Developing a positive relationship with money


  Developing a positive relationship with money

Starting to develop a positive relationship with money might not get you a Porsche, but it could make life less complicated. 

When we want something, our natural tendency is to want it more than we can afford and stay within our budget once we find what that thing is. But the reality is that in life, nobody has infinite time and money, so sometimes you have to compromise on one or the other. If you decide that money is worth compromising for—and it sounds like your partner agrees—then start prioritizing experiences over material goods and creating a good monthly budget with your partner. This will give you the freedom to explore new possibilities together as well as increase your understanding of each other’s priorities.

At the same time, it will increase your chances of staying within that budget. If you’re focused on the future and setting larger goals, it’s easier to enjoy smaller pleasures when they come along. When you do splurge on a big purchase or go over budget for something in particular, make sure you discuss it with your partner so you can keep each other accountable and learn about personal spending limits. And no matter what—don’t ever feel guilty about spending money! It doesn’t make sense for one person in the relationship to be the one who “controls” the money; both of us should be involved in its care and feeding.

By the end of the month, you should be feeling more comfortable with and responsible for your own finances. And as you enjoy your new-found freedom in spending, remember that it’s a two-way street. A great way to keep the peace and show you’re committed to not going over budget is to do things together as a couple, such as taking an impromptu road trip or staying in at a hotel on a night when one of you has an important meeting.

Bold text: The author states that if we want something we have to want it more than we can afford and stay within our budget once we find what that thing is. 

In bold text: The author explains that people have a natural tendency to want things more than they can afford and stay within their budget once they find what that thing is. 

It would be better if the author used parentheses or ellipses in the sentence "if you decide that money is worth compromising for." and did not make a statement to start the second paragraph of the article. The entire paragraph starts with "If you decide that money is..." making it seem as though there is no other alternative. 

If you decide that money is worth compromising for..." is a bad example of written English. The two sentences should not be joined with one another. "If you decide" can stand as a sentence by itself, and "that money" can serve as the subject of the sentence. 

Experiences are nice; but if you want to create a good relationship with money, there is so much more to experiencing money than just fun stuff like staying in hotels or visiting attractions. Experiences on their own are great, but it’s the process of making memories in life together that leads to long-term happiness and success in any relationship. Keeping the peace is also important, so if you do end up spending money that you didn’t plan on spend, make sure you talk it over with your partner. They might have been saving up for something else and be more upset about the overspending than they let on.

The main idea of the passage is that a positive relationship with money can develop by doing certain things. The author identifies 3 main activities that one needs to perform in order to accomplish this purpose: 

Prioritizing experiences over material goods: Material goods are what people frequently buy to replace their old belongings or to give them better quality through time. However, material goods are not the only thing that can be used to buy experiences. Experiences can be bought in other ways such as buying memories together or negotiating for what each person wants. The author also mentions that experiences should be bought instead of material goods because they last longer and are more reliable than material goods.

Creating a monthly budget: Although it is impossible to create a budget when one doesn’t have a reference point, creating a budget according to the feelings of both people is essential. If one person likes spending and the other does not, then this could create conflicts. In order to minimize the chances of conflicts, both parties should create a budget together and then should work to follow it.

In the next sentence, the author states that one of the most important things is to enjoy smaller pleasures when they come along. By saying this, the author implies that by living an enjoyable life and saving money for bigger purchases, it will enable people to experience life more fully and create a stronger relationship with money. However, what makes a relationship with money stronger is having a mutual goal. The author explains that having mutual goals are important because it helps each individual sense freedom in spending and helping each other stick to the budget allowance.

Finally, the author provides a clarification of guilt in spending money or not. The author states that it is important that the both parties can spend money without feeling guilty. If one is spending all the time and the other is not, this could create tension in the relationship. It is also important to note that spending money together as a couple builds intimacy and helps keep the peace in the relationship.

The Purpose of this article is to show people how to develop a relationship with money. People should find financial success and feel comfortable while doing so by following these three suggestions: 

Prioritizing experiences over material goods: Material goods are what people frequently buy to replace their old belongings or to give them better quality through time. However, material goods are not the only thing that can be used to buy experiences. Experiences can be bought in other ways such as buying memories together or negotiating for what each person wants. The author also mentions that experiences should be bought instead of material goods because they last longer and are more reliable than material goods.

Creating a monthly budget: Although it is impossible to create a budget when one doesn’t have a reference point, creating a budget according to the feelings of both people is essential. If one person likes spending and the other does not, then this could create conflicts. In order to minimize the chances of conflicts, both parties should create a budget together and then should work to follow it.

In the next sentence, the author states that one of the most important things is to enjoy smaller pleasures when they come along. By saying this, the author implies that by living an enjoyable life and saving money for bigger purchases, it will enable people to experience life more fully and create a stronger relationship with money. However, what makes a relationship with money stronger is having a mutual goal. The author explains that having mutual goals are important because it helps each individual sense freedom in spending and helping each other stick to the budget allowance.

Finally, the author provides a clarification of guilt in spending money or not. The author states that it is important that the both parties can spend money without feeling guilty.


Although there are many different ways of spending money, it is particularly important to keep the relationship with money healthy. Developing a healthy relationship with money requires both parties to spend and save according to their financial priorities.

This article states that the purpose of this style article is to show people how to develop a relationship with money. The author goes on to identify 3 main activities that one needs to perform in order to accomplish this purpose: 

Prioritizing experiences over material goods: Material goods are what people frequently buy to replace their old belongings or to give them better quality through time. However, material goods are not the only thing that can be used to buy experiences.

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