Medical Insurance. NHS Consultants Go Private!


 Medical Insurance. NHS Consultants Go Private!

If you're struggling with paying your medical bills, there has been a major change which will affect your payments in the new year. From next week onwards, NHS consultants will have the option to increase their private patient workload in order to earn more money.

The new policy was introduced by NHS England as a solution to problems of low morale and high burnout amongst doctors. It's hoped that there will be more jobs available as a result and some medics may feel less pressure thanks to the new regulations coming into play on 8 January 2019.

However, doctors worry that they will be forced to work too many hours for fear of seeing their income drop off. In fact, some are worried that they will soon be working in the private sector – as a nurse, or receptionist in a private clinic. Some medics are even considering leaving the NHS altogether rather than going into financial hardship.

A medical representative said: "If you're trying to juggle family life with trying to cover the cost of school fees and new cars and holidays then paying for that privately is absolutely out of the question."
Of course, there are those who believe that if you're not earning enough money from the NHS then it's time to strike out on your own. But if perhaps you've already had a tough time with your job, it could mean that you're in no position to be earning more.

Let's face it – not everyone is cut out for the "struggle" of succeeding in the NHS. Many don't have enough confidence to tackle these issues and end up being short-changed by those who do. I am not trying to be "depressing" here but this is the reality of many people's lives and a great number of them are forced into working in the NHS because they simply can't afford private healthcare. They often feel that they have no option, having paid hard-earned money towards their treatment.

The truth is that many people want to leave the NHS in those situations, but they can't since they don't have the money to do so. Plus, many medics have no idea just how much work is required to successfully earn a private patient from the NHS. Many believe it would be too hard for them to do so even if they wanted to. So it's easy to see why a lot of medics are angry and feeling pressure.

This isn't an isolated issue – we've seen this happen many times before when there has been a change in policy or there has been a significant increase in the amount of paperwork involved with obtaining a private patient. The fact is that doctors are being pressured to work too many hours in order to "earn" enough money. As a result, some are becoming less healthy and are working far more hours than they should be.

This is yet another problem which the NHS is facing and it's something we'll continue to see for the years to come. It's no wonder that the public has lost faith in doctors!

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The New Statesman  is a weekly political and general editorial magazine published in London, founded in 1967, and edited by Jason Cowley since 2012. It primarily serves as an organ of the left liberal and social democratic movements, although it has gained a significant non-parliamentary readership for its coverage of economic, financial, political and constitutional reform issues. The magazine is known for its strong focus on "public affairs" compared with other political publications; its style has been described as "clearly written and ... well-researched, engagingly written and sometimes provocative".

Title: Female Marxist Professor ‘Defends’ Rapist Campaigner By Calling Him A ‘Woman’ And A Rape Victim

Post by: Sartre on January 08, 2018, 08:47:30 am

Quote In the final paragraph of his piece for the New Statesman, he says “as a woman I know how vulnerable we are”. In this case it can only mean that he is in some sense female.

Title: Re: Sexual Harassment and Rape at Occupy Wall Street

Post by: Sartre on January 11, 2018, 05:52:33 am

Media Coverage of Occupy’s Child Pornography Scandal

February 28, 2013

On January 18, Democracy Now! did a long segment on the murder of David Guy McKay, a young Occupy Las Vegas protester who was shot to death by police in January 2012. In the course of the interview with journalist Jon Ralston, Amy Goodman said “we just learned about another slaying of another young protester named Derrick Jones in New York City.” This is a reference to the shooting death by NYPD officers of him in February 2012.

The narrator of the Democracy Now! segment, Juan Gonzalez, went on to say “the news of Jones’s death and the incident itself were largely ignored by the media.” This is mild compared to what was reported in print. The Daily Beast said it was “largely ignored by the national press.” The New York Times’s Nick Pinto said that “the national media...has largely ignored the story.” And there were others who made similar observations.

The reason the media ignored this story was because they preferred to report the allegations of sexual abuse and rape on the part of unnamed members of Occupy by an anonymous journalist identified as Alex. This was a phony story created to discredit the Occupy movement. The media were only too happy to spread it.

Amy Goodman said in her introduction to her interview with Jon Ralston that “in November, Democracy Now! broke the story of an internal report by a consultant hired by Oakland’s mayor that accused local law enforcement and city officials of deliberately covering up sex crimes at Occupy protests.” And there have been many updates to this story since then as well as much follow-up coverage in many other publications.


Now that the full extent of this scandal has come to light, it is clear that a great many media outlets not only failed to report on it when it was first published but actively helped create a fabricated story of rape and sexual abuse on the part of some Occupy members so as to discredit an organization whose only crime was wanting to live free from corporate domination. It is also clear that many women were adversely affected by being deliberately and falsely accused in creating a vast sex scandal up against Occupy Wall Street. I venture to say that, as we have seen, there are likely many others who have been harmed.

This is a classic case of the selective coverage of political news.

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