Overcoming self-limiting beliefs and embracing unlimited potential


  Overcoming self-limiting beliefs and embracing unlimited potential

Self-limiting beliefs are damaging, and if you have them, they're likely to hold you back in life.  You may be unaware that you even have a self-limiting belief; the concept of mental blocks may seem too abstract to grasp.

In this article, I'm going to reveal my secret method for overcoming self-limiting beliefs. It’s based on some of the latest research on how our brains work and it has been shown to obliterate such thoughts!

What are you waiting for? Let's get started!

5 Ways We Limit Ourselves That Aren't Actually True.

1. I believe I can't do it!

A self-limiting belief that many of us have is, "I can't do it!". This is a belief that stops you from trying something new or stepping out of your comfort zone.  Of course, there will always be things that you can and can't do, but if you are holding back because you aren’t sure if you can handle the challenge, then this belief could be holding you back.

2. It's too scary…

This is another limiting belief I hear a lot from my clients. They tell me they'd like to be more adventurous but their fear of trying new things holds them back. Even if you know in your head you can do something new (e.g. try a new sport), your mind can say to yourself, "Wow, that sounds scary".

3. I could never do it as well as...

Another common belief is, "I could never do it as well as so-and-so", especially when the so-and-so is someone successful or famous. If you believe that you can't get close to achieving the level of success of an A-list celebrity because they are naturally talented or gifted in a specific skill (e.g., singing) and you aren't, then this will hold you back from trying or practising that skill.

4. I'm not good enough yet...

This is something we've had drummed into our heads for years, with the message of "good enough is never good enough". If you believe that you're not good enough at a task, this will hold you back from giving it a go, and it may also stop you from trying harder to achieve your goals. 

5. It's too much effort...

Being told, "It's too hard" or "it takes too much effort" can be another reason why somebody will tend to avoid a task they would like to do. Although there are things in life that are difficult (e.g. moving a couch or learning a language), it’s important to understand that if you have the will and the determination, you can overcome any obstacle put in front of you.

A self-limiting belief will hold you back from achieving your goals. This is because the brain doesn't distinguish between real and imagined limits - meaning, if you believe there is an actual limit to what you can do, that limit is real.

If your feeling stuck with your self-limiting belief, then take a look at the following practical tips to help overcome them:

5 Ways We Limit Ourselves That Aren't Actually True. / How To Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs .


When you're thinking about something that causes you concern, take the time to think about the facts and not your thoughts. Look at all of the evidence and think about why you have that belief. Often, a self-limiting belief can be completely untrue or exaggerated. If so, it's best to challenge that false belief.


Call your fears what they are - self-limiting beliefs. Ask yourself, "Is that belief based on facts about me or is it made up?" If it's something you've believed for a long time, make sure to look at research to see if your belief is true. If it is, let it go. If the new evidence shows that your old beliefs were wrong then you may need to change your beliefs or thoughts.


When you believe that something is possible, you will tend to have more energy and enthusiasm. You will also work harder than if you believed there was something stopping you from succeeding. Create a list of the benefits of having a new belief. For example, if the belief "I am awesome" replaces the belief "I am not good enough", then it's likely that it will help you feel better about yourself and help you to achieve positive things.


Most people give up when they don't see any results after making an effort or following through with an idea. This is a self-limiting belief. You may say to yourself, "What's the point?" or "It won't work". Those are self-limiting beliefs that stop you from ever trying anything new. Think about all of the people who have achieved amazing things and ask yourself if they could have achieved those things if they were suffering from a self-limiting belief?


Your brain can give you valuable information by responding to your fears with a feeling of anxiety and panic, but try to learn from it and understand why it's there in the first place. Ask yourself, "Why do I have this fear?" And try to understand the reasons for your anger so you can work out how to overcome your fears.

You can learn new techniques to reduce anxiety and find out a way forward to overcome self-limiting beliefs. It's not easy and it takes practice, but you will eventually get better at it!

If you want help overcoming self-limiting beliefs or want me to write about them on my blog, get in touch via the form below!

About The Author: Alex Hill is a personal development writer and coach who helps people reach new levels of success by identifying their limiting beliefs and learning how to minimise them.


Many of us have limiting beliefs that hold us back from achieving our goals and dreams. Knowing the truth about these beliefs is important because it helps us to change them as well as to minimise them.

Most of our self-limiting beliefs are false, exaggerated or based on myths and inaccuracies. They're unhelpful because they say things like, "I can't do this", "I'm not good enough", "It's too hard". We can overcome these limiting beliefs with the right support from others and by recognising our own limitations.

The sooner we can make a diagnosis, the sooner we can start to work on getting rid of these limiting beliefs and also find ways to overcome them.

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