The Blessings of the Black Economy
Welcome to the Black Economy, a small corner of the world where things happen. Where people make things happen. Where life is lived at a different frequency than on the surface.
Here you'll find that there are always options; more so than online, where your only choices are what's offered for free and what's for sale. Here you can choose to be creative and build something from scratch or sink into a deep funk over having no earthly idea what to do with your life — because for all its difficulty, life in this universe has infinite worth and value beyond measure when compared to just about anything we're used to here in "the materialist world.
This is where the new world is being born. The First People in this new world live on the fringes of society. They're not always on time. They're not always prepared for life, but they are present for it — which makes them special… and their lives magical.
This is the new frontier.
And it's fertile ground for creating a life that's the best it can be.
Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, and start doing your own thing. Your stuff will never compare to someone else's anyway — and there's no shame in that, since comparison is a thief of joy. If you want to follow someone else's path, then simply model their process for yourself. No one does it exactly like anyone else anyway — not on purpose anyway. We all have our own ways of making things happen and we all bring something different to the table than everyone else.
The trick here is to realize that you're special in your own unique way, and that's one of the best things you can be.
If those who are doing their own thing seem a little different, or rather too different for the average person to relate to, then keep in mind that we've all been there at some point. It's not easy to live on the fringe, but it's where we find the truth. It's where we find out who we really are — when no one else is around.
We are not alone here on the edge of society… but the more people join us, the less interesting it will become within a few years. It's already started happening now. The tipping point is coming. But when it happens, it's not the end of "the real life" — no matter what a lot of people want to believe. It will be another beginning.
For those who understand how this works, they're already living their lives on their own terms without anyone else worrying about them. And they're having the time of their lives doing it… despite what society thinks about them. In fact, there are some who have already made themselves famous by living life on their own terms… simply by following their hearts and doing what feels right for them. These are the people who are the most interesting and inspiring to watch… even if our current world says otherwise.
People who do things on their own terms never seem to be around long — at least, not until they've discovered how to balance living life on their own terms with being able to do things that are expected of them. This is where the real fun begins… but it's also where a lot of people go wrong.
For starters, we need to know how our society measures success and what its expectations are in order to make sure we're successful by its standards rather than our own — because if we don't know where the benchmarks are in advance, then it's easy to get lost and become defensive when others comment on how they see us doing things differently than they would.
People tend to do this for two reasons: 1) They're looking for acceptance; 2) They're looking for a fight.
Most of the time, a person who comments on your ways is simply looking for acceptance from their own tribe — they say what they say because they're used to seeing things done in that way and they're curious as to why you don't do them the same way. Their intentions are good. But you will have to decide if you want to let go of some of your pride and talk about it, or continue doing things the way you've always done them and let it slide. Those of us who are already doing things differently than the ways of society often get caught in the middle when we don't want to let go of our pride and talk about it.
We should definitely be talking about it. It's important that we do so with our friends and family, but also with our community, because that's where most of us are going to end up living and working eventually anyway — if we're not already there now. And that's why it's important to get everything off your chest when you can — even when the person you're talking to is trying to give you a hard time for it.
If we don't talk about our differences with others, then we can expect that everything will eventually be the same. It's just a matter of time. And so if we don't like the way things are going, then it's a great idea to be talking about it all the time. In fact, it's much better to be talking than not talking — and it can even get fun if you do it right.
That being said, there are still those out there who will try to have a fight with you for no real reason other than having a fight, so you should also be prepared for that in advance as well, since many of us have been dealing with this kind of behavior most of our lives.
If you're reading this article, then you're probably not too far gone. You're still on the edge of society. And that's good. If you're in a state of panic because your life isn't going where you thought it would be going by now, then what are you waiting for? Start turning things around today, and stop worrying about how others do things. Just develop your own process for success — and keep moving forward… one step at a time.
In the meantime, let go of all the old ideas about your value on earth and start looking at yourself from a completely different perspective.