Disability Insurance Protection You And Compare Policy Before Purchase


 Disability Insurance Protection You And Compare Policy Before Purchase

It is important to protect your ability to maintain a financial balance in the years ahead. Disability insurance is one way to provide financial protection for you and your family. There are different policies which may be right for you. The specific type of disability coverage you need depends on what income replacement percentage you desire and what activities constitute "wage loss".

With so many companies operating in the market, it is imperative that consumers choose a policy that fits their needs best. This article discusses how to compare different policies before making an informed choice about protection against disabling injuries or illness.

DEFINITION: Disability Insurance, also known as disability income insurance, provides a source of income in case of injury or illness that would prevent the person from working. It pays benefits for a limited period of time after the disability ends.

The first step in choosing a disability policy is to understand what you can afford. What is your budget and what are your needs? The amount of premiums that you can afford will depend on your income, age and health.

In deciding which policy to buy, the key issue is the replacement percentage of income that you are willing to accept in exchange for disability income payments after a disabling injury or illness has occurred. This percentage will be different for each person because it depends on several things such as age, health, occupation and previous earnings history.

Generally, the higher the replacement percentage the less you will have to pay monthly if you become disabled. However, if you want to increase your disposable income after a disabling injury or illness occurs, you can choose policies with higher replacement percentages.

Disability insurance can be purchased as a stand-alone policy or with Medicare coverage. Also available as an option are variable life, permanent total disability and medical payments policies.

When choosing a policy, you should look at the payment limits that are offered – this will provide an indication of how much disability income coverage can replace in the event of injury or illness that prevents you from working. The lower the payment limit on disability insurance, the lower your premium will be and it is possible to have a policy with a low premium but high monthly payments for disability benefits.

Here are some guidelines to follow when comparing policies:

– Look at the benefit period and the definition of disability. Be sure that the policy you select is long enough to cover your projected disability time period and is also specific about what qualifies as a disability – for example, may state you have one or more broad impairments with reduced function. It's best to seek advice from an insurance representative when considering a policy if it is not clear.

– Understand how long benefits will be paid as well as limitations of recovery. Find out if there are any conditions attached to your eligibility for benefits such as age restrictions.

– Compare benefit limits, age specifications and requirements for filing a claim. Decide if you want to purchase lifetime benefits on your policy.

– Check the policy wording. Look at specific examples of coverage limitations and the number of questions included with benefits statements. Take the time to review the wording of the policy, as it has a direct impact on your monthly premium payments and future benefits if you become disabled. Reviewing these small details can make all the difference in paying an affordable premium or giving up too much money in premiums to secure a lesser level of disability income coverage after purchase.

You should also look into the type of policy that may be right for you. This includes final expense policies which provide money to help cover burial expenses and final expenses in case a policyholder dies after having purchased the policy.

Insurance companies have different approaches to deciding how much disability income payments they will pay out and how long these payments are available. Some policies are structured with temporary benefits that stop when you reach a certain level of recovery, while others provide permanent benefits until death. Be sure that you understand your specific policy terms in order to evaluate the purchase of your disability insurance coverage.

While it is important to understand the differences between types of policies, it is also helpful to look at other benefits that may be included in your policy. This is especially true if you want your policy to satisfy certain government-mandated requirements. For example, you might want to look for a policy that pays funeral expense benefits or accident and sickness benefits rather than purchase a policy without these features. Also, a medical benefit policy will usually have higher monthly payments and larger limits of recovery for disability income.

When comparing different policies, make sure that the details of each are clearly outlined both in writing and on their claims forms. Remember that it is not necessary to purchase a policy that lists every possible detail of coverage; many policies are constructed with special features and benefits.

If you have questions or would like to answer some of your own, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We'd also be happy to answer questions about any insurance policies we offer.

A comparison of disability insurance plans can help you decide how much protection you need and when it is best to make a change. Learn more about available disability packages by selecting the link below:

In order to discuss your needs, let us know what type of disability insurance coverage you require or review our list of the best plans on our website. Our helpful team can answer your questions and help you find the right policy at the best price. Contact us today!


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The post Should You Look At The Best Disability Insurance Plans? appeared first on Security America Insurance Group.

Source link: http://www.securityamericainc.com/special-features/should-you-look-at-the-best-disability-insurance-plans/160328/

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