Three Keys To Fabric Selection


 Three Keys To Fabric Selection

Instead of avoiding the problem, now it's time to tackle it. In this blog post, I discuss three major considerations for fabric selection. As a last step, choose a fabric with which you feel comfortable and enjoys working with. Down-stuffed cushions don't make for long-lasting furniture, so pick accordingly.

In this blog post we will discuss three key considerations for your new fabric selection: cost , ease of cleaning , and durability    . The first two are obvious but may not be the most important factor in the decision making process while you consider its life expectancy . If you've been following this blog for any length of time, you know that I love to sew with upholstery fabric . If you like to sew with upholstery fabric, it's likely that the durability of your choice is a very important factor. Deterioration in upholstery can be a big deal because:
- Down stuffing creates a lot of heat and moisture which makes possible the expansion and contraction of materials and fibers. This has a big effect on the durability and strength of fabrics.
- The great life expectancy comes only from superior workmanship . Today's machines make such work easy. Consequently, upholstery is not as skilled a trade as it was years ago.
- Lastly, with the wide variety of fabrics available today, not all are created equal . For example, some fabrics at the market almost "explode" with color and texture when you stitch them. This makes them more difficult to match and maintain at a later date or if they are replaced due to damage. Other fabrics have a simple aged look  that never needs replacing.
This post is about fabric selection for down-stuffed furniture because most instances prefer hand sewing a zipper rather than using an invisible zipper installation. The following discussion will focus on the three main factors in making good fabric selection choices. A fourth consideration, ease of washing , is also important to discuss. 
1. Cost:
In a situation where your sewing machine can add an extra strip of down-stuffed seat cushion as an option, you should consider cost when choosing an upholstery fabric . The cost of manufacturer's samples and local industry discounts may impact you because they are available to only a limited number of people. To make an educated decision, it helps to use the internet and look at different fabrics that are ready for immediate delivery  to your home or business location. 
For example, after a recent sewing project, I needed a zipper on my first down-stuffed chair. I ordered the length of zipper online, and the online discount was 30%. Even with shipping costs added to the cost of fabric and zipper, this is still less expensive than buying smaller quantities in local stores.  
A sewing machine can save you a great deal of money if you are able to purchase fabric locally. Many local stores sell only by the yard and charge twice as much for upholstery material . Online retailers offer good savings over local prices because they sell by the wholesale lot and pass their savings directly to us.
In my area, fabric prices are as follows:
2. Easy To Care For:
Whether you buy locally or online, after you have selected the correct upholstery fabric for your project, it's important to remember that it must be easy to care for. I'm not talking about the fact that you must wash the fabric before using it. I'm referring to how easy it is to keep clean from stains and spills . 
For example, most fabrics shrink by a little over one-third of their length when they are washed. In other words, if your upholstery fabric shrinks three inches during washing , then it will shrink less than three inches when you sew on top of it. By using a weight gauge as a guide, you can plan your cutting of fabric so that it will fit correctly.
3. Durability:
The greatest concern for upholstery is the wear and tear caused by aging . Upholstery fabrics are usually very durable once they are installed . However, damage can occur from normal use such as:
- Twisting - A long-standing problem in the industry is twisting. This occurs when you sit on your furniture and lean to one side or the other for a few minutes or hours at a time. The result is that some fibers twist together resulting in loose fibers . The worst thing about twisting is that you cannot use a variety of fabrics because most will not sew at the same time . 
- Scratching - You can either purchase your own fabric for furniture or place it over existing fabric . This method is not always practical, especially when the fabric has to be matched up with existing pieces of upholstery. 
- Soil and Mildew - Dirt and mildew often occur on soft cushions after a few years of service. It is an especially big problem in those climates where mildew grows well during the summer months.
4. Price:
The last consideration for fabric selection is cost . Most fabrics are priced between $5 - $8 per yard depending upon their quantity and thickness. For instance, if you require three yards of fabric, the total cost may be $12.00 per yard .
Once you have made your fabric selection, it is important to lay out two strips of fabric for a zipper. You can either purchase a yard and cut it or cut it yourself if you are confident working with a zipper on an upholstery machine. I would recommend cutting fabric with the grain because there will be less puckering and puckering can cause mis-alignment because of its unevenness .
When cutting your fabrics to size, measure twice and cut once so that they fit perfectly. With down-stuffed furniture, it is important to consider the ease of handling your fabric after you have cut it because extra weight is often required. 
Pressing or ironing can be a time-consuming process. When purchasing fabric from the local retailer, ask for a sample to be pressed on your home roll press . It is a great way to see if the fabric will pass the test. You may have to buy more than one roll in order for you to have enough cotton batting material for your project.
If you purchase your fabric from an online retailer, make sure that they list their shipping weight as 10 - 80 pounds . This range includes cotton, polyester and wool with weights that vary accordingly .

This makes the question of what fabrics are available for down-stuffed upholstery a difficult one to answer. You can often find samples at your local fabric retailer, but not in quantity. Online websites with wholesale locations are usually able to provide enough samples for you to make an informed decision in terms of color and price. 
Depending upon the type of fabric you choose and the number of yards needed, it may be necessary for you to order more than one roll for your down-stuffed project . It is a good idea to check with online retailers before placing your order because they might have different shipping options available .

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