Seven steps to eBay selling success


 Seven steps to eBay selling success

Selling on eBay can be a valuable source of income. 
1) Start with your best items
2) Take the time to write detailed descriptions
3) Be sure to add photos that showcase your item and make it stand out from the rest. 
4) List items for free in bulk or sell them at a discounted price before actually listing them for sale! 
5) Add an extra touch of professionalism by selling on a PayPal verified account, not an auction site username, and use the eBay My Store option to make your website more recognizable.
6) Become a verified buyer to get even more exposure for your item.
7) Don't be afraid to sell multiple items at once or switch out colors - eBay allows you over 50 variations on color choices! 
8 ) Sell Early, Sell Often!
You should always look for ways to sell more, and the best way to do that is... SELL MORE! 
About the Author:  Michael Fagnano of is not only an eBay PowerSeller but also a highly successful seller himself who has sold over 2 million dollars worth of products on eBay with astounding 92% success rate. 
He built his eBay business by selling just $15 worth of products a month, and was able to grow his eBay feedback rating to a cumulative total of 1003 by following the 8 step system. The 8 step system can be found in this article and it is included in the featured eBay PowerSeller's Guide. 
His mission is to help eBay sellers make money online, and he helps hundreds of them through these emails every week. 
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for future articles, please email him on!
Thank you for reading!  - Michael Fagnano   http://mai o8k5h3 www.FeedbackCentral .com/profile/mfagnano1 www.MyAuctionsOnline .com  http://eBayGuide4Free .html http://wordsintogoodsell.blogspot .com/feeds/posts/default
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This article is copyrighted by the author, Michael Fagnano . Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited without prior consent of the author.
©Copyrighted 2004-2014 eBay User ID: mfagnano  Michael Fagnano is an eBay PowerSeller since May 10, 2003, and has sold over $2.5 million worth of products with an incredible 92% success rate! He also teaches other eBay sellers how to make money online. Subscribe to his free email newsletter which shares tips on making money on eBay and how to start a home business. To subscribe, visit http://feeds2.feedburner .com/ MichaelFagnano , or send him an email at . To read every article on his website, get an email alert when his blog post is published, or join his VIP email list click here:  Get FREE access to all of Michael's Amazon Affiliate Courses for Sellers. Click here:  Click here to order the featured eBay PowerSeller's Guide now! Michael has made friendships with some of the most successful eBay sellers. He wants to help you too, but he needs YOUR help. To become a member of his email list and receive free content related to sales, marketing and advertising, click here:  If you have any suggestions for future articles, or have questions that need answering, please email him at .

Conclusion If you are looking for a way to get more sales on eBay, you've come to the right place. This article is full of great ways that are guaranteed to work. When all else fails, there are less expensive ways I suggest doing your research and testing out some of the methods I've mentioned. I am confident that if you are willing to put in the work, the rewards will be well worth it.
Until next time,  Profits Unlimited!
Michael Fagnano ____________________________ These products helped me sell over $2 million dollars worth of items on eBay: http://e-zine-list.

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