Sound Goal Setting Techniques


 Sound Goal Setting Techniques

Successful people are not born successful. They reach their successes because they have a plan, strategic goals and know how to stay focused on the important things that will lead them to success.

Sound goal setting techniques for business and personal life can help you achieve success. Knowing the different tools of goal setting, writing your goals and taking action can be your best investments for a more prosperous future. The following is a list of some sound goal setting techniques you can use to achieve your dreams:
#Share your goals with supportive family members or friends. When others are aware of your goals, they can help you stay on track when things get rough.
#Make your goals measurable. It's hard to know if your goal is attainable if it isn't specific or written down. Your goal should be specific and quantifiable by the deadline you have set so that you can clearly see how successful you were at obtaining it. For example, your goal might be "I want to lose ten pounds within the next month."
#Be specific about the time frame for achieving your goals and make sure you are realistic about it. For example, "I want to lose ten pounds within the next month" is a specific goal, but it might not be realistic because it is too long a time frame. A more realistic goal would be "I want to lose ten pounds within two weeks."
#Make sure your goals are positive and in the present tense. For example, "I will weigh 180lbs in six months" is the negative form of the statement, where as "I weigh 180lbs now" would be in the present tense and therefore sound more positive.
#Write down your goals so that you can read over them whenever you need a refresher course on what it is you want to accomplish. When you feel your goals slipping away, you can look back at them to remind yourself of the purpose and success behind them
#Make sure your goals are aligned with your values. If your goals do not reflect or support your core values, they will be difficult to achieve. For example, if you value honesty and integrity in all decisions that you make, then it is important that all of the steps in achieving your goal are in accordance with these core values.
#Be sure to take action on each goal when it is set. Not taking action on a goal can be as damaging as being completely unrealistic about that goal.

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