Building resilience in the face of adversity


  Building resilience in the face of adversity

Sometimes, life just seems unfair. You are up against insurmountable odds and you feel like you just can't get ahead of the game. This is especially true if you are trying to overcome a condition that hinders your ability to enjoy a normal childhood or maintain a healthy life. It is in these moments that most people give up hope and succumb to hopelessness. However, through perseverance and determination, it is possible for individuals with these challenges to conquer their adversities and lead happy and fulfilling lives despite their disabilities. This is the message of an article published in Psychology Today, purporting to help adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD or depression to rise above their conditions and build resilience. Authored by Patricia Monahan, the article offers a mix of useful tips and healthy suggestions for overcoming these adversities.
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The article focuses on the need for adults to learn how to alter their negative thoughts and reactions. In other words, they are advised to learn how to effectively cope with certain situations. This is a useful lesson as many people who suffer from these disadvantages often take things too personally and view themselves as victims. This is not the case though, and it really doesn't matter in the long run if you feel like your life is over or that you are destined for failure. For example, many people with depression feel like they will never be able to experience happiness because they believe there will always be something holding them back from being completely happy.
These stereotypes can also affect those with ADHD. This is because many times people who have ADHD have the impression that they are both stupid and offensive, so they often feel like no one will ever like them. This is not true, and it is important to realize that there are plenty of people out there who will love and accept you for who you are. This article offers several tips for those with ADHD or depression to help them overcome their negative thoughts and feelings.
First, they are encouraged to keep a positive attitude at all times because negativity will only hinder their progress. Next, these individuals must learn how to cope with overwhelming situations in a healthy manner. No one enjoys feeling defeated by events that occur unexpectedly during the day, but this can be overcome through self-discipline and determination. Positive people seldom give up, so adults with these adversities should learn how to anticipate their setbacks and overcome them through proper discipline and perseverance.
The article also addresses the issue of self-image. Many individuals with ADHD or depression feel like they are unworthy and unlovable because of their inability to control themselves or achieve success in life. Since the author understands that self-image is one of the most difficult challenges for adults with ADHD or depression, she offers helpful tips for improving it. First, these individuals should learn how to view themselves as better than others in certain situations. This will help them boost their self-esteem and respect from other people who have similar challenges as they do.
The author also states that, "If the picture of an adult with ADHD or depression is a person who is always arguing, whining, threatening, or being defensive, that feels like a terrible way to live." This is because many times these people are viewed as constant complainers. In order to combat this stereotype and feel more confident about themselves, adults with ADHD/depression should learn how to be competitive in certain situations. This means not doing it if you don't care about what other people think of you. Instead, they should be willing and able to take on tasks for others and provide assistance when asked for.
Finally, the author shares some practical tips for prioritizing one's life goals. She says that, "Being an adult with ADHD or depression is not a death sentence, but it's also not the easiest way to live. The trick is to be aware of the contingencies, put yourself in situations that will help you get out of your slump and keep a positive outlook." This is great advice because adults with these problems often don't realize how much they can accomplish when they change their perspective on life.
Although there are positives and negatives to having these challenges, it really doesn't matter if you are unable to accurately identify them. That's why it helpful for these individuals to learn how to overcome their difficulties and persevere in spite of them.
Reference: Patricia Monahan (2012-06-13). Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity (Kindle Locations 1626-1629). Psychology Today. Retrieved 2012-08-03, from
The writer has been involved in numerous research projects aimed at helping people who have difficulties with their attention. The writer uses several platforms to reach more mature audiences on a daily basis. The writer is an active participant of research and gives advice to people who are looking for solutions to their problems and difficulties with their attention. The author's main objective is to help as many adults and children with ADHD find ways of living a "normal" life.  
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For More Help with Adult ADD / ADHD:
Coaching Tips for Adults with ADD / ADHD
If you are looking for tips to help you organize your day, improve your time management, or create new habits to enhance productivity, check out this article at . .
Many adults with ADD / ADHD struggle with time management and organization. According to the article, organizational skills can be one of the first signs of ADHD, and adults must develop strategies to help them overcome their limitations. The article suggests several tactics to help adults develop a personal organizational system that works for them. Some of the suggestions include: Setting a goal for each day and outlining how they want to spend their time daily or at least where they want to begin their day.
Think about your daily priorities and mental tasks when creating your agenda.

Conclusion: To conclude, adults with ADD / ADHD need to be treated as individuals. They should be given the opportunity to learn new skills and develop better coping strategies. Even if a person is not diagnosed, he or she can still benefit from the strategies outlined in this article. This is because everyone needs to find ways to make a life that works for them, and it may take some time and effort to get there.
For more information visit: .
These ideas are just a few of the many articles you will find on ADDitudemagazine website in the area of Adult ADD / ADHD.

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