Long Term Care Insurance Should I Get This?


 Long Term Care Insurance Should I Get This?

If you are over 65 years old and are not already on Medicare then you will want to think seriously about getting long term care insurance. Long term care is often critical for seniors who need assistance with everyday activities they can’t complete themselves like bathing, dressing, eating, and mobility. It is very important that seniors get help as soon as possible so they don’t develop complications that might require more costly hospitalization or long-term placement in a nursing home.

This post explains the importance of long term care insurance for seniors and provides information about how to get it before it's too late.

##6-7 sentences telling us what this blog post will be about.
##8-10 sentences telling us what we will learn from this post.
___These are the main questions that you should be answering about this blog post.

##4-5 sentences that tell readers why they need to read and understand your post.

___These are the most important parts of your blog posts, but only write about them if you have many other choices as well. You should be able to answer these questions without devoting a lot of time to writing your blog posts, but if you have a lot of options, then it is okay to use more space for these answers.


1.) Change starts with a trigger. A trigger is an event that highlights a need for change.

2.) Brainstorm ideas on how to make a change.

3.) Choose the best idea and plan how to implement it.

4.) Take the first step toward making a change.

5.) Reinforce your decision to make a change, and repeat steps 3 & 4 until you have successfully made a lasting change.

6.) Write down your decisions about making changes in your life. Include a list of all the positive things that will happen as well as the negative consequences if you don’t follow through with your plan for change.

* * * * *

You will want to start this article by telling your readers that change is inevitable and that if they don’t make changes today, then they will have to make them tomorrow. ____2 sentences using the word “change” as much as possible.

The easiest way to make a change in your life is by following these steps: ___2 sentences telling readers what they need do.

Step 1: Select A Trigger - What event, or set of events, triggers a realization that you need to change? It could be something like realizing how much money you spend on food each month or seeing an advertisement for a program that will help you get in shape. ____2 sentences telling readers what needs to be changed and how.
Step 2: Brainstorm - Write down as many good ideas on how to make a change as you can think of. There are no wrong ideas, so just write a couple of things that you don’t know anything about yet. ____2-3 sentences telling readers that they should use this process.
Step 3: Choose The Best Idea - After brainstorming all of your ideas, you should be able to come up with at least one or two ideas that you think will work the best for your situation. ____1-2 sentences telling readers what they need to do.
Step 4: Implement The Plan - You should set a reasonable amount of time that you will need to implement your ideas so that you don’t have to worry about making the change later on. ____1-2 sentences telling readers to make sure they have enough time.
Step 5: Reinforce Your Decision - After making your changes, it is very important that you let people know that you have made the choice to change and that you are committed to a plan. Take at least 1 day, and if possible longer, before actually changing anything in your life so that other people notice how serious you are about making changes if they decide to. ____2-3 sentences telling readers what they should do.
Step 6: Write In Your Changes - Write down a list of the benefits of your changes as well as any negative consequences that you may experience. For example, if you decide to go on a diet, write down the benefits of getting in shape and how much money you will save on food as well as any negative consequences like how you will feel when it is time to eat again. ____2-3 sentences telling readers what they need to know.
Step 7: Reflect On Your Choices - Take at least 1 week before trying anything new to think about it honestly and without distractions so that you can make a decision with more information from your change process. ____2-3 sentences telling readers what they should do.
Step 8: Start Again - If you don’t see positive benefits from your new changes then you may need to try another set of ideas, or maybe even go back to the first step if you have a really good idea that you haven’t tried just yet. ____2-3 sentences telling readers what else they can do.


1.) Make eye contact and smile.

2.) Listen attentively to what the other person is saying.

3.) Nod in agreement with them when appropriate.

4. Demonstrate that you are interested in what they have to say.

5.) Ask open-ended questions.

6.) Use gestures and facial expressions to show that you care.

7.) Use active listening skills such as mirroring, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

8.) Nod in agreement when appropriate. ____2-3 sentences telling readers about these steps.
Reach out to people you know with the following techniques: ___2-3 sentences telling readers how they can do this.

Ask people how they are doing and make sure you remember to be sincere. ___2-3 sentences telling readers what to do.

Make certain you pay attention to the person you are trying to influence and listen carefully to what they are saying. ___2-3 sentences telling readers what to do.

When talking with other people, make eye contact, nod in agreement, and use open-ended questions. It shows that you care about what they have to say. ___2-3 sentences telling readers what they need to do.

Be sincere when asking others how they are doing and really listen if they begin telling you how their day was or expressing any concerns or frustrations they may have had during the day.

Conclusion: ____1 sentence telling readers what to do next.


1.) Make eye contact and smile.

2.) Listen attentively to what the other person is saying.

3.) Nod in agreement with them when appropriate.

4.) Demonstrate that you are interested in what they have to say.

5.) Use gestures and facial expressions to show that you care. ____2-3 sentences telling readers what they need to do.

6.) Ask open-ended questions.

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