Low Cost Family Health Insurance - Some New Trends That Will Save You Money


 Low Cost Family Health Insurance - Some New Trends That Will Save You Money

The time of year is approaching when many people are starting to think about obtaining health insurance for the whole family. The cost of health insurance has never been higher, so it seems like an overwhelming and vexing task to find some options that will not break the bank. This article offers a few new trends that will help you save money on your next family health insurance plan.

One of the main trends that will help you save money on your next family health insurance plan is to choose a high deductible health plan. These plans are really taking off, with more people choosing this type of coverage every year. The main reason for this trend is that the high deductible plans offer a reasonable price and they still give you the flexibility to see all your doctor and specialist for any regular appointments in addition to all specialists in emergency situations. These plans still provide good coverage, even with the higher deductibles, and they can save you about 20 percent on your monthly premium.

Another way to save money on your family health insurance is by shopping around multiple insurers and comparing prices. When shopping around it is important to look at the comprehensive health insurance policy that will be offered with the plan. An adequate amount of coverage is usually required, but it's good to make sure that you're getting all of those essential services and prescription medications covered.

For more tips, check out this article on how your health insurance plan can help you save money from Insure.com.

Source: "How to Save Money on Family Health Insurance - Some New Trends That Will Save You Money" by Benjamin Roodman - ModernizeMedicine.com [http://www.modernymedicine.com/articles/new-trends.html] (August 8, 2008)

Title: Affordable Care Act: Remarkably Simple

A big part of this new health care law is keeping care affordable for all people. It's called the Affordable Care Act and it was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. But how does it work? What does it do? And who will be affected? The following explains how the Affordable Care Act works.

The core idea behind the plan is to help people buy health insurance at an affordable rate — in some cases even cheaper than before. [...] That's what many other industrialized nations do when they strive to provide high-quality health coverage for everyone.

In order to make health care affordable for everyone, the law will require people to have health insurance. It establishes a sliding-scale tax credit that is based on income and premium costs. Remember, this is a tax credit , so you're getting a refund check from the government if you don't have insurance. And if you do have insurance now and it's even slightly more than what's required by the new law, you'll still get a tax credit as long as your income is under 400 percent of the federal poverty level ($43,320 for an individual) [...]. Bottom line: Most people will be able to buy health insurance at an affordable rate or even for free .

To help people get these credits, the government will create exchanges that allow you to compare plans and prices, and choose the one that is best for you. [...] If you already have health insurance, you won't be required to change plans or switch insurance providers. If your employer offers a plan, you can keep it. You'll just have more options now [...]. Source: "Health Care Reform Act 101" by Dr. Andrew Coates - AAMC (March 2010) [http://www.aamc.org/washington/issue_briefs/pdf_files/HR_Act 101.pdf]

Title: Affordable Care Act: How New Americans Will Get Coverage

If you don't have health insurance, you will be able to buy it through a new Marketplace, called an Exchange, which will open in every state in 2014. [...] If you're uninsured and have been turned down for coverage because of a pre-existing health condition, the Affordable Care Act will protect you from discrimination . You'll no longer be denied coverage or face higher premiums because of your health status.

The government will also make sure that everybody has a basic set of health care services, and you you'll be able to buy a basic set of benefits — including hospital care and doctor visits — and services like prescription drugs, mental health services, preventive services, and chronic disease management. You'll also be able to choose from a set of packages that meet your needs.

If you have family members who are covered by Medicare or Medicaid , they will be able to keep their plans if they like them. And if you're on Medicare , any part of the plan that covers hospitalization or doctor visits will continue to be covered by Medicare . Medicare will not stand in the way of this new coverage. To make the transition as smooth as possible, people on Medicare or Medicaid will be able to continue to go to the doctors and hospitals they have now. [...]. Source: "Health Care Reform Act 101" by Dr. Andrew Coates - AAMC (March 2010) [http://www.aamc.org/washington/issue_briefs/pdf_files/HR_Act 101 .pdf]

Title: What the Affordable Care Act does for those with pre-existing conditions

Starting on September 23, 2010, health insurers are no longer allowed to deny coverage or charge higher premiums due to a candidate's pre-existing medical condition . Insurers are also now forbidden from excluding pre-existing conditions when making coverage decisions.

So don't assume that you can't buy an affordable health plan if you or your family members have a pre-existing medical condition . You can get coverage through the new Health Insurance Marketplace, whether you're employed or self-employed . Source: WebMD - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (September 22, 2010) [http://www.webmd.


What we have here is a mixture of good and bad news. On the one hand, the Affordable Care Act will provide millions of Americans with access to health insurance. That's a good thing. On the other hand, some people will find it difficult to afford health insurance, while others will still be priced out of the market entirely. To better understand how this new law affects you, read Dr. Coates' article on how it affects those with pre-existing conditions .

Related Information

Title: How much does Obamacare cost? by Jessica Mendoza - The Washington Post (September 22, 2010) [http://www.washingtonpost.

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