. Land contracts and other similar arrangements are, unfortunately, not always in the best interest of the buyer. There have been many instances where buyers have placed funds into escrow for home improvements only to have their money disappear when they try to complete those improvements or finalize the sale. It is important that you verify that what was stated in your original contract stands up in writing and follows through completely with no exceptions or changes once you begin making improvements on the property.
Present value is the price of an asset in the current market. The market for homes is constantly changing, and so are the values. While a home might have had a price tag of $200,000 when it was first put on the market, you may be able to purchase that same home for far less if it hasn't sold in some time. It may sound too good to be true, but it might be possible that even with only cosmetic problems, you might still be able to obtain the home at a very low price. 
If you're looking at homes that are coming out of probate or other situations where no one has purchased them yet because they couldn't afford them, then this situation will benefit you greatly. If you can't find any real estate agent to represent you, then you will have to go directly to the owner. Often, they will not want to sell for less than what they paid for the home in the first place. This can affect the amount of discount that you receive in purchasing these properties. However, if this is something that bothers you and it's something that has been affecting your budget, then it may be best to leave this type of property out of your price range.
You should also ask yourself if you are able to make a down payment and whether or not the seller would be willing to give you a mortgage for a year or longer while you get things settled after moving in. The one thing you want to avoid at all cost is having the subject of the sale foreclosed. You will have difficulties in renting a home, lack of insurance and just a general feeling of sadness and resentment from the landlord who feels that you did not respect him enough or that he has a right to your money. Both of these are predicaments you don't want to be in. On top of this, if it's foreclosed, then the stability of your home may be threatened.
If you're renting an apartment or house at this time, make sure that you know exactly what type of housing rental agreement you're signing up for. Look at the details. Is there a cleaning deposit? What is the security deposit? What is the lease length, and will there be an exit fee if you move out early? Also, are there any hidden clauses in this rental agreement that you might not have been aware of before signing it? Do you need to sign up for certain utilities (gas, water, electricity), or have these already included in your rental agreement? This may seem like an unessential detail, but it isn't. If a landlord wants to raise your rent after just one year on the property, they can usually get away with this because of implied terms. This is different from a lease, where the terms are set and cannot be changed without your permission. A one year lease has some stability to it, whereas if you rent month-to-month, then from the landlord's point of view this gives them more flexibility to change things around at any time without giving you sufficient notice. You may think that this doesn't matter much, but in relation to your homesteading site it does. If you're planning on making big improvements and purchases in your first few months or years on this property, then falling into a rolling lease can have big ramifications down the road.
There are many situations where builders use false details to sell a property and lure buyers in for the lowest possible price. This is usually the case with homesteading sites, as they are investing in these properties for purposes other than living in them, such as building a future "retirement" home. Some of the details that builder's might leave out of their advertisements can include things such as potential flooding (ask about whether there are levees on the property), unstable ground (make sure you do some research about whether or not it's safe to place a home on this specific piece of land), soil issues from previous chemical farming or industrial waste (not very good for farming or gardening) and whether there are any utility lines running through land that would be perfect for your homesteading site.
So you've decided on a piece of property, but is it a wise decision? Some questions that you should ask yourself are: Will this property allow me to develop my homesteading skills? Will I be able to easily use and maintain the land? How much effort will be needed to get things running smoothly? How much money will I need in order to make these exact improvements, if needed? Is there a local market for my produce, crafts or service offers?
Most people who live off-grid or homestead off-grid would prefer not having to rely on the power grid in their home. So, when living in an R.V., solar panels are an important part of making this possible.

Many people might say that solar power is the best option for off-grid living, but others may consider windmill or hydroelectric power to be better. Wind generators are very similar to solar panels, with the exception of the fact that they can be placed on rooftops and can be designed to produce much more energy than a solar panel. This means that they can charge things such as electric cars, but they are not as efficient at producing power. This also means that they must be used in groupings of two or more in order to get enough power for running appliances or charging batteries.

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