Cultivating a growth mindset


  Cultivating a growth mindset

"Growth mindset" is a term used to describe the belief, which has recently caught on in psychology and education circles, that all children can learn and grow.

This article will explain what this concept means, how it helps students excel in school (or any other area of their life), and why you should be educating your kids with growth mindsets. If you have children or teach people of any age, this article will show you how they can reach their greatest potential through these philosophies.  

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Should Schools Encourage Students to Be More Open if They're Shy?". Your thesis statement should be that schools should not encourage students to be more open if they are shy. The 1st and 2nd paragraphs should contain the introductory information, and the 3rd paragraph should include a short list of reasons why students are encouraged to be more open all the time even though being shy is a natural part of human nature.

"The first and most obvious reason why schools shouldn't encourage students to be more open if they're shy is because it's just not possible. It's impossible for someone who's normally reserved around strangers to suddenly become gregarious."

 "Another reason why schools shouldn't encourage students to be more open if they're shy is because there's no need for them too. Being more open in a classroom setting is a waste of time. Learning in a classroom setting shouldn't require talkative students. Being more open doesn't guarantee success, and it wastes everyone's time."

 "The final reason why schools shouldn't encourage students to be more open if they're shy is because they should feel comfortable and safe wherever they sit. If one of the students' classmates starts talking to them and tries to get their attention, then that student should feel comfortable enough to do so without worry that they might be judged for being too shy."

Students must read through the following article titled "Why People Change Their Minds." They are then divided into small groups to discuss the implications these theories have on their lives.

According to psychologists, people change their minds about things for a number of very different reasons. The following is a list of these reasons:

 1. They are better informed -  Another reason why people change their minds is because they've received more information on a particular subject or topic. People will change their opinions if they are better informed on a topic or if new evidence comes to light that supports an opposing viewpoint. Similarly, people might rethink things because they have become convinced that the other side has better information on the matter, so they have changed their original viewpoint. 

  2. They have a new experience -  An additional reason why people change their minds is because they are no longer experiencing the consequences of a particular belief. Often, people will carefully consider the consequences of an action before they make a decision and then change their mind afterwards if they have the opportunity to view or experience the negative outcomes from that decision. 

3. They have confirmation bias -  A third reason why people change their minds is because they are aware of (or more likely, just notice) that their initial beliefs might be biased in some way. For example, if you are already inclined to think something is true, it's very easy to draw evidence to support this notion and convince yourself that your original thought is true. Additionally, being aware of biased evidence and ignoring it can lead to a person changing their mind. 

4. They want to see what will happen -  A fourth reason why people change their minds is because they might want things to go in a certain way and be intrigued by the outcome of that decision if it doesn't go their way. For example, let's say you like an idea because you think it is something new, something new that everyone will want. When this new idea doesn't work out as expected (or successful), then you might reconsider your original opinion.

5. They want to be accurate -  A fifth reason why people change their minds is because they believe that being accurate is the most important thing. When faced with enough contradictory evidence, a person might start to wonder if they are on the right track or not and change their mind to reflect this new concern.
 6. They are scared -  A sixth reason why people change their minds is because they don't want to admit or accept that they made a mistake. People will stick with a belief, no matter how outlandish, as long as it's in their best interest not to change it. Furthermore, they will even become more committed to an idea if it is challenged by someone else.

7. They are too close to a certain situation -  A seventh reason why people change their minds is because they are often too close to a certain situation to make a logical and accurate decision about it. For example, if you have been working on creating something for years and then finally release it into the world, it might be very easy (and incorrect) for you to think that everyone will love your invention. This opinion will probably change later on when you actually hear what the public has to say about your creation. 

8. Their situation changes -  An eighth reason why people change their minds is because their original position or perspective might have been based on false premises or an inaccurate assessment of the facts. For example, if your neighbor was angry at the world and wanted to move away because he was tired of all the traffic in his hometown, he might change his mind when you tell him that the traffic has only gotten worse since he left. 

9. They are affected by new information -  A ninth reason why people change their minds is because there might be new evidence that they were unaware of at one point. This evidence can come from online searches, surveys or other methods for getting data. For example, if you've already drank a chemical cleaner but then read an article online about the harmful effects of that substance, you might later decide to switch to another brand of cleaner instead. 

10. They are being persuaded by an authority figure -  An tenth reason why people change their minds is because they are likely to change their opinion if someone they look up to says the opposite about something. For example, if your parents tell you that eating ice cream is bad for your health, and then a research article comes out stating that ice cream isn't bad for you after all, then you might start eating more ice cream in order to fit in with this new belief. 

11. They are embarrassed by their original position -  A eleventh reason why people change their minds is because they would rather not be associated with an idea or belief or take any additional blame.

 These are just a few of the many reasons why people change their minds. For more information on this topic, please click here:
Source for list of reasons for changing minds:  
·          People can change their mind about anything, depending on the situation or the different conditions that surround them at the time.

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