Really Cheap Car Insurance - You Want It Cheap? Start Here


 Really Cheap Car Insurance - You Want It Cheap? Start Here

It's frustrating - when you're shopping for car insurance, the ads for cheap rates overwhelm you. But the truth is that most of them are deceptive and some might not even be available in your state. Besides, just because one company has a cheaper rate doesn't mean they're more reputable than another company with a higher rate!

That's why we put together this post on the lowest-priced car insurance providers so you can find a plan that'll give you exactly what you want and need at an affordable price.

Why Choose Us?

The reason we're so much cheaper than the competition is simple: we work hard to pay for the things we need (like car repairs) and then pass on those savings in lower premiums. We are also a small, family-owned company so we don't have big overhead costs or corporate headquarters that eat into your savings. In addition, we're members of several industry associations including Safe Auto Insurance Alliance and The Hartford Auto Insurance Company, which allow us to make payments to avoid claims and keep our rates down. With these measures in place, you don't have to worry about getting caught in a cycle of higher insurance rates and claims that can send your rate soaring - especially if you have a history of claims.

Our Services

When you come to us, we'll look at all of the factors that affect your rate before giving you a quote. Even though we are one of the top providers for car insurance in California , for example, we won't just go with our base coverage level - we'll find the right amount of coverage that's affordable to you and fits your needs exactly. Here's what our services include:

Pricing Quote: When you come to us, there will be no guessing games - you'll get a clear price quote for your plan that covers an entire year and has all taxes included.

When you come to us, there will be no guessing games - you'll get a clear price quote for your plan that covers an entire year and has all taxes included. Online Payment Options: We'll also accept your payment online to save you time and money.

We'll also accept your payment online to save you time and money. No Surprise Costs : If you decide to go with our services, we'll let you know up front what will be covered in the first level of coverage (personal injury protection) so there are no surprises when it comes time to renew or find a new insurance company.

: If you decide to go with our services, we'll let you know up front what will be covered in the first level of coverage (personal injury protection) so there are no surprises when it comes time to renew or find a new insurance company. Full Coverage : We offer more than just the basics - we'll cover your car in full for theft, vandalism, collisions, natural disasters and a lot more.

: We offer more than just the basics - we'll cover your car in full for theft, vandalism, collisions, natural disasters and a lot more. We're A California-Based Company: We're not just a nationwide company - we're an independent, family-owned firm based in California. That means we'll have your best interests at heart when it comes to protecting your assets.

If you want to start saving on car insurance through Really Cheap Car Insurance , then join us today!

Title: Buy Health Insurance Online - Don't Get Caught Flatfooted [ARTICLE START]

The Affordable Care Act is the biggest legislative achievement of the Obama administration so far and a key part of his domestic agenda. The reform law, which aims to provide affordable health care for all, was signed into law in March 2010.

One of the appeals of the bill, at least in theory, is that it aims to make health care more affordable by increasing competition among insurers, by creating a pre-existing condition insurance plan (PCIP) and by expanding Medicaid. It also includes a controversial mandate for each citizen to purchase health insurance.

While many states have agreed to implement all or some of the reform law's provisions, many are yet to sign on, which means the fate of these provisions are still undecided. So far 16 states and the District of Columbia have agreed to implement the bill's provisions while 26 states are still undecided about whether they'll proceed with it or not.

The Ins and Outs of the Health Care Reform Law

Health care reform is a multi-faceted law that deals with health insurance coverage for all Americans, but which also includes provisions regarding other, related matters. Here are some of the key provisions:

Expanded Medicaid : This reform measure will make it possible for millions of people who make less than 133% of the poverty level to qualify for Medicaid. The federal government will cover all costs associated with this expansion in 2014. A report by the Henry J Kaiser Foundation indicates that over 18 million people will gain coverage under this provision alone. Currently, Medicaid is only open to families up to 100% of the SFPL.

: This reform measure will make it possible for millions of people who make less than 133% of the poverty level to qualify for Medicaid. The federal government will cover all costs associated with this expansion in 2014. A report by the Henry J Kaiser Foundation indicates that over 18 million people will gain coverage under this provision alone. Currently, Medicaid is only open to families up to 100% of the SFPL. Reforms are at an advanced stage with regard to insurance exchanges which will allow small businesses and individuals to buy health care coverage. The insurance exchanges are scheduled to be in operation by 2014.

which will allow small businesses and individuals to buy health care coverage. The insurance exchanges are scheduled to be in operation by 2014. Reimbursements for Essential Health Benefits : In the event that a person or family goes without having health insurance, the reform will provide for monetary reimbursements from the health care spending pool established by the reform law to prevent people from going bankrupt. This provision is likely to result in higher costs for all insureds, but it is hoped that this provision with improve quality of care.

: In the event that a person or family goes without having health insurance, the reform will provide for monetary reimbursements from the health care spending pool established by the reform law to prevent people from going bankrupt. This provision is likely to result in higher costs for all insureds, but it is hoped that this provision with improve quality of care. Health care for Undocumented Immigrants : Nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States are unable to access health insurance because they are not eligible for Medicaid or individual plans offered by employers. The reform law seeks to make full coverage of community health centers and emergency rooms available regardless of immigration status.


While some features of the health care reform law are yet to be implemented, there's still plenty that's already changed for the better. The point of bringing you this article is not to convince you of a particular side of the mirror or another regarding health care reform. Our goal is to show you what the health care reform law brings and leave it up to you to decide whether you're on board or not.

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