Developing effective time management and productivity techniques


  Developing effective time management and productivity techniques

If you're like most of us, time management and productivity techniques are hard to come by, esepcially if you’re too busy managing a workplace or balancing the demands of a family with your own. Fortunately, these guidelines will help you take back control and get the job done without feeling overworked and overwhelmed.

Learn how to build lists for all your tasks, prioritize what needs to be done first, avoid multitasking as much as possible (as well as checking social media sites), delegate some responsibilities out of your list if possible, create realistic deadlines for what needs to be completed on time by when - and then keep them! You'll feel so much better about meeting deadlines when they're literally in front of you. To monitor whether your to-do list is effective, ask yourself: Does the list feel like it's overflowing or you can't add anything new? It's easy to use a timer on your phone (like a stopwatch) that can remind you to knock items off your list if they're not being completed within the allotted time frame.

The guidelines above are simple but effective. The best advice I've received regarding these tips is to keep them as a tool in your tool belt - not as the only way of doing things. These tools will help you become more productive and efficient in your day-to-day life, and will give you the push you need to start completing what needs doing.

Author:  Digital Musings, LLC (
Source:  "The Daily Muse" (
Title:  Developing effective time management and productivity techniques

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Achieving this goal requires a shift in the mindset of managers in organizations. Too often, managers view time management as an issue of scheduling, or a tool for monitoring employees. However, time management is more than just an administrative concern. Managers must help employees find satisfaction in their jobs and balance that with a need to get work done to meet goals and objectives.

Author:  Michael Smith
Source:  ( 
Title:  How To Effectively Manage Your Time In Order to Achieve Your Career Goals

The challenge of balancing work and life is nothing new. However, with more women in the workplace, multi-generational families and the recent shift to a knowledge-based economy, the pressure on managers to help employees find satisfaction in their jobs has increased.
Over the last several years, I've heard from many of my clients that they believe their employees have different expectations about work/life balance than they did even five years ago. For this reason, companies must pay greater attention than ever before to effective time management in order achieve organizational goals and objectives.

So how do you help your employees find satisfaction in their jobs and balance that with a need to get work done? Here are a few suggestions:

Take Time Management Seriously and Model It

If you want your employees to find satisfaction in their jobs, it starts with you. If they know that you take time management seriously, then they will too. While the circumstances of individual lives may differ, all employees have more demands than they can usually meet. They need leaders who can lead by example. This means that you should strive to keep your life in balance. It is essential to model the behaviors, attitudes and principles that will enable them to do the same.

Help Employees Set Personal Goals and Objectives

As managers, it is important to help your employees learn how to set goals that are both personal and professional. By encouraging your employees to set their own goals, you show them more respect by empowering them to take ownership of their personal success. In addition, employees who set goals are better able to manage their time effectively because they have less stress when they have clearly defined goals. Studies show that "successful people do not necessarily think more or less than others; they just think differently."

By encouraging your employees to set both personal and professional goals for themselves, you can play a key role in helping them achieve a greater sense of self-esteem and fulfillment in their work. When managers do this, they are empowering employees to make better decisions that help bring them closer to their personal and professional goals.

Emphasize Situation-Specific Priorities

Another important way that leaders can enable their employees to become more effective time managers is by explaining the specific priorities of each work situation. This does not mean telling them the "right" way to do things. Rather, it means providing employees with enough information so they have a better understanding of how and why work gets done. Employees whose time management skills are consistently hampered by not knowing what is expected of them should be helped by leaders who are able to clarify the situation.

Take the Time to Help Employees Develop Effective Time Management Skills

All employees can benefit from additional training to become more effective time managers. Although many organization's programs now focus solely on ensuring that employees are trained in areas such as team building and productivity, it is equally important that leaders also help their employees develop time management skills such as setting priorities and setting realistic work schedules. When managers do this, they provide a positive step forward for both the individual employee and the organization as a whole.

By taking these steps, you can help your employees find greater satisfaction in their jobs. Not only will employees enjoy their work more, but they will be happier and less stressed. When employees are happy and less stressed, they are more productive. As managers, it is your job to help them achieve the balance that will improve their lives by becoming more effective time managers.

Author:  Michael Smith
Source:  ( 
Title:  How To Effectively Manage Your Time In Order to Achieve Your Career Goals

In this age of emails, voice mails, instant messages, endless meetings and tight deadlines it's no wonder that time management has become a hot-button issue for employers and employees alike.


So, what is effective time management? It's a doable skill that can help you achieve your goals and make the most of your potential. In this age of emails, voice mails, instant messages, endless meetings and tight deadlines it's no wonder that time management has become a hot-button issue for employers and employees alike.
We live in a fast paced world with lots of distractions. This makes effective time management all the more crucial in order to get things done.

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