Discount Health Benefits Plans: A Sensible Alternative To Traditional Insurance Plans


 Discount Health Benefits Plans: A Sensible Alternative To Traditional Insurance Plans

It is not a secret that health care costs are on the rise, and a typical American now spends about $10,000 per year on their own insurance plan. The only way to keep these costs manageable is to switch to one of the many plans available today that offer discounts for members who agree not to use their insurance for certain procedures or illnesses.

A slew of such plans have sprung up in recent years as consumers look for alternatives, including programs like Direct Primary Care and Patient Aid Plus  and Health Savings Accounts- though some do require a specific type of plan or fixed income level.

Discount Health Benefits Plans 

Discount Health Benefits Plans (DHBP) are a more affordable alternative to traditional insurance plans by allowing patients to get the full value of their health care services, without the hassle of fronting a large premium that may not cover all of their medical needs. While DHBP plans have always been available to buying groups or employees of employers, there has never been a large-scale consumer option until recently. Now with the Obamacare implementation, more and more consumers are beginning to explore this option.

What is a Discount Health Benefits Plan?

Discount Health Benefits Plans are plans that offer large discounts on medical services in exchange for giving up the right to use your insurance for certain procedures or illnesses. They are appealing to those with limited health needs who would otherwise have a difficult time affording expensive traditional health care plans. However, if you think that a DHBP plan might be right for you, there are some things that you should be aware of:

· Guaranteed issue: With any discount plan, the potential participant must be aware of when they can or cannot participate in the program. For instance, some plans require that you be at least 65 years of age and/or have a fixed income, while others do not.

· Exclusions: Discount plans almost always exclude certain conditions, including chronic illnesses and pre-existing conditions. For instance, if you have cancer or heart disease you may not be eligible for certain discount health benefits plans. Some plans will also exclude child-bearing pregnancies and any complications that may occur as a result of the pregnancy. It is important to review the exclusions before choosing a plan to make sure it will suit your needs.

· Limited coverage: Discount health plans are designed for those who either have limited health needs or who are healthy enough to forego insurance altogether. Some plans cover some areas of medicine, like primary care, while others may provide a few types of specialists but exclude others. In general, don't expect to get comprehensive coverage from a discount health benefits plan.

The Five Types of DHBP Plans Available Today:

DHBP plans are categorized by how they cover those covered and those excluded. There are five basic categories of DHBP plans:

1-Individuals Only Plans: These plans are created for individuals who do not have a spouse or dependents to cover. If you don't have anyone to help pay for your medical expenses, then these are the DHBP plan for you.

2-Family Only Plans: These plans are for individuals and their family members. They are most popular among families who want a larger discount on their medical expenses and will only have one plan to pay for.

3-Family And Individual Plans: These plans are similar to the family-only plans, but they include other dependent family members such as children, nieces or nephews, parents etc. An advantage of this plan is that any expenses that might be covered under your insurance policy may entitle you to a larger discount in addition to any discounts offered by the DHBP plan itself.

4-Individual And Family Plans: These plans are a combination of the individual and family-only plans.

5-Employee Deductible Plans: These are more traditional plans that are offered by employers that require employees to pay a set amount of their medical expenses before insurance kicks in. This reduces the amount the employer must pay for its employees' health care, which means they can afford to offer higher wages while still meeting their healthcare needs. This plan is most popular among small businesses with a limited number of employees.

In general, DHBP plans are an attractive alternative to standard health insurance for those who either have limited medical needs or who have difficulty maintaining their current health care plan. However, they are not the right choice for everyone; so make sure to do your homework before making a final decision.







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