Profit Explosion


 Profit Explosion

What is the hottest trend in entrepreneurship right now? Profit Explosion of course!

The number of entrepreneurs and small businesses increasing by explosive rates is happening because, for the first time, profit margins are high enough to allow small companies to replace big ideas with sustainable revenue streams. This allows entrepreneurs who are more familiar with digital technology and online marketing to scale their businesses. The result: an explosion in new companies throughout the world and a growth of microenterprises, or those that create less than $250 million in annual revenue.

If you are a small-scale entrepreneur, the Profit Explosion is your chance to get in on the ground level. Now, more than ever before, entrepreneurs can take advantage of all that online marketing has to offer. However, just because you know how to create a website or write online content does not mean you have everything it takes to be an effective entrepreneur.

But, you don't need to make that business decision based on your skills alone.

As a benefit, you can also take advantage of entrepreneurship education courses and seminars that will help you and your business survive the Profit Explosion. These courses and seminars have proven learning techniques that will teach you how to create an effective marketing plan, how to set realistic goals for your business, how to prepare for online sales training, how to sell on eBay or the Internet Marketplace, or how to improve your product or service to attract clients by word of mouth. You'll learn about these things in addition to other aspects of entrepreneurship including the ins and outs of tax laws.

By taking advantage of these training courses, entrepreneurs can create a business plan, find an investor or partner and begin promoting their business in the world of the Profit Explosion.

This is a time like no other when it comes to growing your business. This is a time to get in quickly or to sit back and watch others do it for you. But the truth is that there are plenty of opportunities out there if you know where to look in this great country called America! ****************************** About The Author: Vicky Dyer was born in Los Angeles, CA on May 9th, 1976 and moved to Texas when she was two years old. She graduated from high school in 1994 and attended Ranger College, located in Ranger, TX. In 2000 she obtained a BA in English from the University of Texas at Arlington. As of late, Vicky is a stay-at-home mom who enjoys being her children's primary caregiver and teacher. ******************************

Title: The Importance of Entrepreneurship Education


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Title: The Importance of Entrepreneurship Education


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ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Author Philip Kibbe is a Internet Marketing Professional, Entrepreneur, and Small Business Consultant. He has been involved in the field of Internet and Online Marketing for over 10 years, and is an author of several books on IT related topics. He runs the largest website promoting numerous online marketing products and services in the world, related to starting and running your own small business from home...

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Article Source: Google Rankings Tied to Pagerank, a 10 Point Scale by Jim Edwards in Internet Marketing Tips, Social Media Marketing / Web 2.0


Google ranks web sites based on a 10 point-scale called "PageRank," the invention of Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. In fact, the things that Google considers when determining which sites to display in its various search results are so complex that even the Google founders have a hard time explaining exactly how it all works!

So what's involved here? Quite a lot actually...


The word "page" is central to understanding everything about PageRank and search results. ********

A page on a web site has a lot of value. It's an advertising page, right?

In fact, every time you link to another web site by displaying its title (along with your own) and displaying the title of other sites in the form of text links in your content (along with your own), you're giving that other web site a little bit of "page value." More on this in a minute...

And every time a search engine spider crawls your web server and finds significant text links and banner ads from other sites that contain your own domain name and/or branded keyword expressions ("best time travel"), it also contributes to this value.

Conclusion: The more "pages" that point to your site, the more valuable your site is in the eyes of a search engine.


Google doesn't actually use page rank in its algorithm of deciding which sites to display in its search results. It's not a primary factor at all.

Instead, Google uses PageRank as a measurement system to explain why certain sites get better rankings than others when your query matches both the search term that you typed into Google and the subject matter on a web page.

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