Ten Golden Rules to Save on Auto Insurance


 Ten  Golden Rules to Save on Auto Insurance

Insurance is a huge expense that we all have to deal with. We can't get around it, but there are some ways to make it more affordable.

Here are ten golden rules for saving on auto insurance:

1) Get as many discounts as you can by requesting them from your insurer or agent.
2) Check the details of each discount and ensure they apply to you before accepting any.
3) Check to see if your insurer offers discounts for bundling home, life, and auto insurance together.
4) Ask your insurer if they offer any discounts based on good driving records or driving courses you may have taken.
5) Check with your employer to see if there are any discounts available through them on your auto insurance.
6) Ask yourself: How much do you really need all the coverage that you have? Do you really need full coverage? Is liability insurance enough for you? You have the right to choose what type of coverage is best for your needs.
7) Place higher deductibles on collision and comprehensive coverage than on liability. This will allow you to have lower liability limits with better coverage on your collision and comprehensive coverage.
8)  Consider switching to the least expensive auto insurance company available, or changing policies depending on the discounts you have been offered.  Compare companies that offer comparable types of insurance.
9) If you're forced to get full coverage insurance, choose the best one for your needs, but don't spend more than you need to.
10) Get as many discounts as possible by enrolling in reputable programs such as Auto-Owners, which is for new drivers only; Safe Driver Discounts; and Car Insurance Discounts for Safe Drivers.
Thanks to the Ten Golden Rules for saving on auto insurance , by Carolann Gilligan of AutoInsurance.com .
Carolann lists the following as additional guidelines, but they are not on this list:
Keep your eyes open for the tip of the iceberg when shopping for auto insurance -- just because it is "only" $100 a year doesn't mean it can't cost you more. ... Consider getting and paying attention to discounts that only apply to drivers with good driving records and/or safe driving courses... Ask your employer if they offer any discounts through them on your auto insurance... Do a cost comparison of various insurers and their policies; use an online quote service to compare multiple companies' rates in one easy step...  Again, even if you don't need to get 100% coverage on your insurance policy, it is still worth investing in the best policy for you and keeping an eye out for potential discounts.
Carolann also has a list of 19 questions to ask your insurance agent.  For information on her list of 10 questions to ask when shopping for auto insurance , see Carolann's blog here . ********************************************************************************* [ARTICLE ENDS]
Here's a classic dilemma that I hope this simple little essay will make crystal clear.
Fire at Will Defense Attorney Robert Theis from Kokomo, Indiana was being questioned in court on July 31, 2014 about  whether he knew that his client had a concealed carry permit. The defendant was a concealed carry permit holder and had brought his gun in with him to the trial. During the cross examination by the prosecutor, he asked Mr. Theis, "were you aware that Mr.  ... concealed carry permit holder?"
Mr. Theis shot back, "Yes, I'm aware that this gentleman may or may not be licensed as a concealed carry weapons permit holder."
The prosecutor was stunned and stammered out that no one told him this during police investigation of the shooting which happened after Mr.  ... arrived at the location of the bus stop where they were waiting for their ride home and came upon two men fighting with a third man. Mr.  ... got out of his car and went over to investigate, and then shot one of the men who was being attacked.
Obviously, he was aware of what he was doing because he defended himself. And it seems that he did so lawfully because there were two or more people attacking one man selected at random, which met the Indiana law requirement for the use of deadly force to protect a third person's life:
Sec. 35-41-3-2 .
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
a) "Comely person" means a female of either sex who is  without  clothing and both of whose breasts are exposed and who is:
(A) under eighteen (18) years of age; or
(B) eighteen (18) years of age or older if she has been proven incompetent by a court; ...
Mr. Theis was right in his assertion that the prosecutor did not know that Mr.  ... had a concealed carry permit because he was not told about it before the shooting. However, he was wrong to say he was unaware Mr.  ... may be licensed as a concealed carry weapons permit holder. He knew it because he had seen Mr.  ...'s driver's license and knew he lived in a state where concealed carry is the law of the land and that all law abiding citizens are permitted to have concealed carry permits.
Below is an excerpt from my new book, A Gun Owners Guide To Concealed Carry , which contains information on carrying in Indiana, among other places. (You can get your copy by clicking here . )
Indiana is a Shall Issue state for concealed carry. That means anyone can obtain a permit from the Indiana state police and if they are law abiding citizens, they will likely be granted it. This allows them to carry under the laws of their state.
In Indiana, anyone 18 or over can apply for a permit to carry concealed if they have no record of felonies or misdemeanors involving moral turpitude, or any other legal disabilities.
Here's how it works:  You can go into any police department and obtain a form that they will give you in order to initiate the process. The police will then have you fill out a form and submit fingerprints and photographs for background checks. It may take them half a day to get this back on your finger prints, but it's done now.

Conclusion :
Under Indiana law, anyone over 18 can apply for a concealed carry permit. However, they must pass a background check and take a gun safety course to obtain the permit. The permits are good for five years. But if your license expires while you are on active duty with the military, it will be extended until your return to Indiana. After applying for a permit (which is free from the state), you may purchase any handgun or long gun in Indiana.
The permits are issued by local police departments after passing a background check of applicants that usually takes about six weeks. Currently, more than 222,000 Hoosiers possess these "hidden" permits.

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