Long-Term Care - The Ignored Need


 Long-Term Care - The Ignored Need

As an aging population becomes more and more of a norm, the neglect of long-term care for our elders is becoming a larger societal concern. Let’s be honest: we all know someone close to us who needs help with their daily activities. Many have been reluctant to speak out, and have put it off until they are in a situation where they need help themselves. But this is not the case for all families, many have taken control of their older family members’ care well before needing it themselves. Some have decided to take it upon themselves to start a movement that was long overdue, and now sits under a group called Long-Term Care Ombudsman. These ombudsmen work as advocates for the elderly that are in need of help.

The role of an advocate is vital for both the public and private sectors of long-term care. Advocates’ roles can vary from investigating complaints to monitoring healthcare problems and offering support services. In California, advocates can act as intermediaries between the public and their government, helping them to understand care coverage, find benefits or to qualify for programs such as Medicaid. Advocates also help the elderly who have been victims of abuse in nursing homes.

There are over 5,500 long-term care ombudsman organizations nationwide, most of which are independent nonprofit organizations. The only requirement to becoming an ombudsman is to take a free training course. This course can be taken via attending a seminar in person or through online training. Anyone wishing to become an advocate for the elderly must then complete a rigorous training course and pass examinations in order to become certified by the National Association of Long-term Care Ombudsman.

The long-term care ombudsmen movement was started in California by Dr. Ben McIntosh back in the 1980s when he worked with developmentally disabled adults in Los Angeles area who had been reported missing by their families. When he asked the caretakers why they did not report their loved ones missing, they told him that “the system was too complicated and no one would listen”. After this encounter, Dr. McIntosh decided to set up an organization whereby he would help families who were in need of assistance to understand the long-term nursing home care system and how to navigate through it.

Today, Long-Term Care Ombudsman programs are in place in every U.S. state as well as many other countries around the globe including Canada, Australia and Japan. You may find it hard to understand why long-term care advocates are needed, but it is because of the fact that more and more people are reaching an age where they need help with their daily activities. This is especially true for those who have health conditions such as Alzheimer's or Dementia or those who simply want to live independently as they had before they developed these illnesses. 

If you want to learn more about the Long-Term Care Ombudsman movement or wish to find out how you can become one yourself, please visit www.ltcoombudsman.com or call us at (323) 665-0931.

Long-Term Care - The Ignored Need [ARTICLE END]

Long term care insurance acts as a form of long term care insurance policy, which is in many cases a requirement for qualifying for long term care nursing home coverage. Long Term Care Insurance provides Long Term Care benefits to individuals who are suffering from diseases or medical conditions that may lead to a decrease in their mental and physical abilities, thus requiring them to stay in a facility where they can be properly cared for by the staff. Long Term Care Insurance also protects against the financial burden of being placed in long term care facilities due to unforeseen medical issues.

Long Term Care Insurance provides financial protection for individuals who are financially unable to rely on Social Security for their long term care needs. Long Term Care Insurance is divided into two types of policies; a cost of care policy and a cost of living policy. A cost of care policy usually covers the daily expenses that an individual may incur in a nursing home facility while staying there due to illness or injury. A cost of living policy is more general in nature, and covers special services such as professional help for the individual suffering from catastrophic illness or chronic medical problems that may be required during their stay in the nursing home and can not be paid for through any other Medicare benefits or Medicaid coverage.

Long Term Care Insurance provides financial protection for families in the event that an individual is unable to care for their own needs. When an individual is unable to complete daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating or going to the restroom by themselves they are placed into a long term care facility. These facilities cost approximately $80,000 per year on average and can reach costs up to $200,000 a year depending on the level of care needed. Long Term Care Insurance helps protect families from the financial burden of paying up to $200,000 per year for nursing home care coverage.

Long Term Care Insurance is a new type of insurance compared to other types of life insurance available today. Long Term Care Insurance is an optional coverage that is purchased for an individual's long term care needs, not as a replacement to their life insurance. When purchasing Long Term Care Insurance over a cost of living policy, it is beneficial to consider other benefits such as Medicare Supplement plans, which provide additional coverage for the individual suffering from high medical bills related to their health condition.

Long Term Care Insurance can be purchased at any time during the year after being diagnosed with a chronic or terminal illness or up until the end of their life. Long Term Care Insurance always includes two policies; a cost of living policy and a cost of care policy. Each policy coverage is different; one covers personal expenses such as food, medication and a portion of the nursing home care costs while the other covers the expenses related to the person's total care needs. Long Term Care Insurance can be purchased through an agent or directly from an insurance company.

Long Term Care Insurance protects against medical emergencies that may arise during in-patient stays such as hospitalizations, complications and emergency surgeries. Long Term Care Insurance provides financial protection for individuals who are unable to qualify for Medicaid coverage due to their high and increasing medical bills. Long Term Care Insurance is a great way to help everyone from young families to retired couples who may be struggling with unexpected medical expenses.

Long Term Care Insurance provides financial protection for individuals and their families from the financial burdens of long term care costs. Long Term Care Insurance provides coverage for individuals and their families during a difficult time when they are caring for an ill family member or are suffering from a disability, which may prevent them from providing care for themselves.


I hope that this article has provided you with an understanding of what Long Term Care is and how it can be beneficial for you or a loved one. If you have any questions about Long Term Care Insurance, please feel free to e-mail me anytime at info@LongTermCareInsurance.com or call us at (323) 665-0931. I'm happy to help answer any questions related to Long Term Care, including answers to common insurance questions such as, "What does Long Term Care Insurance cover?"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.

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